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    ztracené heslo?
    VODISKALeft 4 Dead / L4D2
    ALCATOR --- ---
    boycott! :-)
    ADAMH --- ---
    KERRAY: j vyuzil jsem 50 % off :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    jednodenni akce na steamu, L4D2 za €18.99
    VOJTIDLO --- ---
    Chet povida o The Passing
    a nasledujici dve videa ukazuji gameplay druheho levelu, rozhodne ten konec zni jako velka zabava :)
    KUZZMA --- ---
    Nehrajete nekdo z vas na Garene? Nebo po hamachi. Chtel bych si zahrat s nekym z brna s malym pingem...
    KUZZMA --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    We are releasing the Left 4 Dead 2 Authoring Tools and Left 4 Dead 2 Add-on Support today.

    PLAYERS: If you are not looking to design but play custom campaigns all you need to do is install the add-on support package. Just go into steam and open up the Tools tab. Look for the entry labeled Left 4 Dead 2 - Add-on Support click and install it. This download is sizable, but will update your L4D2 installation to allow running ANY map, including custom maps made for the original Left 4 Dead. Once installed, you do not need to run this application, it will always be active.
    NELLI --- ---
    pobavil mě náborový inzerát od Drueckwelle ;)

    odesláno Did ya hear 'bout Mr. Dat? @ 12:29PM on November 25, 2009

    Our team of massive skillzors is looking for exactly 1 new player to destroy the souls of poor noobs in L4D2, claim electronic glory and possibly try to divide Poland again for some reason.


    - 18+
    - Quality mic, fluent english
    - Ultra high skill and awareness
    - High L4D1 experience, high gaming experience in general
    - Teamwork oriented player, able to listen, learn and quickly adapt

    We offer:

    - Pure destruction of opponents
    - Lots of ragequits to be witnessed, bringing your ego to a next level
    - Satisfying level of trash talk on Mumble
    - ESL glory
    - Access to hard porn of your choice
    S7ANLEY --- ---
    S7ANLEY --- ---
    Left 4 Dead za 5,74€ na Steam-e. Pre tých čo ešte nemajú napr ako ja :))
    S7ANLEY --- ---
    Na steame dnes zľava na L4D2 za 28,49€ ;-)
    KUZZMA --- ---
    Aha, zamopel jsem rict, ze mam Razor 1911 verzi. Koupil jsem si L4d1, ale na 2ku jeste nemam lowe...
    DIOM --- ---
    KUZZMA: pár lidem to padalo..zkus "defragmentovat soubory mezipaměti" ve vlastnostech hry na steamu..zatím to vždycky pomohlo
    KUZZMA --- ---
    Zaclo mi padat l4d1, ale preinstaloval jsem to a v poho.
    KERRAY --- ---
    nebo jeste lepe jine hry na Source enginu
    KERRAY --- ---
    KUZZMA: ostatni hry podobneho razeni funguji bez problemu?
    KUZZMA --- ---
    Zdravicko. Hra pada bez zrejmeho duvodu. Stalo se to nekomu? Poradite? Zn. Nechte si rady vsechno si preinstaluj.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam