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    LAUNCHERElektromobily 🏞️ 🛣️ 🏎️ 🚗 🚐 🚙 🚌 🚒 🚛 🔌
    Vitejte v boardu Elektromobily!

    Prosim dodrzujme stejna rules*, jako napriklad v obdobnych subreddits na Redditu.

    1) Zadne vulgarity. Zadne drama.
    2) Toto je SFW board.
    3) Bez ICE prosim, na to jsou na Nyxu vhodnejsi boardy.
    4) Toto neni vhodny board pro napr. vase culture wars proti EV.
    5) Board je urceny primarne pro majitele EV a zajemce o nakup EV. Omladina "az mi bude 18+" tez vitana, fandim vam. Chapu nutkani napsat nam, ze si to nikdy nekoupite, nebo jeste nekoupite, ale prosim vyuzijte jine boards. Uvazujte, jak by to tu vypadalo, kdyby nam sem tohle napsal kazdy z uzivatelu Nyxu.
    6) Idealne drzme diskuzi v pratelskem duchu.
    7) Mit nazor na CN automobilky, Elona Muska, temnou minulost nekterych DE a IT automobilek, Henryho Forda I atd, muzete. Ale prosim snazte se neprekrocit bod #6, nebo dokonce bod #1. Pro tyto ucely prosim vyhledejte boardy vhodne pro ostrou socialni nebo politickou kritiku.
    8) Při vkládání linků je nutné vždy přidat vlastní input (shrnutí, komentář, oponentura/souhlas apod.), stačí v pár větách zdůvodnit proč je sem odkaz umístěn.

    Diky za pochopeni 🤦‍♂️ Pozor, druhé varování může být za 7 dnů RO i hůře.

    Prejeme prijemnou zabavu 🚗🔋 a hlavne bezpecne kilometry za volantem / s autopilotem.

    * Work in progress
    rozbalit záhlaví
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    KUTAS: slušný, vlastně bych se tehle teorii vůbec nedivil
    KUTAS --- ---
    MAGE: já už slyšel teorii, že evropské automobilky dost tlačily GD a všechny možné EU restrikce... lobbying na úrovni EK a roli hrál i VW, chtěly se tak v Evropě snadno zbavit konkurence z US a Asie... (včetně Jahna, který byl velkým zastáncem GD) a zjevně se přepočítaly.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    CRAZY_IVAN: hustý , na to jak je to auto vlastně nehezký je to skvělý výsledek
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    PEPAZZ: If you’re driving a STELLANTIS, may God be with you!! PART 2#
    DS3 eTense with 23,000 km, warranty abused and 20 months of repair agony. The level of poor engineering in these vehicles borders on madness. This group is putting junk on wheels across diesel, petrol, and hybrid models, but what they’re doing in EVs is unforgivable. The poor product experience is so strong it can turn anyone away from EVs for good.
    As a repair shop, we face countless issues: aftermarket "right to repair" access for independent repair shops (diagrams, software, updates, parts), as well as specialized tools and documentation, are inaccessible. They rarely respond to inquiries or claim “it's not their responsibility,” violating EU Regulation 2018/858, Article 61. We’ve been waiting for weeks to get access to FIAT and Citroen accounts just to clear faults, while Tesla or BYD grant access within a day. Authorized service centers are controlled by the group with insufficient training or support, leading to random part replacements at the owner’s expense.
    Furthermore, manufacturers lack the necessary parts for repairs, leaving vehicles unusable for months, causing significant losses to business owners without replacement vehicles. Finally, the vehicle’s extended warranty is tied to every minor service; even a missed wiper change can void the battery warranty, a notorious issue we’ve dubbed "Warranty R-a-p-e.” This has happened to this DS3, as the general warranty on wipers is tied to the motor and battery. The vehicle failed in motion due to an unknown fault (no communication with the VCU), and because of the PMSM motor in motion, coil excitation in the inverter burned out the inverter board.
    After five authorized services, 200 lost work hours, and €5,000 spent on a motor, two inverters, MCU, and additional equipment, we haven’t located the primary fault, though we successfully cloned the secondary inverter from the old to the new. Getting the car’s wheels turning again without buying a whole new car is impossible. The authorized service demands replacing the motor and inverter, which costs €12,500, though this likely isn’t the primary fault, opening further costs.
    The software system is shockingly limited for troubleshooting—you can never locate the fault by error code. Diagnostic tools, whether OEM or aftermarket, don’t provide access to specialized functions, resets, or programming. Pairing new or used modules is an excruciating process, and the entire policy on which this vehicle is based is unsustainable and unprofitable, leaving owners with major losses. These vehicles, once out of warranty, will be unrepairable and end up in parts or the scrapyard and owners returning to old VW TDI 1.9PD
    NIKDAS --- ---
    Tesla naskladnila matrace do TMY, jsem zvědavej za jak dlouho se to zase vyprodá. Minule to bylo v průběhu hodin.
    MAGE --- ---
    DOCKINEZ: Už jsem na ty jeho kňů alergickej
    STETKINS --- ---
    Já si ID.Buzz hodlám koupit, čekal jsem až bude prodloužená verze s novým motorem....
    Má sice na prd dojezd, ale ten se přeceňuje :-D
    DOCKINEZ --- ---
    Říkal někdo Jahn?

    Jahn: Plán na čistou mobilitu musíme přehodnotit, nejde to - Seznam Zprávy
    MARIHAI --- ---
    RSZ: V ČR jich bylo k prodeji strašně málo, jsou prodaný. Snad nekecám že jich k prodeji bylo tak 100-200
    MARIHAI --- ---
    COMODOR_FALKON: Btw Martin Jahn má teď PR ofenzivu v podcastech ale myslim ze ho brzy uklidej. Nejdriv řekl že Škoda Ekrow je stejně dobrá jako čínský auta. A teď řekl že vědí že současná EV platforma neni uplne super ale ze menit ji nebudou dokud se nezaplati :)
    DOCKINEZ --- ---
    RSZ: Protože je sice drahý, ale zato má prd dojezd?

    A ano, je to škoda.
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    RSZ: Stejné u mě s dálnicemi, též bohužel 0. Tipl bych, že velký problém bude s dojezdem právě na té dálnici. Soudím podle propadu dojezdu TMY oproti TM3 při 140 km/h. Ty dodávky budou super až s 150 kWh bateriemi. Ono to přijde, ale ještě si počkáme.
    RSZ --- ---
    LAUNCHER: Přišlo mi to právě jako líbivé vozidlo a myslel jsem, že je začnu potkávat, ale i při delší dálniční cestě potkávám čistou nulu.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    RSZ: Jedno nám tu nejspíš jezdí po Písku. Párkrát jsem ho viděl. Není to auto pro mě, ale moc se mi líbí.
    RSZ --- ---
    btw co se dějě s id.buzz, proč to auto nikde nepotkávám?
    PEPAZZ --- ---

    Hybrid battery for 31000€ and 1.7kWh? Is hybrid new dieselgate2? Range Rover battery pack wins Guinness World Record, it costs “more than complete” car and it is primary reason why people hate electrification and why EV sales are declining, because Hybrids are tied to EV narrative where bad experience is “returning owners to pure ICE cars”. I am not sure are we only on planet earth who sees connection and primary reason of EV Xenophobia. Having 2 complicated systems is just too expensive to service and it is not sustainable.
    PEPAZZ --- ---

    If you drive a STELLANTIS vehicle, may God help you! PART 1
    It’s time to summarize: They are totally unsustainable groupation producing junk, along with their suppliers. The level of ridiculous engineering in these vehicles borders on madness, and it’s time to confront the garbage, face to face, in this series of posts. We already know the kind of trash this group produces on wheels in diesel, gasoline, and hybrid variants, but what they're doing with EVs is unforgivable. It seems to us they don’t want you to be satisfied owners, especially not with EVs. The product seems designed with a message like, “I told you to buy a diesel with a DPF so we could shovel money out of you.” We’ve encountered a series of problems with them, from AFTERMARKET "right to repair" access for independent repair shops (schematics, software, updates, parts) to special tools and documentation. Support is non-responsive. Nothing is accessible, blatantly violating EU Regulation 2018/858, Article 61. For weeks now, we haven’t received approval for access to FIAT and Citroen accounts. While Tesla granted this access within a day, with Stellantis, we’d have to scrap 50 cars before anything is resolved.
    The problem in the other 50 shades of gray is that even OEM service centers are slaves to this group. Their tech lack adequate training, can’t locate faults, don’t have sufficient hotline support from the manufacturer, and blindly replace components at the owner's expense. The third layer of problems is that the manufacturer doesn’t have the parts available to fix the vehicle, causing delays of 2-6 months, with especially heavy losses for entrepreneurs left without a replacement vehicle under warranty. The last and most painful layer is the usurious warranty policies, where the general vehicle warranty is tied to the drive warranty. If you miss a wiper replacement according to the service book, you automatically lose the battery warranty, even in critical recalls where they refuse to replace the part.
    Here I have images of 3 cases of catastrophically and irreparably designed MAHLE OBC and DCDC units integrated into a single module, where 8 PCB boards complicate the system to unprecedented proportions. The last IGBT board is glued with hard epoxy to the coolant plate, along with the DCDC inverter. Almost every board has its microcontroller. In 2 samples, there’s no measurable damage, but the Type 2 charging doesn’t work. One sample burnt the wire from the inductor to the IGBT output. We couldn’t repair a single one in 3 attempts. For the second part, we’ve been waiting 6 months, and this factory fault is neither covered by warranty nor a recall, meaning owners truly become victims with no choice but to buy a vehicle from another manufacturer, or they’ll be driven to bankruptcy. Neither we nor the authorized service center can fix this defect. This part is found in all Peugeot, Citroen, Opel, Toyota, DS vehicles and this is only one of many issues.

    Partnumber: H-20679-01, 03196727, MAHLE

    Error: Type2 doesnt charge

    OEM : 2200€ (6 months waiting time)
    EVC: -
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    MINER: presne tak čínani v EU zatím pouze honěj profit, diky tomu vubec neprodavají .. uvidíme co nastane v 2025 za změny, zatím co se eu týče je to pro legacy docela no stres.
    MINER --- ---
    Ceny EV v Německu: https://www.evspecs.org/electric-car-price-comparison/DE/by-price

    (Nezdá se, že by to tam cenou válcovali Číňani)
    COMODOR_FALKON --- ---
    Hezký komentář k neschopnosti legacy automotive, konkrétně VW vyrábět jakákoliv pokročilejší auta…

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