jeden post z fb, nechce se mi to prekladat, ale dam vedet, zda se jim povedlo obnovit data a taky s tim linkem, jak jsem psal, co poradil honcka
i had a discussion with british colleague about blackberry z10
he asked me, if i have some errors during typing an email or message
i confirmed, yes i sent a lot of crazy messages
when BB is in charging, it's ok, but if it's still plugged in and charged it's starting to be overheated and you have to unplug it before any typing:-) to be sure, you send what you want to send and whom to send to
i have now another one as my previus were overheated as - once i had to put it into air condition in the car, second one fired one pin on my microsd card, fortunately i have a backup of pix from june, my photos from malaysia and thai are saved
german lost... i'll send it to some "recovery" company as the microsd should be ok, but one pin has been lost, remained in old z10