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    ztracené heslo?
    MARTA77Umělecké skupiny (nejen současné) historie, vývoj, souvislosti ...
    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    úsměvná skupina Pražských stakistů (kteří jsou většinou z Brna)
    CRUZ05 --- ---
    Dosavadní oficiální polemika Martina Mrázika a Michala Kolečka o pravidlech ceny EXIT, o angažované akci EXOT a o svobodném prostoru ve výtvarném umění: http://ashi.webz.cz/exot_01.htm
    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    GUMAGUAR --- ---


    Chto delat/What is to be done? was founded in early 2003 in Petersburg by a workgroup of artists, critics, philosophers, and writers from Petersburg, Moscow, and Nizhny Novgorod (see full list of participants on the web site) with the goal of merging political theory, art, and activism.
    Since then, Chto delat has been publishing an English-Russian newspaper on issues central to engaged culture, with a special focus on the relationship between a repoliticization of Russian intellectual culture and its broader international context. These newspapers are usually produced in the context of collective initiatives such as art projects or conferences.

    The group was founded in May 2003 in Petersburg in an action called The Refoundation of Petersburg .Shortly afterwards, the original, as yet nameless core group began publishing a newspaper called Chto delat/What is to be done? The name of the group derives from a novel by the Russian 19th author Nikolai Chernyshevsky, and immediately brings reminiscences of the first socialist worker's self-organizations in Russia, which Lenin actualized in his "What is to be done?" (1902). Chto delat sees itself as a self-organizing platform for cultural workers intent on politicizing their "knowledge production" through reflections and redefinitions of an engaged autonomy for cultural practice today.

    ALOPEX_LAGOPUS --- ---
    Die Brücke - umělecká skupina, která vznikla roku 1905 v Drážďanech. Zakládajícími členy
    byli studenti architekturyFritz Bleyl, Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner a Karl Schmidt-Rottluff,
    dalšími členy potom Emil Nolde, Max Pechstein a Otto Mueller. Skupina se rozpadla v roce 1913

    Der Blaue Reiter - Wassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc, August Macke, Alexej von Jawlensky,
    Marianne von Werefkin, Gabriele Münter, Lyonel Feininger, Albert Bloch,Paul Klee , .....
    GUMAGUAR --- ---

    Preemptive Media is a group of artists, activists and technologists who are making their own style of beta tests, trial runs and impact assessments based on independent research. PM is most interested in emerging policies and technologies because they are contingent and malleable. The criteria and methods of PM programs are different than those run by businesses and government, and, therefore, PM gets different results. PM hopes that their inquiries create new opportunities for public discussion and alternative outcomes in the usually remote and closed world of technology-based research and development.


    KUBA687 --- ---
    SGNLR: BKS na vltavě...
    čro3 vltava 19. 9. 22:45
    "Kaloty Výběr básní tajné organizace Bude konec světa v autorské interpretaci jejích členů. Pořad v plzeňském studiu Českého rozhlasu připravil Dominik Mačas."
    VIKCECH --- ---
    SGNLR: B.K.S. je venovano cele jedno tematicke knizni cislo vytvarneho umeni z 90 let -tam je toho dost, ted nevim jaky rok...
    SGNLR --- ---
    TANAIS: dík
    TANAIS --- ---
    SGNLR: no, spíš jde o to někde začít. Zkus napsat na výzkumný pracoviště avu, kde se ty informace daj získat. Když už je vedou v db, tak určitě budou vědět, jak se k nim dostat...
    Někde jsem četla i nějaký jejich stanovy.
    SGNLR --- ---
    TANAIS: diky ! bohuzel ohledne jejich prvnich akci (mystifikacni cinnost v podobe vedeni fiktivniho uradu) tam ale neni ani zminka(to je to co hledam)..i tak diky ale !
    SGNLR --- ---
    nemel byste nekdo prosim blizsi info o skupine B.K.S.( bude konec sveta)? krome jedne dokumentace vystavy a odstavci v Akcnim umeni od Morganovy jsem o nich nic nenasel a zajimali by me...diky !
    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    Van Gogh TV

    Karel Dudešek, Mike Hentz, Benjamin Heidersberger, Gerard Couty, Salvatore Vanasco, Martin Schmitz, Tim Becker, Axel Roselius, Jens Heise, Ernst Pfannenschmid, Julean Simon....



    Artists and technicians from Austria and Germany have been working together as Van Gogh TV since 1986 in the Ponton European Media Art Lab. Some of their members developed joint projects from as early as 1979 in the Minus Delta T group. 'Piazza Virtuale' is an interactive television project that could be received all over Europe via 4 satellites for 100 days during documenta IX in 1992. Visitors to documenta could beam themselves in via videophones and cameras that had been permanently installed in Kassel and other European cities to the live broadcast called 'Piazza Virtuale'. It was possible to use telephone, fax or modem to dial into the broadcast from home. The aim of the project was to transform the mass medium of television into an interactive medium that reverses the relationship of one broadcaster and many receivers.

    "In the mid-eighties, Van Gogh TV decided to filter their experiences of performance art, avant-guarde music and the traditional arts into the electronic mass media. Art thus became research. Became experimental; expeditionary; adventurous. Van Gogh Radio (present at documenta 8 in 1987, for example), was followed by Van Gogh TV. The future broadcast environment was determined to be: Interactive Television."

    Originally created as a mobile project, the early works of VGTV were pirate radio and pirate TV interventions and performance actions. Working under the names PONTON and Van Gogh TV, these partner projects maintained an active profile at commercial digital expos. and at international media art festivals.

    The first live TV broadcasts of VGTV were supported by the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, and broadcast on ORF2 and 3SAT.

    1986: At Ars Electronica, the media simulation ContainerCity.
    1987: Documenta 8, Kassel: International Radio Syndicate (pirate radio).
    1987: Book Fair, Frankfurt: Mobile Radio.
    1988: Osnabrück: first Van Gogh TV (pirate TV).
    1989: In 1989, VGTV established its first permanent laboratory, the European Media Art Lab on Koppelstraße, in Hamburg’s Kunstatelier Werkstatt. With a permanent base, VGTV began high level experimental research into the creative use of public communication systems.
    1989: Ars Electronica: European Mobile Media Art Project.
    1990: Ars Electronica: Hotel Pompino (live television project).
    1992: documenta IX: Piazza Virtuale
    1993: Van Gogh TV begins to develop online systems for the Internet.
    1994: Ars Electronica: Service Area a.i.
    1996: Worlds Within, an on-line 3D multi-user communication environment for the Internet.
    TANAIS --- ---
    poraďte mi, prosím
    potřebuji nějaký přehled českých exilových výtvarných skupin po roce 68.

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