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    SUBHAMfolklóóry celého světa / authentic recordings
    FLU --- ---
    VA – Music of Morocco: Recorded by Paul Bowles, 1959 (2016)

    Music of 320

    Since 1999, Atlanta’s Dust-To-Digital has stayed true to their mission “to produce high-quality, cultural artifacts.” This four-disc set of field recordings by expatriate writer, composer, and translator Paul Bowles is no exception.

    In 1972, the Library of Congress issued a double LP from Bowles’ landmark 1959 journey across most regions of Morocco, recording professional and amateur musicians alike. Financed by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, the trip was made in five different jaunts and in 22 villages and towns. It netted 250 performances on some 65 hours of tape. It is a legendary document. It was the only one of its kind until 2002 when the Moroccan Ministry of Culture issued a limited edition of the Anthologie de la Musique Marocaine, a 31-CD set eventually expanded to 66 discs).

    Bowles recorded performances public and private, some captured by happenstance, others formally organized, and still others arranged by the Moroccan government. Some were done merely for the sake of capturing the sound of certain instruments, many were for the purpose of providing evidence of an unfathomably large musical landscape and diverse culture Bowles believed to be in the process of being destroyed by modernity. Sound itself was paramount in his world and informed all of his work no matter the discipline. That, along with the “hypnotic” character he loved so dearly in Moroccan music, is what is best represented. Evidence of the latter is more prevalent here than it was on the original albums. (To present as much of what he recorded as possible in the LP format, performances — many 10-15 minutes in length — had to be edited greatly.)
    This is not the work of an ethnomusicologist. Notes are not as detailed as they should be, and Bowles reveals his own preferences and prejudices. None of that diminishes the importance of this music because Bowles was the first to document these sounds for general release.

    Philip D. Schuyler compiled and produced this greatly expanded collection with complete approval of the author, who died in 1999. It contains 31 tracks instead of 26. It does not follow the original running order, but does adhere to the broad classifications of Berber and non-Berber music on the album. It contains complete performances, not edits. Bowles also made one addition: “El Fjer (Tangier): Early Morning Calls to Prayer” on disc four sums up his M.O. nicely. Recorded at night, it contains the sounds of people, roosters, dogs, and a passing truck. The expanded performances of the music provide listeners with a sense of what Bowles heard in them: A vehicle for hypnosis by sound. Raw, immediate, sometimes jarring, they contain small timbral differences in their cyclic nature, serving to draw listeners almost inescapably into their world.

    Schuyler offers a detailed, lengthy, historical and musicological essay, and Bowles’ original notes are included with annotations from the producer. Maps and diagrams are provided from the journey, as are photographs. Music of Morocco: Recorded by Paul Bowles, 1959 is kinetic, vibrant, problematic, and artfully presented for the ages — just as it should be.
    YARRDESH --- ---
    pomerne vyzivnej blog kavkazsky hudby
    Kafkas Müzikleri-Kavkaz Music: Zikir
    YARRDESH --- ---
    sufijskej zikr v cecensku.
    Chechen female zikr : opening
    MILHAUZ --- ---
    tohle jsem si dnes rano daval na LP, velka parada!

    Bali: Music from the Morning of the World | Nonesuch Records - MP3 Downloads, Free Streaming Music, Lyrics
    MILHAUZ --- ---
    Duo A'Reng - Folk music of Pako Tà Ôi peoples from A Lưới, Thừa Thiên-Huế Province, Vietnam
    SUBHAM --- ---
    Anthems for the Nation of Luobaniya • 罗巴尼亚国歌

    moc pěkný archívek nejrůznějších folklórů. Ripy vinilů převážně z šedesátých/sedmdesátých let.
    MILHAUZ --- ---
    FLU: reed = platek, takze dechove platkove nastroje
    FLU --- ---
    FLU: jinak teda cely projekt "Excavated Shellac" stoji za pozornost:
    Excavated Shellac
    FLU --- ---
    internacionalni kolekce nahravek drevenych dechovych nastroju - nevim, jak lepe prelozit "reeds" (?) - ripnuta ze straych selakovych desek.

    VA – Excavated Shellac: Reeds (2015)

    Reeds2015.rar (101,99 MB) - uploaded.net

    1. I Tre Antonio della Basilicata – Tarantella Popolare (Italy)
    2. Sylvain Poujouly & Achille Marc – Lou Bolontinou (Auvergne, France)
    3. Karzana Oyun Havasi – Zurnacı Mahir and Ali (Turkey)
    4. Tufanpur Orchestra – Reng-E Ghafghaz (Iran)
    5. Ahn Ki-Ok and Kin Yin Kuan – Janggochum (North Korea)
    6. Guangdong Troupe with Da Kai men – Untitled (China)
    7. T. Rajarathnam Pillai – Raga Alapana (Todi) (India)
    8. Selim – Ekâri Eselimmit (Albania)
    9. Obdulia Alvarez, “La Busdonga” – Cantar Bien Neña (Asturias, Spain)
    10. Jhande Nath – Lahara Saamp Ke Masta Karneka (India)
    11. Hoseynkali was Roofakah – Raqs Jooli – Aroosi (Kurdistan)
    12. Mohamed Efendi Baz – Alia Mozmar Khedawi Masr (Upper Egypt)
    13. Ngoma Ya Kitokomire – Mimi Naona Haya (Tanzania)
    14. Mqonga Sikanise – Into Ezimnandi (South Africa)
    Bonus Tracks
    15. Musicians of Radio Studio Skopje, Macedonia – Macedonsko Oro (Macedonia)
    16. Uncredited musicians – Raqsi Kalon (Tajikistan)
    17. Parush Parushev – Ruchenitsa (Bulgaria)
    ONDRAASOVKA --- ---
    FLU: já taky, jedem to doma jak pominutý.
    VANDA__ --- ---
    FLU: Díky moc!
    FLU --- ---
    SUBHAM: jj, rad bych je chtel videt a slyset nazivo.
    SUBHAM --- ---
    FLU: solidní nálož!
    FLU --- ---
    istanbulska ctvrt Dolapdere (na evropske strane, soucast Beyoglu, kousek od Taksimu) je krome vyrazne kurdske populace obydlena zejmena mistnimi Romy (i kdyz pocitam, ze etnicky se to bude dost prekryvat) a v tomto smeru je taky neoficialnim centrem romske muziky v Istanbulu. muzikanti tam udajne porad funguji tak jak kdysi - pres den posedavaji u caje a vyhravaji na ulici, kde si je klientela najima na dalsi akce - oslavy, svatby, pohrby a tak dale. ze strany folklornich a world music vydavatelstvi zustavala tahle barvita subkultura prakticky bez povsimnuti, takze prvni (?) seriozni nahravkou je az "Bahriye Cifetellisi" mistni legendy Cüneyta Sepetçiho a jeho kapely, jez vysla v na labelu americkych nadsencu pro vychoevropsky folklor z kapely Hawk and the Hacksaw, L.M. Duplication.

    ...jen tak pro predstavu, protoze tohle je opravdu "jiny" Istanbul :)

    Cüneyt Sepetçi & Orchestra Dolapdere - Bahriye Ciftetellisi (2013)

    Cüneyt Sepetçi & Orchestra Dolapdere - Bahriye Ciftellisi.rar | Ulož.to
    PW: dolapdere
    TWORBO --- ---
    rekordy z vlastni zahradky, mistni lidova muzika ve svem autentickem prostredi, hrano vicemene neprofesialnima nadsencema /krom zpevacka v afganskym bandu/

    hindukus, afghanistan
    afghanistan village near Faizabad, wedding band

    a tadzikistan, pamir
    ONDRAASOVKA --- ---
    SUBHAM: skvělý, díky moc!
    SUBHAM --- ---
    ONDRAASOVKA: tak jožka kubík je jasný, tady jsem našel "dalekonosne husle" na ulozto (odkaz netestován) http://uloz.to/xrGMRxw/jozka-kubik-zip
    z tech současných nositelů tradice bych doporučil cimbálku Petra Mičky, http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ivysilani/10096307226-folklorni-magazin
    nahrávku ale nemám
    ONDRAASOVKA --- ---
    mohli byste mě, prosím, nasměrovat na nějaké pokud možno autentické folklórní nahrávky z horňácka? za případné tipy předem děkuji.
    FLU --- ---
    The Music Of Islam: Vol 1-15
    (Celestial Harmonies, 1997)

    walkingtrees: The Music of Islam (Celestial Harmonies, 1998)
    (vsechny linky funkcni, dneska jsem to tahal)

    The Music of Islam, 17-CD Boxed Set
    MILHAUZ --- ---
    nejen hudba: http://publicdomainreview.org/
    pod AUDIO zajimave stare nahravky
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