Nabidka prace od meho byvaleho landlorda.. treba nekoho zaujme. Kdyztak kontakt v poste.
My wife and me are looking for a (European - due to
verblijfsvergunning-reasons -, good English and/or Dutch speaking) female of
approx. 22 years, who is able to take care of our kids (11, 10,7) between
14.30 -18.30 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and on Monday night as well as one
other night in the week. She can be studying or working but the mentioned
times she should be available. She will be asked to cook sometimes and do
some washing/ironing.
In return the person can stay in the house (Platolaan 23, Utrecht, own room,
bathroom and toilet) and get/join meals. Maybe a small allowance is