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    ztracené heslo?
    HAITAGANSeriály Josse Whedona - Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dr. Horrible, Dollhouse, SHIELD (???)
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    jako 13ka hodne, hodne dobra

    akorat me prekvapilp kolik jsme se toho dozvedeli; je tam odpoved prakticky na vsechno, co by nas mohlo zajimat. O cem bude druha rada?
    E42 --- ---
    A Dollhouse.S01E00.Original.Unaired.Pilot.DVDRip.XviD-REWARD taky :)
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    Dollhouse Season 1 - Epitaph One Sneak Peek !

    nemuzu se dockat az vyjdou DVD...pry koncem tohoto mesice...
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    z Morning Spoilers


    So why will season two be better than season one? Joss Whedon explains:

    We really understand the show now. We understand what works, and what didn't work so well or what we weren't so thrilled about. We don't have the onus of trying to be a big hit sitting on our shoulders. We can just be ourselves. And so the stories we're breaking are pure, and exciting, and everybody's on-board in the room, and it's never flowed better.

    As for what will happen, he says the stories will expand on the second half of season one, and a lot of the plots are driven by wanting to have the most fun with these actors, and seeing all the stuff Eliza Dushku can become. Plus expanding the mythology of the Dollhouse. As for Alpha, the season won't pick up right away with "We've got to find Alpha!" Rather, the character will be used sparingly. As for Echo, here's her storyline in the new season:
    Echo wants to find not just Caroline, but what's going on behind everything. She doesn't have all of the skills. [Laughs] But she does have this weird super power of becoming a different person all the time, so she might start using that more specifically to find out who Caroline was and what happened to her and why this place exists.

    And surprise: Echo's past imprints may not be as wiped out as the Dollhouse would like to believe.
    E42 --- ---
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    HAITAGAN: jo vlastne Felicia ma byt v tom epilogu k prvni serii...nevite kdy se ho dockame?
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    BARTIAS: super! Jeste Juliet Landau a Feliciu Day a je to dream team ::)
    BARTIAS --- ---
    Whedon chce do druhe serie Dollhouse pritahnout Summer Glau


    Summer: "I would like to play a normal girl before I die of extreme old age."
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    repost z fantasy-scifi.net/taverny:

    Buffy remake :-/
    NYX --- ---
    Surprise: Fox RENEWS 'Dollhouse'--The Live Feed
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    oh God oh God oh God.... nevydrzim do pristiho dilu!!!! aaaahhh, proc, proc musi jedenacty dil koncit takhle otevrene! :( :( :(
    BARTIAS --- ---
    zacina me fakt stvat Mellie, byt Paul tak uz ji davno uskrtim :)
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    whoaaaa... desata epizoda fakt zuuzo, zacinam prehodnocovat svuj postoj k Dollhouse a modlit se za druhou serii! :)
    BARTIAS --- ---
    ...akorat to nejak nema dej :D
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    E42: jako nedosahuje to kvality ani nejhorsiho dilu Buffy, ale pro fanouska je to zajimave a pravda, ta jejich valley anglictina je tam jedna z tech lepsich veci, takze dubbing je samozrejme je no good :)
    E42 --- ---
    HAITAGAN: Mně to teda přišlo úplně úděsný, ale je možný, že jsem to viděl dabovaný, čímž by se to vysvětlovalo. Asi proženu torrenty a dám tomu 2nd chance.
    HAITAGAN --- ---
    tak jsem prave zkouknul Buffy film z 92, (posledni kus Buffyverse ktery mi jeste zbyval prozkoumat) a neni to tak priserne jako se rika :) ...pride mi ze SMG na Kristy Swanson vyborne navazala, ty dve jsou si nejak podobne (akorat Kristy moc neumi hrat)...a radovi upiri jsou ve filmu imho lepsi nez v serialu, a Buffy prvni watcher je taky docela cool..akorat to nejak nema dej, to je trochu minus :D
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