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    ztracené heslo?
    IGRACEKTorchlight [Diablo reloaded] - jeste jeden level a du spat...
    SIRLOON --- ---
    NECROMAN: v 7 vecer. a jak znam steam, tak budu hrat az pristi tyden :(
    NECROMAN --- ---
    neni dneska 20 zari? Uz to vyslo?
    DARKELF --- ---
    TOMAS3333: Matt se dle bukletu inspiroval dle B. Smetany u uvodni pisnicky... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk1jYhE-73Q
    IGRACEK --- ---
    ZELGARIS: ajajjaj.. to ten paragon lvl100 nestihnu :D

    uprimne - jsem dost zahackovanej na d3, ale myslim, ze tohle bude prijemna zmena - teda aspon pro me, pritelkyne asi moc radost mit nebude :D
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    Tak 20. zari 2012
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    LOJZEE: Pockej si na ohlaseni :)
    LOJZEE --- ---
    ZELGARIS: tak co je jedem nebo jak to bude sakra uz? ten napis na steamu THIS SUMMER byl teda hodne zavadejici koukam.)
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    Torchlight II | Tune In Friday Morning!

    Tune In Friday Morning!

    August 29th, 2012

    PAX Prime is now just two days away! On August 31st, Friday morning at 9am PDT, Max and Travis will be live on Twitch.TV to talk about the official release date. We are debuting our shiny new trailer, featuring new gameplay from all four classes. We love it. It's awesome.

    We'll also be holding a Q&A session, and you can add your questions to our forum thread, here. We will answer as many of them as we can during our time slot.

    Not going to be at PAX Prime? No problem, the stream will be live on the torchlight2game.com homepage and recorded so you can watch it again throughout the weekend. (Hint: look for the zombie).

    If you are going to be at PAX, stop by and play Act II! We'll also be on Twitter talking about the release date and all the other details. We're excited about PAX and sharing all the news with you. We hope to see you there, in costume!
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    Runic Games • View topic - Not A Blog Redux III
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    Runic Games • View topic - Not a Blog Redux
    CABANNOS --- ---
    CABANNOS: buy game for $8.99 save $6.00
    CABANNOS --- ---
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    SIRLOON: To agro a ignorace nepratel uz se na foru resilo minimalne v 10 threadech a uz to snad i komentovali vyvojari.
    SIRLOON --- ---
    ZELGARIS: aha, to sem asi prehledl. mam jeste trochu kocovinu :)

    btw nejde mi se lognout na forum, nejak se mi blbe slinkoval ucet. mohl bys tam prosim napsat, ze kdyz sem si enchantnul zbran, ktera mela puvodne atribut ze strelny zbrane maji +3 na range, tak se mi to jaksi pokazilo a hra si mysli ze mam o 3 vetsi dostrel ale zbran ne, takze stojim jak dement a delam nepratelum pred xichtem ohnostroje bez jakehokoliv poskozeni. diky :)
    jo a prisery maji urcity agrorange, kterej s magem krasne exploituju fireboltem, staci mit peta na passive, aby neutocil a zabijim takhle i fialovy unikaty aniz by o me vedeli :)
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    SIRLOON: Videl jsem editor jednicky, delal jsem s tim editorem, a taky jsem videl plne fungujii 3rd person mode pro jednicku.
    Ad enchant, proc myslis, ze jsem to tam psal? :)
    SIRLOON --- ---
    btw prisel uz nekdo na to, jestli se ve dvojce rozdelavaji itemy na gemy, nebo je mam proste prodavat? gem remover se odemyka taky pozdeji tak mam strach ty veci prodavat a uz je neni kam cpat
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