Wangari Maathai/stará japonská legenda - The Hummingbird, Royal Geographical Society, 2007
Let me conclude with a little story that like to give, because i have talked about a lot of issues - i know you are all very well informed and you probably think "What can WE do?"
I would like to tell the story of a Hummingbird. I dont know how many of you have heard of me the story of a Hummingbird. But i would like to tell the story of the hummingbird, because quite often, we feel overwhelmed. So this story of a hummingbird, which i learned from japan, is the story of a forrest that caught fire. And it was a huge fire. And it was raging. And all the animals came out of the forrest and stood by the edge of the forrest. And they were watching the fire. They were very overwhelmed, they were powerless, they felt like there was nothing they could do, because the problem was too much for them.
Except of this little hummingbird.
The hummingbird said: "I am going to do something about the fire." So, it flew to the nearest stream. Took a drop of water and flew back and put it on the fire. Then back again, brought another drop of water and put it on the fire. And it kept going as fast as it could, everytime bringing a drop of water and putting it on the fire. In the meantime, all these animals are dicouraging it and perseuding it not to bother, because its too little, his mouth is too little, he is bringing a very little water.. and some of the animals talking like this were an elephants with those big trunks which could bring much more water, but the hummingbird just kept doing what it knew best - without wasting any time. And, to stop them, when they said: "what do you think you are doing?" the hummingbird said:
"i am doing the best i can."
And for me, and i hope for you - thats what we can do. Wherever we are, whatever we are. There is something in our lives that we can do. No matter how small it is. Colectively, it will make a difference. So, be a hummingbird, in your comunity. Whatever you are.
Wangari Maathai je žena, jenž v r. 1977 založla neziskovou organizaci "Green Belt Movement", které se dodnes podařilo vysadit 40 000 000 stromů v celé keni, zastavit postup pouště a defakto tak zachránit celý místní ekosystém.