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    ztracené heslo?
    ROENICK --- ---
    ja bych nejradsi videl Champions League update :)
    HAVANA --- ---
    Imo vypustej soupisky až budou venku všechny finální...do ty doby to nemá moc cenu
    ROENICK --- ---
    jojo na Zante :)
    KUBAN88 --- ---
    ROENICK: doufám, že proběhne ta aktualizace.... coz o to, ja si udelam realnou soupisku u sveho tymu, ale jak rikam, nasere ti, kdyz ti da gol hrac co se ma koupat s cigarkem v bazenu misto hrani v Moskve
    ROENICK --- ---
    co Salah? :) jinak neaktualizuji to az tesne pred MS?
    KLONOVAC --- ---
    KUBAN88: Taky jsem dal včera na xboxu asi 4 zápasy a vše bez problému. Týmy mají hrozně široký soupisky, třeba u Francie sestavit základní 11 mi trvalo docela dlouho :-D na každý pozici top hráči.
    KUBAN88 --- ---
    tak včera na xboxu to fachalo skvele - dokonce si myslim, ze vylepsili nejen grafiku ale i hru samotnou, hraci se zase chovaji realneji
    jedine co mne nasralo je, ze za anglii proti me nastoupil Wilshere a vubec soupisky nejsou aktualni (kdy jindy by mely, ze?)
    THESTOUPA --- ---
    KLONOVAC: a pry to ma nejake problemy, zatim jsem zahledl zpravu o Switch a PC verzi...

    It isn't just the Switch version of the game that's having trouble, though, as the PC version is said to be facing similar issues. Whether this bug will affect every Switch user is unknown, but we'd recommend waiting to see if EA releases a statement over the next couple of days to address the issue.

    KLONOVAC --- ---
    World Cup update je venku.

    PC........ 4,06 GB
    Xbox.... 6,14 GB
    PS........ 5,96 GB
    ROENICK --- ---
    to by byla moje prvni Fifa na day 1 :)
    THESTOUPA --- ---
    FIFA 19 Champions League leak comes from an unlikely source • Eurogamer.net

    Last month, Konami announced its 10-year deal with UEFA would come to an end after this year's Champions League final between Real Madrid and Liverpool. It means Pro Evolution Soccer's decade-long run as the exclusive Champions League rights holder for video games is over.

    The announcement led to speculation that EA Sports had nabbed the Champions League licence for FIFA 19, which is due out later this year. Well, according to a Dutch commentator, EA Sports has done exactly that.

    Yesterday, speaking on Dutch television, Fox Sports commentator Evert ten Napel talked about his voice work on the FIFA series, and in doing so expressed his excitement at the addition of the Champions League and the Europa League for FIFA 19.
    GAPPO --- ---
    tak proč né, když jim to vydělává ... rušil by to fakt jen blázen.
    nikdo nás nenutí to kupovat ...
    ROENICK --- ---
    EA bude s loot boxy pokračovat, a to především ve sportovních titulech | Svět hardware
    GONZA223 --- ---
    ROENICK: ve FIFA 17 se mi to taky povedlo jinak ne :)
    ROENICK --- ---
    to jsem ještě nezkoušel :) šlo to i ve starších?
    GONZA223 --- ---
    PROCKOOP: jo jo , občas to takhle zkoušim
    PROCKOOP --- ---
    GONZA223: tvuj gol?
    GONZA223 --- ---
    THESTOUPA --- ---
    FIFA 18 | 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™️ Reveal Trailer ft. Cristiano Ronaldo
    ROENICK --- ---
    THESTOUPA: koment :)

    Can almost hear the EA E3 pitch now...

    "We here at EA have been listening to you, the fans, about what we need to make FIFA 19 the best it can be. So we're pleased to reveal FIFA 19 will have the exclusive rights to have the Champions League...DLC. Pre-order now and get the Champions League for only £30. Use our exclusive loot boxes to unlock the iconic Champions League music, kits for all your favourite (just the big ones) clubs and Champions League trophies, to help you forget how we mess up the balancing for the game every time we bring the new on out. Aren't we great..."
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