MYDRIM: na druhej strane, "krt" je francuzky "taupe" a "koza" tiez nie je "skine", ani "skin" a zevraj sa naozaj pouzivala krtia koza na dake zapisnky.. Takze BERIEM SPET to moje "preco by sa to malo vyslovovat anglicky":) ; je to na wikipedii: "The name itself of “Moleskine” is a nickname that Chatwin uses in one of his most celebrated writings, The Songlines (1986). In this book Chatwin tells the story of his original supplier of notebooks, a Paris stationer who in 1986 informed him that the last notebook manufacturer, a small family-run firm of Tours, had discontinued production that year, after the death of the owner. “Le vrai Moleskine n’est plus” are the lapidary words Chatwin puts in the mouth of the owner of the stationary shop in Rue de l’Ancienne Comédie."
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