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    MARECEKMagazines & eBooks (Casopisy a knihy v pdf, epub, mobi...) - vymena a sdileni digitalniho ctiva
    Magazines & eBooks

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  • :::WISHLIST:::

    CRUEL_ELLEGAN : MAXIM, Computer Arts Projects, CREW a comics HQ,
    THOMASC : futuremusic, veškeré tiskoviny o hudbě v angl., letectví a kousmonautika
    GOURYELLA : Level, score 1997 - 2000
    MOONCOCK : new scientist (leden - americky vydani)
    KEPASO : computer arts, computer arts projects a digital arts

    rozbalit záhlaví
    MIMA_A --- ---
    CHUCKCHODESSA: a co presne?
    MIMA_A: byl by nejaky link prosim? taky by me to zajimalo... diky
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    ma tu nekdo zajem o comics ? tady sou kazdej tejden nove sesity - http://www.oneddl.com/?s=comics napriklad : http://www.oneddl.com/ebooks/comic-roundup-week-of-december-9-2009/
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    Encyclopedia of Gangs
    Greenwood Press | 2007-11-30 | ISBN: 0313334021 | 312 pages | PDF | 5 MB

    This encyclopedia seeks to illuminate the world of gangs, including gang formations, routine gang activities, aberrations and current developments. One hundred essay entries related to gangs in the United States and worldwide provide a diffuse overview of the gang phenomenon. Each entry defines and explains the term, provides an historical overview, and explains its significance today. As the following entries demonstrate, gangs are part of the fabric of American society. They are not only in our communities but also our schools and other social institutions. Understanding the world of gangs is therefore needed to understand American society. Entries include: Bikers, Bloods, Cholas, Crips, gang mythology, gang warfare, graffiti, Hell's Angels, Hong Kong Triads, Latin Kings, law enforcement, occultic gangs, mafia, media, prison gangs, rites, Skinheads, Streetgang Terrorism Omnibus Prevention Act, tattoos, trafficking, Wanna-bes, West Side Story, Witness Protection programs, and youth gangs.


    MIMA_A --- ---
    neco mam...ani nevim, kde jsem to vzal...
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    SUN_VU_KUNG: nekde jich mm urcite vic nez 10 ... kouknu se ti :)
    SUN_VU_KUNG --- ---
    nemáte prosím někdo link na pokud možno kompletní sérii 2D artist magazínu? Mám asi deset čísel, nějak zvlášť jsem to nekolektoval, ale dneska mě napadlo, že bych si to mohl dosbírat celé :)
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    ELECTRICFRET: to vyslo normalne vole :)
    ASACHI --- ---
    Nejake knihy o C# pro uplne zacatecniky? Klidne asp.net
    ELECTRICFRET --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: pdf hardcover, olol
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    z freemagů jeste stoji za to
    Jetpac — The collections issue. Its a free pdf culture magazine, featuring photography, illustration, design, comedy, poetry, interviews, reviews...

    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---

    Draw Your Own Celtic Designs" by David James

    [upload] art, how to draw, etc

    Starting with an illustrated introduction to the Celts and the development of Celtic design, the author places the book's designs into their historical context.

    The following chapters examine each of the main Celtic patterns in turn: knots, spirals, key patterns, animals and beasts, and Celtic lettering. Each chapter opens with a large colour illustration to inspire readers in ways of incorporating the design into their own work.

    This is followed by a short introduction to the range of patterns that fall into this design category, along with photos of Celtic artefacts. The rest of the chapter consists of 16 design pages, each containing a specially commissioned step-by-step artwork for readers to follow.

    Beautiful to look at, and exquisitely executed in themselves, each artwork has been carefully constructed so that readers can follow its build up from start to finish with no possibility of error.

    The chapter on Celtic lettering contains a specially commissioned double-page artwork of the Celtic alphabet for readers to copy, and is followed by instructions on how to embellish each of the letter forms in Celtic styles.

    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    mmchd zase castle narvanej celkem :

    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    nesehnal by nekdo tohle ? Beyond Illustration: The Finest in Contemporary International Art & Illustration, Hardcover

    ATRY --- ---
    SYNAESTHESIA: ..hele i za něj díky!
    ..já na tohle taky narazil pomocí nějakýho rapidshare library, ale našlo mi to jen jeden part..
    MIMA_A --- ---
    SYNAESTHESIA: to je jeden dil ze serie francouzskych dokumentu o architekture (anglicky).
    SYNAESTHESIA --- ---
    SYNAESTHESIA: Stáhnul jsem první soubor, ale je to *.avi, tak nevím nevím :-)
    ATRY --- ---
    schánim se po tomhle:

    "Jewish Museum Berlin"

    ..díky za ppřípadnou pomoc
    PJ_GRIFFEY --- ---
    dobry den, chtel bych vas pozadat, jestli tu nekdo netusi jak sehnat Active Trader Magazine v PDF, google vyplivl odkaz na jedno vydani ktere releasovali iNTENSITY, byl bych vam moc vdecny, kdyby jste se podivali ve svych zdrojich. Dekuji
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam