Tento klub je urcen pro vsechny, kteri se zajimaji vynilovou grafiku a jeji pouziti v reklame. Rad bych zde mel smysluplnou diskuzi o cemkoli spojenem s timto tematem napr. nove trendy, navody, opravy starsich stroju, sdileni informaci o vyrobcich a dodavatelich plotteru, vinylu a inkoustu...
Take bych uvital diskuzi nad tim jak vest firmu produkujici takovou reklamu, aby byla fair k majiteli, zamestnancum i zakaznikum.
Na nastence naleznete uzitecne odkaz/y a v budoucnu podrobnejsi informace
This board is for everyone interested in vinyl graphics and advertisment. I would like to have a meaningfull discussion about anything related to the topic, ie. new trends, tutourials, service of old machines, sharing information about producers and supliers of plotters, vinyls, inks...
Also I would realy apreciate a discussion about how to run a vynil business in a way that is fair to the owner, employees and clients.
You can find usefull link/s at the homepage
btw. Hadky, nevhodny slovnik (Flames, strong words) = RO