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    ztracené heslo?
    MARECEKMagazines & eBooks (Casopisy a knihy v pdf, epub, mobi...) - vymena a sdileni digitalniho ctiva
    MARECEK --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---

    PDF | English | 115 pages | 28,5 MB
    [upload] ilustrace, games , games art ..atd (malovane kundicky z pocitacovych her )
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    kdyby nahodou tak chci presne tohle :

    KEPASO --- ---
    computer arts 2004. tu to bude jednodussi...taham jeste 2005, ale je tam jen prvnich 6 cisel.

    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: pucil jsem si obrazek :D
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---

    computer arts 2004 magazines
    ART, design, .ps , .ai , atd...

    cela serka roku 2004? (asi)

    linky jedou zatim http://www.heroturko.com/2007/11/27/computer-arts-2004-magazine..html
    KEPASO --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: ahoj, no ja bych bral maximum computer arts, computer arts projects a digital arts. at se z toho muzu pos--t. kdyby to casem nekde viselo, klanel bych se :).
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    MARECEK --- ---
    moh bych vas ve vlastnim zajmu poprosit aby jste uploady necim tagovali kvuli filtru? - nejlip neco ala [upload] aby se nejak pohodlne hledalo v uploadech?
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    KOC256: muzes prosim trochu doplnit rozsah / jaky cisla ...hodil bych to na nastenku , dik
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---

    tohle ?

    New Scientist Magazine - 3rd, January 2009
    PDF | English | 5 MB


    WICKPICK --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: pecka. diky...
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    Enki Bilal - The Nikopol Trilogy

    ++ comics, CBR, art
    enki Bilal - The Nikopol Trilogy
    176 pages | Publisher: Humanoids - Rebellion | Rapidshare | 93 MB

    The Nikopol Trilogy brings together three previously published volumes Carnival of Mortals, Woman Trap and Cold Equator all impressive works of imagination meticulously written, drawn and colored by European comics artist Bilal. It's the year 2023 and Alcide Nikopol has been revived from a state of suspended animation after 30 years orbiting Earth. In the meantime, the planet has suffered two nuclear wars, and France is ruled by the ruthless dictator J.F. Choublanc. The immortal gods of Egyptian antiquity have also reawakened to revive their rule over humanity, and they now hover above the crumbling technopolis of Paris in a massive stone pyramid/airship. Horus, the renegade falcon god, takes possession of Nikopol's body, rendering him immortal, and concocts a conspiracy to overthrow the Choublanc regime. When Nikopol cracks under the pressure of Horus's possession, he is reduced to muttering the poetry of Baudelaire while he wanders the halls of a mental hospital. "Woman Trap" picks up two years later in a war-torn London. Blue-haired news correspondent Jill Bioskop dispatches stories 30 years into the past using a device called a scriptwriter, while she takes pills to eradicate the bloody memories of men she has murdered. In "Cold Equator" the story is further complicated as Nikopol's son boards a train bound for Equator City, an African metropolis afflicted with a freezing micro-climate of minus-six degrees, but surrounded by desert and surrealistically populated by sub-Saharan wildlife. Intricate plot twists and stunning color artwork mark this work as both an extraordinary comics literary achievement and a crackling good story.


    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    Digital Arts September 2008

    Digital Arts September 2008
    PDF | English | 37 MB

    Digital Arts addresses the needs of those within the exploding digital media market by providing relevant and forward thinking content, and by consistently running more exclusive reviews and features than any other magazine or Web site in the market. Now in its fifth year, Digital Arts consistenly delivers high-quality content, providing its professional readership with the latest news and reviews first.

    Download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0NP2ELVT
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    Modern Design №5 — November 2007 g

    Modern Design №5 — November 2007

    ++ Graphic, Design, arts, architecture
    100 pages | PDF | 18 mb
    ++ Graphic, Design, arts, architecture
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    Graphic Design for the 21st Century: 100 of the World's Best Graphic Designers (Midi) (French and German Edition)

    ++ book, design, graphic, art

    Covering a vast range of cutting-edge graphics, with politically charged anti-commercial work placed in the same context as Nike’s latest ads, this book presents a sweeping look at today’s most progressive graphic currents - from signage at packaging to branding and web design.

    Download Links:
    KUBA687 --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN, ZURICI_BYK: graphic design for the 21st century už je různě na netu ke stažení. třeba tady: http://rs179.rapidshare.com/files/49288467/Taschen_Graphic_Design_21St_Century.pdf
    leda že bys měl českou verzi... pak bych měl opravdu zájem. anebo že rád skenuješ (:
    ZURICI_BYK --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: Ahoj, mel bych zajem o ten Graphic design...bylo by to mozne? :)
    MARECEK --- ---
    KOC256: rs je jedna z nejlepsich investic kazdy 3 mesice.. :)
    MARECEK --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: je prakticky jedno kam se budou veci davat...-jenom bych nerad aby byly ukladany na nyxu jako priloha k prispevku...
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    KOC256: to je skoda , ten mam taky :)
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