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    DARJEELBreakthrough - prorážení skořápky reality
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Náš mozek neslyší zvuky a nevidí světlo. Skutečnost celou dobu jen odhaduje a to nejlepší, co zatím „zjistil“ a co se mu opakovaně potvrdilo, je, že nám to pak předkládá jako skutečnost, kterou vnímáme.“
    Ve své přednášce nám Anil Seth na příkladech ukazuje, že „místo toho, abychom byli jen pasivními pozorovateli vnějšího světa, ho také aktivně generujeme.
    Průkopník ve fyzice Sir James Jeans řekl, že „poznání jako takové směřuje k nemechanické skutečnosti, vesmír a svět se začínají stále více a více podobat jedné velké mysli než velkému stroji. Vypadá to tak, že mysl již více není jen nějakým náhodným prvkem, jenž nějak pronikl do hmotného světa…

    The Universe as a Consciousness Created Simulation and Proofs of God

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    (...) Jak řekl sám Max Planck: „Vědomí považuji za prvotní, za samotný základ. Hmota je už jen projevem vědomí, je z něj odvozena.“
    Jinými slovy, vědomí je nutným předpokladem, bez něhož by nebylo možné formulovat existenci hmoty. Vědomí a hmota, tyto dva zdánlivě rozdílné fenomény, jsou spolu provázané způsobem, jenž teprve teď začínáme opravdu chápat.
    Série šesti přelomových experimentů, jejichž výsledky byly zveřejněny v odborném žurnálu Physics Essays (Eseje z fyziky), poukazuje na to, že vědomí hraje při utváření materiální skutečnosti nezanedbatelnou roli.

    Známý neurovědec vysvětluje, jak náš mozek vytváří skutečnost prostřednictvím procesu halucinování - Moc vědomí

    Anil Seth - Conscious Perception as Controlled Hallucination
    SCHWEPZ --- ---

    Vědci aplikovali slepým potkanům do oční sítnice tekuté nanočástice, zrak se jim vrátil | Plus

    Každá z nanočástic funguje jako malý fotovoltaický článek, který přeměňuje světlo na elektrické napětí.
    Právě tak fungují i světločivé buňky v oční sítnici.

    MTO --- ---
    Engineers Successfully Test New Chip With Download Speeds of 44.2 Terabits Per Second
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Why Are You Alive – Life, Energy & ATP
    IXTREMIST --- ---
    Nejvýkonnější počítač světa našel látky proti novému koronaviru - Seznam Zprávy
    MTO --- ---
    Entire Collection of Dead Sea Scroll Fragments at US Museum Turns Out to Be Fake

    A thorough investigation of one of the world's most valuable collections of Dead Sea Scroll fragments has revealed a shocking truth: not one of the collection's 16 fragments analysed is authentic.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Vědci vůbec poprvé objevili v meteoritu kompletní molekulu proteinu – a jsou si v podstatě jisti tím, že nepochází ze Země.
    Odborníci z Harvard University a biotechnologických společností PLEX Corporation a Bruker po analýze vzorků meteoritu Acfer 086 dospěli k závěru, že stavební bloky tohoto proteinu se chemicky liší od stavebních bloků pozemských proteinů. Více na: https://vtm.zive.cz/...ult.aspx?fbclid=IwAR0PWnbg1S0VcliAyeN4YqPXsXHVYIsseRW43jBOvreq7iNYUQb1GYR_26g

    [2002.11688] Hemolithin: a Meteoritic Protein containing Iron and Lithium
    This paper characterizes the first protein to be discovered in a meteorite.

    Analýza dvou meteoritů přinesla první důkaz o výskytu cukerné složky RNA ve vesmíru – VTM.cz

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Most of the edible plants in the rainforest were planted by humans over 4500 years ago, new study finds. Modern farmers should look to these ancient forest gardeners for the key to sustainable food production.
    Ancient humans were practicing a form of agriculture known as horticulture or permaculture in the Amazonian rainforest 4500 years ago, which researchers have concluded is responsible for the overwhelming abundance of edible plants we now find there
    They say the long-term success of the “forest-gardening” method of food production serves as a model of sustainability for modern farmers.
    The study is the first detailed history of long-term human land use in the region conducted by archaeologists, paleoecologists, botanists and ecologists from the University of Exeter in England.
    It shows that humans had a more profound effect on the supposedly “untouched” rainforest than previously thought, introducing crops to new areas, boosting the number of edible tree species and using fire to improve the nutrient content of soil,
    The researchers found evidence of maize, sweet potato, manioc and squash farming as early as 4,500 years ago in Eastern Brazil.

    The legacy of 4,500 years of polyculture agroforestry in the eastern Amazon

    The Amazon is a Man-Made Food Forest, Researchers Discover

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    How trees secretly talk to each other - BBC News
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    First-Ever “Pig-Monkey Chimeras” Born in Chinese Lab

    World's first pig-monkey hybrids created by scientists - OrissaPOST

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    „Jsou to nové živé stroje. Nejde ani o tradiční roboty, ani o některý z dosud známých druhů zvířat.“

    Vědci sestavili první roboty kompletně z živých buněk – xenoboty | Radio Wave

    UVM and Tufts Team Builds First Living Robots
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Your Textbooks Are Wrong, This Is What Cells Actually Look Like
    FRAKTALEK --- ---
    The Information Theory of Life
    The polymath Christoph Adami is investigating life’s origins by reimagining living things as self-perpetuating information strings.

    In the following interview, Adami defines information as “the ability to make predictions with a likelihood better than chance,” and he says we should think of the human genome — or the genome of any organism — as a repository of information about the world gathered in small bits over time through the process of evolution. The repository includes information on everything we could possibly need to know, such as how to convert sugar into energy, how to evade a predator on the savannah, and, most critically for evolution, how to reproduce or self-replicate. This reconceptualization doesn’t by itself resolve the issue of how life got started, but it does provide a framework in which we can start to calculate the odds of life developing in the first place.
    Life is information stored in a symbolic language. It’s self-referential, which is necessary because any piece of information is rare, and the only way you make it stop being rare is by copying the sequence with instructions given within the sequence. The secret of all life is that through the copying process, we take something that is extraordinarily rare and make it extraordinarily abundant.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Human Brain-Like Functions Emerge in Neuromorphic Metallic Nanowire Network

    An international joint research team led by NIMS succeeded in fabricating a neuromorphic network composed of numerous metallic nanowires. Using this network, the team was able to generate electrical characteristics similar to those associated with higher-order brain functions unique to humans, such as memorization, learning, forgetting, becoming alert and returning to calm. The team then clarified the mechanisms that induced these electrical characteristics


    approach to brain research—in which materials and systems capable of performing brain-like functions are created and their mechanisms are investigated—may be effective in identifying new applications of brain-like information processing and advancing brain science.


    The joint research team recently built a complex brain-like network by integrating numerous silver (Ag) nanowires coated with a polymer (PVP) insulating layer approximately 1 nanometer in thickness. A junction between two nanowires forms a variable resistive element (i.e., a synaptic element) that behaves like a neuronal synapse. This nanowire network, which contains a large number of intricately interacting synaptic elements, forms a “neuromorphic network.” When a voltage was applied to the neuromorphic network, it appeared to “struggle” to find optimal current pathways (i.e., the most electrically efficient pathways). The research team measured the processes of current pathway formation, retention and deactivation while electric current was flowing through the network and found that these processes always fluctuate as they progress, similar to the human brain’s memorization, learning, and forgetting processes. The observed temporal fluctuations also resemble the processes by which the brain becomes alert or returns to calm. Brain-like functions simulated by the neuromorphic network were found to occur as the huge number of synaptic elements in the network collectively work to optimize current transport, in the other words, as a result of self-organized and emerging dynamic processes.

    The research team is currently developing a brain-like memory device using the neuromorphic network material. The team intends to design the memory device to operate using fundamentally different principles than those used in current computers. For example, while computers are currently designed to spend as much time and electricity as necessary in pursuit of absolutely optimum solutions, the new memory device is intended to make a quick decision within particular limits even though the solution generated may not be absolutely optimum. The team also hopes that this research will facilitate understanding of the brain’s information processing mechanisms
    TADEAS --- ---
    Inter-plant communication through mycorrhizal networks mediates complex adaptive behaviour in plant communities

    MNs influence the survival, growth, physiology, health, competitive ability and behaviour of the plants and fungi linked in the network. How the MN affects the member plants and fungi is increasingly understood to involve plant–fungal–plant communication, and may involve biochemical signalling (Song et al. 2010; Babikova et al. 2013), resource transfers (Francis and Read 1984; Simard et al. 1997a, b; He et al. 2009; Teste et al. 2009) or action-potential-driven electrical signals (Baluŝka et al. 2006; Kai et al. 2009). The responses of the plants and fungi to this communication are rapid, and thus can be described as behavioural responses, allowing us to refocus our understanding of the significance of MNs through the lens of plant behaviour
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