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    ztracené heslo?
    VESNACHBojova umeni jako sport. Souteze, turnaje, zavody, mistrovstvi | MMA,K1,BOX,BJJ,JUDO,GRW: UFC Who is the best fighter in the world?
    MASTA --- ---
    BIOBOID: Nabídky se pohrnou, bude spíš otázkou, co za to bude chtít....
    BIOBOID --- ---
    VESNACH: Klidně i Karlos.
    Ale beru to tak, že nabídky se asi moc nehrnou, tak zkouší vykřesat zajímavej zápas...
    VESNACH --- ---
    BIOBOID: jak ja bych mu pral aby ho denisa posadil na prdel.
    BIOBOID --- ---
    ULRIK --- ---
    FIGHT CLUB news
    3 mins ·
    Pokud se potvrdí zprávy, že Lucie Pudilová nastoupí příští týden v Londýně na turnaji UFC FIGHT NIGHT jako náhradnice proti Lansberg, tak jsme čekali na domácího zástupce pouze dva dny.
    Pudilová se se Švédkou již jednou utkala a odešla poražena. Nicméně zápasy na poslední chvíli přejí často outsidrům a tak věřme, že se informace potvrdí a Lucie se stane první ženou v UFC.
    ROBOTON --- ---
    ROBOTON: tak pridali jeste dalsi super zapas... Frankie Edgar vs Yair Rodriguez!
    ULRIK --- ---
    DETAYL: Tak...porazil toho janevimjaksejmenuje novacka... A mel "chicken" post-fight interview. Asi to staci...
    DETAYL --- ---
    Watch a pissed off Michael Bisping yell in Eddie Bravo's face at the World MMA Awards - MMAmania.com

    Nejvic wtf je ale "He may have been a bit sore since he didn't end up winning International Fighter of the Year, which went instead to Khabib Nurmagomedov." Jak mohl dostat Khabib nejakou cenu? Za co? Proti Bispingovi, Joanne, Conorovi, …
    DAYSIR --- ---
    Viktor Pesta
    4 min ·
    My journey with UFC has officially ended. My journey of a fighter is still at the beginning I believe and my best performances and biggest challenges are far ahead. For now I'm a free agent tho. Whoever has a fight proposal, speak now.
    Moje cesta v UFC je oficiálně u konce. Věřím ale, že jako bojovník jsem pořád na začátku a svoje nejlepší výkony a největší výzvy mám daleko před sebou. Prozatím jsem volnej agent, takže kdo má nabídku na zápas nechť mluví teď.
    ROBOTON --- ---
    BIOBOID: ja bych tipl Pettise juniora, minulej zapas byl fakt skvelej...
    BIOBOID --- ---
    ROBOTON: Miočič, Joanna, Alvarez, Nevim, Masvidal
    Ale fandim Juniorovi, samozřejmě :-)
    DETAYL --- ---
    Another One (DJ Khaled voice)

    Ben Rothwell becomes the latest fighter to fail a USADA drug test - MMAmania.com
    ROBOTON --- ---
    hmm...211 bude docela naslapla, akorat vcera posloucham rozhovor s Alvarezem a bum, uz je na karte...
    Miocic vs Dos Santos
    Joanna vs Andrade
    Alvarez vs Poirier
    Cejudo vs Pettis
    Maia vs Masvidal...

    snad nikdo neodpadne....
    DETAYL --- ---
    Uz se perou!

    ULRIK --- ---
    Tohle zacina bekt epicky!!! :-D

    Tyron Woodley rips into Dana White again, White tells him who ‘calls the shots’ - Bloody Elbow

    That's like me coming out and saying as a fighter that I don’t think he didn't do a good job of promoting the fight. Which I don't. I don't think they've done a good job of promoting me as champion.
    “I'ma just fall back. I'ma do my thing. But God damn, I'ma be a tough dude to deal with."


    "Let me tell you what...when you have a performance like you did at 209 and you get booed for 5 straight rounds and then people are booing so loud you can't even do your interview, you should probably just take your lumps and move on. Get your next fight as fast as you can and try to put that performance behind you."

    "There's one guy around here who calls the shots and as soon as you learn that, the better off you'll be."

    LUCIEN --- ---
    “The one judge that had it 10-8 – we went over it in the debriefing, and that 10-8 was unacceptable. Not that it would have affected the outcome of the fight, but just to share it with you, we certainly strive to do the best we can – we don’t always succeed – and that judge should have scored that round 10-9. You can’t have a three-point swing in 50 seconds.”

    Three-point swing? NSAC director calls out UFC 209 judge for wacky scorecard - MMAmania.com
    LEON_KOWALSKI --- ---
    HATORI --- ---
    V sobotu jsem byl na GCF 38 v Ostravě. Kuznik doma pás nezískal a Čínanovi se ten zápas taky moc nepovedl.
    Zbytek fotek https://www.facebook.com/pg/czechfighters.cz/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1321367724578263

    ROBOTON --- ---
    tohle bude jeste kopec srandy....
    Funny trash talk between Michael Bisping vs George St-Pierre UFC Press Conference highlight
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam