3.28 is a fantastic time, but hes not a GREAT 1500m runner, because he ran 1time. An all-time great shows consistency in class and times, medals etc.
When have you seen Farah as capable of breaking WR at 5k with 13:24 and 13:27wins in the olympics and WC, you do know WR is 12:37 lol
10k he does not stand a chance 26:17 is INSANE, thats like an average of 63seconds a lap, not 66seconds - BIG DIFFERENCE.
Hawkins explain to me what is great about sitting on the shoulder of a 20yr old then out kicking him in the last lap? Where was Farah for all these years, when the Sihine, Tadese, Bekele and the Kenyans were destroying him over and over again.
Farah at the age of 25 was losing in the semis of the 5k at the Worlds
So if Farah is an all time great, theres quite a few runners who also deserve it based on the fact that they are simply better than him
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