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    ztracené heslo?
    KOUDYHodinky - Jake mate? Jake chcete? O kterych snite? obrazky,rady,diskuze
    KOUDY --- ---
    hmmm nekdo na chronomagu prodava tyhle nadhery za 180

    IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN PORTUGIESER 7 DAYS - Prodám - Chronomag fórum

    GREGI --- ---
    ja stopuju radsi na mobilu protoze tam je odpocet;D od hodinek potrebuju jenom cas nic vic
    KALIBAN --- ---
    PROFOR: Jasně! Na certinach asi pětkrát... Na grand carrerach asi nikdy ;-)
    AUDIAC --- ---
    PROFOR: jako všechny komplikace u hodinek - včetně ukazování času samotnýho - je to především proto, že se to líbí, protože všechno umí stejně dobře nebo i líp každej mobil za zlomek ceny. ale asi každej, kdo má na hodinkách chronograf minimálně jednou řekl "hele vole já ti to stopnu, mám přece chronograf" :)
    DRAK00LA --- ---
    GREGI: ja je menil za jiny hodinky, ale v tomhle stavu, s kabickou a po servisu bych to videl nekde okolo 20K (tady sli jedny za 1000E http://cda.chronomania.net/forum_entry.php?id=88025)
    GREGI --- ---
    DRAK00LA: naajs za kolik?:)
    PROFOR --- ---
    Jako purista s focusem na co nejmin komplikaci v hodinkach se zeptam: pouzili jste nekdo skutecne (nebo dokonce pouzivate casto) funkci chronographu, nebo se to lidem proste jen libi?
    DRAK00LA --- ---
    GREGI: By se ti mohly libit Vulcain, co jsem nedavno poridil.)

    GREGI --- ---
    jinak kdybych nosil nejake jine hodinky nez od sebe, tak nejake historicke nejlepe:) stale vede neco na tento zpusob

    GREGI --- ---
    JOPS: vypada to jak z 3D tiskarny;D
    LEXXA --- ---
    JOPS: parkrat se vykalis a hned je prestanes mit rad :)
    JOPS --- ---
    LEXXA: ty jo, to neni uz tak hrozna cena :) ale ja sve ledviny mam fakt moc rad....
    LEXXA --- ---
    JOPS: jsou ve sleve kamo. 73% off. prodej ledvinu a jsou tvoje. a napis si jeziskovi spis o tu ledvinu pac kdo by se tahal s hodinkama :)
    263-38LE-3 Ulysse Nardin Black Ocean Black Dial Mens Automatic Watch.
    JOPS --- ---
    tak kdyz jsme u toho Jeziska, tak ja bych prosil tyto


    WOJTYLA --- ---
    BADHORSE: já to objednal před 14 dny:-)
    BADHORSE --- ---
    WOJTYLA: no me to uz jako ferovej pristup neprisel...to zpozdeni bylo prece uz jenom vic jak mesic
    DRAGON --- ---
    jako ze si spocitas cas, to je mi jasny, ale jinak je to uplne k hovnu, na to stacej moje festiny za bura co jsou do 10ti atmosfer.
    DRAGON --- ---
    WOJTYLA: jak?
    WOJTYLA --- ---
    jinak tohle je překnej přístup ferovej...

    MVMT Watches

    Hello vojtech travnicek

    Our next shipment of watches are due to arrive tomorrow the 20th. Once we receive this shipment we will immediately start to have all orders sent out. We are optimistic all orders will be delivered in time for Christmas, but want to make sure we are as transparent as possible through this process.
    International customers: We are expediting shipping using DHL 1-3 day international. This means that your order will be on a plane by Saturday the 21st. All international orders will be in their desired countries by Monday morning and then are pending customs clearance and transit times from there. We are optimistic they will arrive in time for Christmas, however can never be certain with customs delays. You will receive an email update WITH tracking when it ships.
    Domestic customers: With our fulfillment center being in Delaware, if you are on the East coast or Midwest, there is a very good chance you will receive your order in 1-2 business days and in time for Christmas. West coast customers will likely take 3 days. This gives it the possibility of it to arrive by the 24th. If not, you should have it on the 26th.

    If you’d like to change your shipping address please respond to this email with the subject “Change Address” and provide the following information.

    Shipping Name:
    New Address:

    If you’re not interested in waiting, we are happy to issue you a full refund.

    For a Full Refund please respond to this email with the subject “Refund” and provide the following information.

    Shipping Name:
    Order #:

    We understand your frustration and have taken every necessary step in order to get you your watch in the quickest time possible. We hope you understand the circumstances and appreciate your patience with us.

    Happy Holidays

    -Mvmt Team
    WOJTYLA --- ---
    DRAGON: je pro přesnost s hodinkama a hloubkomerem se samozřejmě bezpečně provest ponor dá...

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