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    GLACIERAtletika - je jako život sám - poražení a vítězové, nakonec všechno co zní dostane je přimo úměrné vašemu úsilí

    "It was more than just perfection today" — Kenenisa Bekele

    rozbalit záhlaví
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    GLACIER: na eurosportu budou v neděli dávat marathon v Paříži
    MEN -
    Bib, Last, First, Nat, YOB, PB
    1, KOULUM, Benjamin Kiptoo, KEN, 1979, 2:06:31
    2, MATEBOR, Albert, KEN, 1980, 2:05:26
    3, NDIEMA, Eric, KEN, 1992, 2:06:07
    4, LIMO, Richard, KEN, 1980, 2:06:45
    5, WENDIMU, Eshetu, ETH, 1986, 2:06:46
    6, EL HIMER, Driss, FRA, 1974, 2:06:48
    7, JUFAR, Tariku, ETH, 1984, 2:06:51
    8, RAMALAA, Hendrick, RSA, 1972, 2:06:55
    9, BIWOTT, Stanley, KEN, 1986, 2:07:03
    10, KIPROP, Francis, KEN, 1984, 2:08:04
    11, KERING, Alfred, KEN, 1979, 2:07:11
    12, BALCHA, Terefi, ETH, 1981, 2:07:35
    13, MUNGARA, Kenneth, KEN, 1973, 2:07:36
    14, TOLOSSA, Debebe, ETH, 1980, 2:07:41
    15, TERFA, Negari, ETH, 1983, 2:07:41
    16, KIMAIYO, Hillary, KEN, 1981, 2:08:17
    17, ALEMAYEHU, Shumye, ETH, 1988, 2:08:46
    18, LAGAT, Joseph, KEN, 1986, 2:08:50
    19, TSIGE, Solomon, ETH, 1985, 2:09:01
    20, GUTA, Abiyote, ETH, 1985, 2:09:03
    21, GEMEDA, Haile, ETH, 1986, 2:09:20
    22, MUNYUTU, Simon, FRA, 1977, 2:09:24
    23, MEFTAH, Abdelatif, FRA, 1982, 2:09:46
    24, BETONA, Sahle, ETH, 1984, 2:09:47
    25, ES-SRAIDI, Larbi, FRA, 1983, 2:10:08
    26, LAGAT, Victor, KEN, 1985, 2:10:19
    27, THEURI, James, FRA, 1978, 2:10:39
    28, ASSEFA, Raji, ETH, 1986, 2:10:48
    29, BIRBO, Guta, ETH, 1984, 2:10:51
    30, EZZOBAYRY, Ahmed, FRA, 1978, 2:11:17
    32, BENNACER, Mustapha, ALG, 1977, 2:12:04
    33, NIMO, Pedro, ESP, 1980, 2:12:10
    34, DEMISSE, Haile, ETH, 1981, 2:12:21
    35, IINDONGO, Ruben, FRA, 1981, 2:12:38
    36, BELHAJ, Hamid, FRA, 1968, 2:14:32
    37, RICATTI, Domenico, ITA, 1979, 2:16:31
    38, FIKADU, Habtamu, ETH, 1988, 2:16:47
    40, MWANGI, Willy, KEN, 1980, 1:00:07
    41, MALATY, Benjamin, FRA, 1986, 1:04:20
    42, JISA, Sisay, ETH, 1982, 1:04:33
    45, LIMO, Kiprop, KEN, 1983, PACE
    46, CHEBII, Ezekiel, KEN, 1991, PACE
    47, LIMO, Philemon, KEN, 1985, PACE
    48, KOECH, Bernard, KEN, 1987, PACE
    49, LIMAA, Reuben, KEN, 1987, PACE
    50, WANJIKU, Ladan, KEN, 1987, PACE
    51, NDEMI, Abel Maina, KEN, 1989, PACE
    52, MURAGA, Josephat, KEN, 1984, PACE
    53, MEKONEN, Belete, ETH, 1985, PACE (for women)

    WOMEN -
    Bib, Last, First, Nat, YOB, PB
    201, BEYENE, Tirfi , ETH, 1984, 2:22:44
    203, BEDASO, Shitaye, ETH, 1988, 2:25:09
    204, MUMBI, Julia, KEN, 1985, 2:26:00
    205, TESEMA, Goitetom , ETH, 1987, 2:26:21
    206, HARUN, Makda, ETH, 1988, 2:27:30
    207, GIRMA, Woynishet, ETH, 1986, 2:27:51
    208, SMYTH, Kate, AUS, 1972, 2:28:51
    209, LEGESSE, Meseret, ETH, 1987, 2:29:09
    210, DEBELE, Meseret, ETH, 1990, 2:30:42
    212, HAYDAR, Sultan, TUR, 1987, 2:35:06
    213, SERGEYEVA, Natalya, RUS, 1984, 2:35:19
    214, GOSHU, Frehiwat, ETH, 1990, 1:12:57
    215, DAVIES, Mary, NZL, 1982, 2:38:48
    216, HERBRETEAU-CANTE, Corinne, FRA, 1976, 2:42:43
    GLACIER --- ---
    MAKOSHARK: Bude to někde v televizi?
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    "Moses has speed that has never been seen. The other day he ran 30k in the morning. Later that day, he ran another 15k. Both runs were extremely fast. He can train at speeds that have never been seen." - Renato Canova
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    "Moses has speed that has never been seen."
    Moses Mosop Goes for Glory at 2012 Rotterdam Marathon Versus Marathon Newcomers
    Moses Mosop jde v neděli po světovém rekordu. Je v super formě a pokud dá rekord, jede na Olympiádu. Pokud ne, zůstává doma.

    Hned v pondělí se běží marathon v Bostonu, kde běží loňský vítěz a nejlepší marathonec Geoffrey Mutai (2:03:01). A další neděli se běží v Londýně. Tři nejlepší jarní marathony během osmi dní.
    LJ86 --- ---
    MAKOSHARK: Jo vypadá to, že má ty bloky hrozně blízko čáry ale jinak docela slušný start. On je dost vysokej takze tam je to vzdycky trochu problem. Verim tomu, ze stratu asi zrovna moc nenatrenuje. Tipuju, že mu to ukazali pred stratem a bylo to. Myslim ze ma neco kolem 45,50 ale tohle mohlo opravdu byt o neco rychlejsi, kdyby trochu poladil ten blok. Je to ted docela cerstve, takze to vypada, ze je dobre rychlostne pripraveny. Jsem zvedav jak bude probihat sezona.
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    LJ86: co to bylo za start? má bloky strašně blízko čáry, ne? těch 21 setinek podle mě klidně ztratil tim startem
    ale osobáček má ještě o něco lepší, ne?
    LJ86 --- ---
    Se David asi trochu po***l ne?!
    John Steffensen 45.61, David Rudisha 45.82 400M Sydney Track Classic 18/2/2012 - YouTube

    Tomu se říká sslušná rychlostní rezerva na 800m :-D
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    GLACIER: jde mu skoro všechno kromě vrhů; a je ze všech desetibojařů nejrychlejší na stovce i na patnáctistovce:)
    GLACIER --- ---
    MAKOSHARK: A co ostatní disciplíny? Už se vůbec přiblížil k 9000?
    Jinak... Nezačne už být nějaká atletika? Jako venku? Strašně rád bych zase už šel....
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Ashton Eaton dal včera 400m za 45.68, to je lepší než náš národní rekord na čtvrtku. Ten musí dát Šebrlův rekord už letos, pokud nebude úplně marnej v kouli a disku.
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Bekele zahajuje sezónu 15. dubna silniční desítkou Great Ireland Run. A pak poběží hned první Diamantovou ligu v Dohá - 3000m. Snad nezačíná moc brzo
    GLACIER --- ---
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Florida relays jsem navštívil, o Naked relays jsem bohužel nevěděl (i když už to teď není na dráze), to jsem tam přitom byl

    he University of Florida has the Naked Relays the night following the end of the Florida Relays. It has been going on since the (I'm told early) 1970s.

    At midnight, after the Florida Relays is over, teams used to run a naked 4x400 on the track. Spikes, batons, the whole thing. It was very serious, and there were usually a dozen or so teams that participated, including women's teams. I'm told by some old timers that into the 80s there would be several hundred fans in the stands to watch it.

    I've never seen this article, so debunk this if you want....Legend has it that in 1984ish, a Sports Illustrated reporter was in the stands watching as Villanova and another team leaned at the line for a very tight finish. There was much argument over who won. The SI reporter put the story in SI. The story came to the attention of the Chancellor of Villanova. The problem is that, Florida Relays sometimes coincides with Easter weekend, and since it was past midnight, they ran this race on Easter Sunday. The chancellor of Villanova was not happy, and called the president of UF. Since then, the UF police have made great efforts to shut down the Naked Relays - at least on campus.

    I do know that last part to be true, because the cops are stationed at the track to prevent it from happening there again. Also, I have been present as the cops chased everyone off the golf course one night - naked people fleeing everywhere was quite a sight. I know guys who ran it on a quad in the middle of campus several years before the golf course night. In more recent years, there is a huge after party at some house or apartment complex following the Florida Relays. The Naked Relays have unfortunately been relegated to the party - running around parking lots or around the block. One year the party was a big white house on East University Ave, the exchange zone was the back yard, the runners ran around the block and came through the front door of the house, the living room, the kitchen, then the back door of the house to exchange in the back yard again. Tennessee pulled off the win as Leonard Scott anchored them home. He then strutted around the crowd pounding his chest screaming that we need to "take this shit to the track cuz I'll run 20-point balls hangin out and all!" That night, I think there were 8 men's teams and I know there were two women's teams - Tennessee and (I think) Western Michigan. In those days I was a track official for UF, and we had 5 of us officials at the party "officiating" the race.

    Good times. I'd love to see it return to the track, though.
    PLUTO --- ---
    Kamarád prodává půl roku starý tretry od Asicsu...píše levně, tak kdyby měl někdo zájem. Jsou k tomu i nový hřebíky a utahovák :)
    Sprinterské tretry asics hyper-md s příslušenstvím! , prodám Praha 13
    GLACIER --- ---
    MAKOSHARK: Budou někde linky?v kolik se to běží?
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    A zítra se běží půlmaraton v Lisabonu a Tadesse chce překonat svůj rekord 58:23
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    MAKOSHARK: jestli potřebuje mít cíl, tak co zkusit 100km pod 6 hodin? Určitě by to hravě dal
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Haile sice nepoběží na Olympiádě, ale běhat a závodit bude dál, protože nechce být tlustej
    "I saw Ronaldo on TV yesterday and I noticed how fat he has become. I dont want to finish like him, I really do not. So I keep running and competing," Gebrselassie told the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine.

    "My body has to sweat. But I really need to sweat for a goal. I cannot run just for fun," he said.
    GLACIER --- ---
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    A ještě semifinále a finále stovky z ME 78 v Praze. Borzov už vzadu, vítězí Menea, což byl Ital, co dal dvoustovku asi za 19,7
    Pietro Mennea,Borzov,Allan Wells.100 metre Semi Finals and Final-1978 European Championships(HQ) - YouTube
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    okénko do historie, Valerij Borzov, Ukrajinec, co vyhrál stovku i dvoustovku na OH 72. Možná byl on první běloch, co uměl stovku pod 10, ale měl jen ruční časy a to se nepočítá.
    valeriy borzov short bio - YouTube
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam