RYGMIS: te sklamu, plznicka nebude. Letime z anglie do San Francisca a tam mame kamarady co uz tam zijou nekolik let. Tam budem svaret nejaky kraviny a pak vyrazime. Letos oproti minulimu roku by sme tam mneli mit cele STAGE, bude to velky. Tak trochu sme se rozhodli udelat tam trochu bordel v Evropskym stylu. Letos nas tam jede asi 50 lidi(djs, vjs, circus acrobati) bude to velky. Ale pssss keep it to your self:D
Az uvidis naseho kone tak nekde najdes i mne :D
plus budeme letos stavet dalsi ulety z nasi dilny, a to v USA stylu. nemuzu se dockat.
tohle je jeste dalsi picovinka co se neda prehlidnou a je z nasi dilny
The Tornado/Mushroom Fireballs
Arcadia are pleased to work in collaboration with American Artist Nate Smith. Over many years Nate has developed an incredible Fire Tornado & some of the worlds largest Mushroom cloud fireballs.
Largely inspired by Dust Devils (mini tornados) Nate developed a system to re-create a giant vacuum, which is pumped with gas by hand to create a 10m swirling tunnel of flame. The tornado effect creates a truly sensational vortex, where viewers are left mesmerized. Developments are also underway to create a stunning spectrum of coloured flames within it.
Mushroom fireballs:
These huge mushroom clouds roll from 25m to 150m in the sky. They can also be used in the day to create a smoke ring effect, which can be seen for miles around.