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    ztracené heslo?
    JOHNY115MBTI - osobnostní test navržený pro identifikaci osobnosti
    NAVARA --- ---
    HITOMI: sorry, nemuze to fungovat, protoze jsi
    1) beran
    2) entp
    ? :)
    HITOMI --- ---
    DIVA: zkousela jsem obe mozne kombinace (xNTP + INTJ) a nejako to nesedi ani jedno :))
    NAVARA --- ---
    DIVA: to bude za chvili jak horoskop... :)
    DIVA --- ---
    pro mbti-uvědomělé žijící ve vztazích :) jak vidíte tydle charakteristiky, je na tom něco? :)

    DIVA --- ---
    DOOMBRINGER: dobrý vkus! ;))
    DOOMBRINGER --- ---
    MICHIGAN: Praveze nemam.. Neco mi vychazelo i kolem 90%.. Kdovi jak to vyhodnocujou.. =)

    DIVA: No, me se vic libi ENTP.. =)
    SAJAGI --- ---
    Hlásím se do klubu INTP. Mimochodem, moc pěkné počtení je zde: http://www.intp.org/intprofile.html
    GAF --- ---
    LARK: wow judging skoro na stejný úrovni jako perceiving a perceiving přesně o ten kousek, o které je důležitější chápat než člověk začne posuzovat !

    Gratuluju :) ! Mam dojem, že by z tebe měl radost Ježíš, náhodný mystik nebo každý 42. buddhista.
    _BENNY --- ---
    NAVARA: Sensing nuda! ;)
    NAVARA --- ---
    _BENNY: trochu senzingu do toho! :)
    DIVA --- ---
    mno, tak to asi zkoušet (navenek) a hledat (v sobě)
    DIVA --- ---
    LARK: možná by mohl stačit intp, uka výsledky mbti s procenty
    _BENNY --- ---
    LARK: ano, to jsou oni, citlivi muzi ktere vy citlive zeny hledate ;D
    HITOMI --- ---
    LARK: vsechny pocity se daj ale logicky vysvetlit, snazi se nad tim jenom trochu zamyslet a pomalu se k tomu s pomoci toho druheho dobrat.
    Me zas naopak tohle dost vyhovuje :) Lepsi nez "ty mi ale vubec nerozumis" "to bys nepochopila" etc...
    _BENNY --- ---
    LARK: pokud te toci predevsim to lpeni na logice, pak si s INTJs radeji nic nezacinej :)
    DIVA --- ---
    LARK: nemyslím, ideální prostě bude inFj, pro enfp
    _BENNY --- ---
    LARK: pokuds utekla protoze jsi mu nerozumela a chtela ses spis jenom bavit, jsi mlada a existuje nejaka pravdepodobnost ze bys z toho mohla vyrust, tak prehodnocuj, jinak to asi nema smysl :-)
    _BENNY --- ---
    DIVA: vylozene nekomplikovane bytosti! ;)
    DIVA --- ---
    _BENNY: :D neodolatelné povahy toto! ;))
    _BENNY --- ---
    LARK: s INTJ je to taky odvaz, tady mas navod jak na nej, je to naprosto jednoduche! ;))

    1. Be willing to back up your statements with facts - or at least some pretty sound reasoning.

    2. Don't expect them to respect you or your viewpoints just because you say so. INTJ respect must be earned.

    3. Be willing to concede when you are wrong. The average INTJ respects the truth over being "right". Withdraw your erroneous comment and admit your mistake and they will see you as a very reasonable person. Stick to erroneous comments and they will think you are an irrational idiot and treat everything you say as being questionable.

    4. Try not to be repetitive. It annoys them.

    5. Do not feed them a line of bull.

    6. Expect debate. INTJs like to tear ideas apart and prove their worthiness. They will even argue a point they don't actually support for the sake of argument.

    7. Do not mistake the strength of your conviction with the strength of your argument. INTJs do not need to believe in a position to argue it or argue it well. Therefore, it will take more than fervor to sway them.

    8. Do not be surprised at sarcasm.

    9. Remember that INTJs believe in workable solutions. They are extremely open-minded to possibilities, but they will quickly discard any idea that is unfeasible. INTJ open-mindedness means that they are willing to have a go at an idea by trying to pull it apart. This horrifies people who expect oohs and ahhs and reverence. The ultimate INTJ insult to an idea is to ignore it, because that means it's not even interesting enough to deconstruct.

    This also means that they will not just accept any viewpoint that is presented to them. The bottom line is "Does it work?" - end discussion.

    10. Do not expect INTJs to actually care about how you view them. They already know that they are arrogant bastards with a morbid sense of humor. Telling them the obvious accomplishes nothing.
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