z letsrunu: Mo Farah a Andy Vernon (nejlepší britský běžec, pokud se nepočítají přistěhovalci)
Andy Vernon: @AndyVernonGB: Another stellar field against @Mo_Farah on home turf this weekend at Birmingham. #joke
Mo: @Mo_Farah: @AndyVernonGB Shame you didn't make the line up....again #ComeBackWhenYouWinSomethingDecent
Andy: @AndyVernonGB: Lol @Mo_Farah I think even you can work out that I can make the cut to the Indoor Grand Prix. Lets hope no one loses their shoe...
Mo: @Mo_Farah: @AndyVernonGB I wish you did make the cut mate so I can leave you in my dust like ALWAYS!! hahahaha #hatersgonnahate
Andy: @AndyVernonGB: @Mo_Farah. 1) stop quoting Taylor Swift. 2) I don't hate you Mo. I would just rather watch a race than the the Mo Show. #playersgonnaplay
Mo: @Mo_Farah: @AndyVernonGB that's why they didn't put you in the race mate.. Cos you're an embarrassment!! Taylor swift can probably run faster than you!