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    ztracené heslo?
    TOMEEKJungle / Drumandbass a všemožné zlámaniny
    SOLDIK --- ---
    da bum tšššš

    ILL_EEL --- ---
    MARIHAI: klidne to muze bejt kampan na obe desky,)
    MIKE_HEKTIK --- ---
    SOLDIK: vis to, nebo si to myslis? no offence..
    neco tam vidim, ale chci vedet, jestli vis neco vic...
    SOLDIK --- ---
    MARIHAI: ano, je to kampan a ja to odmitam. goldie.
    LKD --- ---
    MARIHAI --- ---
    RAWENIEN: A neni to spis pokus o kampan na goldieho desku? :)
    RAWENIEN --- ---
    Připomenout fámu, že jeden z nejvlinějších muzikantů je zároveň jeden z nejvlivnějších vizuálních umělců ever je skvělý způsob, jak začít kampaň na novou desku Massive Attack. Jen hádám - na podzim bude venku. Nicméně to bude funkčnější než sponzorování příspěvků na fb:)
    MTO --- ---
    SYXAO --- ---
    co si pamatuju tak o tom se mluvilo docela dlouho že to je on...
    RONDO --- ---
    ale tak bylo to jasný žejo,
    pro úplnost článek z Sep-2016
    Is Robert Del Naja the real Banksy? Massive Attack member is named as graffiti artist | Daily Mail Online
    VEX --- ---
    fakt vrchol
    FALLENGEMINI --- ---
    je to kokot, no :D
    AKISAN --- ---
    VEX: jako tohle je hodně VELKY! HODNE VELKY! A kdyz si vemu ty covery co delal treba Del Naja pro MoWax, tak mi to hodně na ten Banksy styl sedí, ale NIKDY mě to ani nenapadlo))
    VEX --- ---
    RONDO: tykravo:D
    “Give me a bubble letter and put it on a T-shirt and write Banksy on it and we’re sorted. We can sell it now… No disrespect to Robert, I think he is a brilliant artist. I think he has flipped the world of art over.”
    RONDO --- ---
    Goldie may have confirmed that Banksy is Robert Del Naja
    Goldie suffers major gaffe as he's accused of accidentally revealing the true identity of Banksy
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    SOLDIK: hodne dobry fotky jakoze tematicky (dnb vinyl techstep oldskool) mi tam strasne sedej atmosferou. cenim
    SOLDIK --- ---
    OLDSCHOOLDNB.CZ - drum and bass website - Novinky: ROZHOVOR: Mladý a šikovný, tak se nám představil na svém začátku FallenGemini
    AKISAN --- ---
    FALLENGEMINI --- ---
    AKISAN: amen. sem zamackl slzu.
    AKISAN --- ---
    Zinc to napsal moc pekne:

    DJ Zinc

    I was just up at the Rinse studio for Marcus Intalex tribute show – I didn't really want to talk on the mic because I wasn't sure what to say - but driving home with DJ Ron and Shy fx we got chatting and I worked out what I should have said... I wasn't close to Marcus, I was a real fan and I knew him to chat to, but not really close. What I knew of him I really liked - I was always a bit 'fanboy' around him cos I held him on a pedestal... but when I heard he died, it really hit me, and after thought I realised one aspect that helps to explain the sense of loss - since 1993 I've had one of Marcus' tracks in my dj sets most of the time, and when I started playing house he started Trevino, which I was V happy about - so even though he and I didn't hang out much, he's been kinda with me for nearly 25 years. His music moved me in a way that not much music does. From a selfish point of view (and I feel bad even saying this) I'm so gutted that I'll never get another email with 'new Marcus Intalex promo' or 'new Trevino promo' in my inbox. Having music like that to look forward to was and is the main reason I do this. RIP bro❤️
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