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    ztracené heslo?
    DAVE8452 --- ---
    Dimensional Analogs on the Behance Network
    MANCA --- ---
    Prijdte a nebudete litovat!!!

    Velvyslanectví Norského království a Architectural Institute in Prague Vás srdečně zvou na speciální přednášku, se kterou 19. dubna 2012 v 19 hodin vystoupí Birger Sevaldson [dipl NCAD MNIL PhD], profesor na Institute of Design, AHO - Oslo School of Architecture and Design a vedoucí výzkumu v OCEAN design research association. Přednáška se bude věnovat tématu "EMERGENCE OF SYSTEMS ORIENTED DESIGN - from Radical Design Experiments to Design for Complexity". Těšíme se na Vás v prostorách ARCHIPu, Veletržní palác, Dukelských hrdinů 47, Praha 7, vstup volný!

    Birger Sevaldson [dipl NCAD MNIL PhD] is full professor at the Institute of Design at AHO - Oslo School of Architecture and Design and a principle researcher in OCEAN design research association.

    He is an academic and designer working in a broad field of design and architecture. He has been in private practice since 1986. His practice spans from architecture, interior to furniture and product design including design of lighting armatures and boat design. It also includes experimental architecture and several art installations in collaboration with the composer Natasha Barrett.

    Birger has been developing concepts in design computing and his doctoral thesis from 2005 is a summary of 15 years of research into this field. He has been collaborating in OCEAN design research association since 1997 and the experimental design projects resulting from this collaboration have been published worldwide. The research into digital design developed into a wider interest in the design process and especially design processes for uncertainty, unforeseen futures and complexity. This research grew out of the digital research which initially engaged in time related design, where time was explored as a design material. Later this approach was further developed and new concepts for systems thinking in design emerged. He has defined Systems Oriented Design as a designerly way of systems thinking and systems practice. This line of research has benefitted to a large degree from the collaboration in OCEAN.

    Birger has been lecturing and teaching in Norway, Europe, Asia and USA and has held a visiting professorship at NACD in Oslo and has been a visiting critic at Syracuse University School of Architecture, USA. He was collaborating in the start-up of the academic design journal FORMakademisk and is in the editorial board of the journal. He has been in a number of international evaluation committees amongst them the evaluation committee for Danish design research under the Ministry of Culture of Denmark, and the evaluation committee for a science master for the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC), Ireland. Birger is member of the council of the Design Research Society.

    Birger has held several positions amongst them, leader of the National Council for Design Educations in Norway, Vice Rector of Oslo School of Architecture and Design and director of OCEAN design research association and the committee for NORDES 2011. He is currently the curator of the Gallery AHO.

    Systems Oriented Design: www.systemsorienteddesign.net
    OCEAN design research association: www.ocean-designresearch.net
    FORMakademisk www.formakademisk.org
    Oslo School of Architecture and Design: www.aho.no
    SHQ --- ---
    ajo, ja si rikal, jestli jsem to uz nekde nevidel..ono je jeste podobna velkoprosna galerijni instalace/projekce , ale ta je tusim cinema 4d + thinkink particles..taky impozantni prace, ale uz by sem nezapadla
    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    SHQ: koukam ze spolupracujou s timhle typkem http://www.quayola.com

    [ PSYCHOZ @ Vizualizace informace ]
    SHQ --- ---

    The artistic duo Abstract Birds was formed in 2009 and is composed of two visual music artists,
    Pedro Mari and Natan Sinigaglia.
    Their work focuses on the simultaneous generation of abstract graphic compositions and music,
    using an approach that links the image and sound in a synaesthetic relationship.

    The artistic duo Abstract Birds was formed in 2009 and is composed of two visual music artists,
    Pedro Mari and Natan Sinigaglia.
    Their work focuses on the simultaneous generation of abstract graphic compositions and music,
    using an approach that links the image and sound in a synaesthetic relationship.

    The artistic duo Abstract Birds was formed in 2009 and is composed of two visual music artists,
    Pedro Mari and Natan Sinigaglia.
    Their work focuses on the simultaneous generation of abstract graphic compositions and music,
    using an approach that links the image and sound in a synaesthetic relationship.

    Abstract Birds - visual music artists
    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    FUGU Procedural geometry with Lua.

    CHARVYBURGER --- ---
    BUBBLE: Diky za nasmerovani, prohlidnu jestli nejakej skript nedela alespon neco podobnyho.
    BUBBLE --- ---
    CHARVYBURGER: nevim úplně jak to myslíš, ale zkus http://scriptographer.org/
    CHARVYBURGER --- ---
    Nevite prosim nekdo o generatoru krivek? Jde mi o to sehnat neco jako generator strun nebo tenkych krivek. Google neporadil. Diky.
    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    is an open source, cross-platform IDE for exploring pixel based graphics on the GPU.

    Flickr: Fragmentarium

    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    Patrick Gunderson
    Patrick Gunderson | Art, Design, Code
    Flickr: PatrickGunderson's Photostream

    ESTEN --- ---
    MATHEW_ER: to bude ono, dik!
    MATHEW_ER --- ---
    ESTEN: nejaky shading language, imho GLSL
    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    ESTEN: jo je to psedo kod ;]
    ESTEN --- ---
    PSYCHOZ: vi nekdo, v jakym jazyce jsou ty ukazky kodu?
    MATHEF --- ---
    Oka, omlouvam se. Budu posilat veci blizsi tematu .)
    BUBBLE --- ---
    ačkoliv jsou to zajímavý věci, myslim že s generativitou to moc společnýho nemá
    MATHEF --- ---
    Playing with Pigs: Pig Chase
    // Ad QUAPIM si jen dovolím doplnit, že práce byla v Národní ceně za studentský design 2010 oceněna jako „Excelentní studentský design“ ;)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam