V osmatřicátém díle Audire si představíme britskou variantu garage. Ukážeme si, čím navazovala na newyorský sound a v čem se odlišovala, kde se vzala speed garage a doputujeme až k 2-stepu a breakstepu, k tomu sexy soulovému i k tomu temnému technoidnímu. It’s a London ting!
A pozor, tentokrát začínáme opravdu v sedm!
The thirty-eighth installment of Audire is going to present a British take on garage. We will introduce its link to the New York sound and what made it different, where speed garage came from, and we’ll come up to 2-step and breakstep, to the sexy soulful one and to the dark technoid one as well. It’s a London ting!
And watch out, we begin at seven o'clock this time for real!