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    ztracené heslo?
    TOMEEKJungle / Drumandbass a všemožné zlámaniny
    VEX --- ---
    RONDO: Přesně. Cenim. Vlastně považuju za zázrak, že jim to 20 let vydrželo v top kvalitě.
    RONDO --- ---
    Kazdopadne by mohlo treba vyjit spinosa ledje xD, desolation a nejaky dalsi vaulty z 2004-2009
    RONDO --- ---
    VEX: elgantni & ve stylu, co jinyho
    ESKA --- ---
    VEX: Za mě supr rozhodnutí!
    VEX --- ---
    VON_GILOTINE: teď jsem rozklik jejich fb:

    NOISIA 2000-2020

    After 20 years of being Noisia, we are ready to become something new.

    We’ve all grown, as people and as musicians. For almost 20 years, all three of us wanted pretty much the same, but we’ve developed, and realized that nowadays we want different things. If we all wanted the same different things, it would make sense to do that as a different Noisia, but we want different different things.

    That’s why we’ve decided that for us, and our listeners, it’s the most honorable and respectful choice to put an end to this chapter, and start the next one. Noisia has always been about making as few compromises as we can. When Noisia becomes a compromise in itself, it's time to move on.

    We’ve tried to realign ourselves over the last few years to keep the wagon on the rails, but the reality still is: we are not who we were before, and the time of doing everything together because we all want the same is behind us.

    Noisia is a game that we’ve completed. There’s very little left for us to explore together. Noisia is a beautifully consolidated shape. And we want to leave Noisia in that shape, rather than keep chiselling at it, with the risk of ruining it. A good artist should know when an artwork is finished.

    What the future holds for us, we honestly don’t know. We still have our studios in the same space, and we will run into each other every day. We are still friends. We will still make music together in some shape or form.

    We want to celebrate our 20th year and the past 20 years together with everyone who’s been involved and made it all possible. We want to go out with a blast and say goodbye to our fans properly, so that we can look back and say “it was an amazing era, and we finished it in style”. We want to do one last year of touring DJ shows, one last year of Noisia Radio, and finish and release the music that we’ve been working on together.

    This was a very hard decision to make, but we thought about it for a long time and it feels like the only right thing to do for us without breaking what we’ve built.

    We are very proud of what we’ve done. We’re incredibly grateful for the opportunity we were given to share our music and vision with so many people, and we feel greatly indebted to all those who helped us along the way. We’re excited about making the last year as Noisia as memorable as we can, and we’re curious to see what will come after.

    TL;DR: We’ve decided to stop being Noisia at the end of 2020.


    Nik, Martijn, Thijs
    VON_GILOTINE --- ---
    coze je s tou noisii?
    LORENZO --- ---
    Rockwell - Belief Systems

    Rhythm of life with Rockwell, Counterstrike, Hybris, 2k, Thez a Rido, Ark3r
    RAVEBOY --- ---
    Stalin Siesta: Roots'n'Future DJs

    Letos poprvé se na taneční parket vrací pražské multižánrové uskupení Roots’n’Future. Původně vyrůstající z reggae-dubových, jungleových i freetekno kořenů, za 14 let své existence si vybudovalo solidní reputaci vycházející z nezaměnitelných DJ setů, ze spoluprací s respektovanými osobnostmi široké škály bass music i z dlouhodobě konzistentní podpory pouličního a politického aktivismu. V posledních letech pak sklízí uznání za vlastní dubovou produkci a živá vystoupení pod hlavičkami United Forces of Dub, Mustakillah Sound nebo Shakk-Attack.

    [ Stalin Siesta: Roots'n'Future DJs / partyparty / 15.9.2019 / CR - Praha - Stalin ]

    AKISAN --- ---

    DJ Marky interview at Bal Harbour 2018
    KYN --- ---
    AKISAN --- ---

    Goldie - Crystal Clear (HLZ Remix)
    AKISAN --- ---
    Goldie- 'Saturnz Return' Documentary
    LKD --- ---
    Skeptical zDARma
    8am to 1am | Skeptical

    SYXAO --- ---
    AKISAN: jo ujde...
    AKISAN --- ---
    Docela good, sem neznal...

    UK Apache with Shy FX - Original Nuttah 25 (Chase & Status Remix ft. Irah)
    M4Y4 --- ---
    OPIC: Pokud osud určil, že tu má být, tak tu bude.) Rob každopádně přestal hrát mimo Glasgow, z rodinných důvodů. :/
    SOLDIK --- ---
    L4MA: to je ta surova (puvodni) a celkem neposlouchatelna verze. srovnal jsem hladiny tracku, ted je to stravitelnejsi:

    [ SOLDIK @ dnb mp3 - sety, podcasty, mixy, etc.. ]
    L4MA --- ---

    Kemal_Mix_FantasyFM-21-08-19.mp3 - AnonFiles
    OPIC --- ---
    takze kdy bude Wormhole Kemal & Rob Data? :D
    MEDAN --- ---
    Kemal (Konflict) Live now..... | DOA | Drum & Bass Forum
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