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    SUBHAMfolklóóry celého světa / authentic recordings
    SUBHAM --- ---
    talibán zakázal všechny hudební formy s výjimkou náboženských zpěvů, protože by podle vůdců hnutí mohly vyvolávat v lidech nečisté myšlenky. Je mi do pláče (doslova).

    Afghanistan: Female Musicians of Herat

    In Afghanistan, gender ideology profoundly affects musical life, as nearly all musical activity is segregated between women and men. Women perform primarily in small groups in domestic contexts, especially at private gatherings, weddings, and other rites of passage. The city of Herat was known for its professional female musicians, who had no parallels elsewhere in the country.
    These 1970s recordings of women and children singing love songs, lullabies, and melodies based on traditional quatrains (chahârbeit), accompanying themselves on large frame drums (dâireh), tabla, and Indian portable harmonium, capture a time before the civil wars and ongoing political unrest that severely disrupted Afghani music-making.
    Veronica Doubleday recorded this music during ethnomusicological fieldwork in Herat. John Baily, her husband, produced Afghanistan: The Traditional Music of Herat as a result of that same trip, documenting Afghanistan’s male-dominated classical music tradition.

    Afghanistan꞉ Female Musicians of Herat (2002).zip | Ulož.to
    ONDRAASOVKA --- ---
    berberská hudba s pětistrunným banjem

    Tiddukla | Hassan Wargui

    "...His music draws from the deep well of Amazigh, or Berber, cultures that have long been suppressed across North Africa after the region underwent a process of Arabization following the Arab invasions of the 7th Century..."

    TOUDERT (Life) | Hassan Wargui
    SUBHAM --- ---
    Kdyby chtel nekdo z mistnich podporit vznik naseho druheho alba, kde zpracovavame folklorni melodie balkanskeho regionu do nasich originalnich uprav, budeme moc radi!
    Hithit - FBQ vydává druhé album!
    TONY9 --- ---
    Zde máte kousek mé životní cesty s housličkami, protože video je hodně folklorní dávám ho sem.

    Pořád bojuju se synchrem videa a zvuku. Zkoušl jsem to přes soft a ručně a pořád to není ono. Kdybyste náhodou někdo věli co s tím, tak dejte vědět. Používám FCPX.
    Zde video:

    Jak jsem začal hrát na housle v 21 letech (Tonyho postřehy Díl - 55.)
    FLU --- ---
    Klasická dimotika/epirotika lehce reintepretovaná v experimentátorském duchu let šedesátých. Dobrota.

    Tassos Chalkias - Divine Reeds
    Obscure Recordings From Special Music Recording Company (Athens 1966-1967)

    Divine Reeds | Tassos Chalkias - Τάσος Χαλκιάς

    D/L: http://uploaded.net/file/fppbvdbf

    Epirótika! Greek psych folk as a soul medicine. A shepherd's fever dream or spiritual jazz from an ancient world?

    The moment you fall in love with Epirote music, a new musical universe will open up to you! This ancient psychedelic folk with jazzy improvisations from the North West of Greece is unique and will touch your soul so deeply that epirotika aficionados always remember the place and the moment when they got to know this hypnotic and mesmerising music.

    In a similar way to the music of Alice Coltrane or Mulatu Astatke, it can take you out of the here and now - the pure beauty of the magical epirotika sound can make your mind drift off to otherworldly places. The hard to find recordings of Tassos Chalkias presented on this album are seen as some of the most outstanding expressions of this distinctive musical genre.
    FLU --- ---
    Šťastné a veselé.

    VA – Excavated Shellac: An Alternate History of the World’s Music (2020)

    This collection highlights music that is often invisible in today’s world — the incredible world of global recordings that aren’t jazz, blues, country, rock ‘n roll, R&B, or “classical.”

    Excavated Shellac: An Alternate History of the World’s Music featuring music and musical styles from six continents and 89 different countries and regions, recorded between 1907-1967.

    With almost all of the tracks never before reissued, this collection expands upon and acts as a companion to Jonathan Ward’s Excavated Shellac website, a unique repository of music, history, and data on 78 rpm recordings from around the world, rarely heard and seldom seen.

    D/L (FLAC): https://filecrypt.co/Container/4E7F46E15E.html
    D/L (320): https://filecrypt.co/Container/A8C0254D0A.html
    FLU --- ---
    Evritiki Zygia – Ormenion (2020)

    Evritiki Zygia – Ormenion (2020) | exystence
    Ormenion | Evritiki Zygia | Teranga Beat

    Evritiki Zygia (Εβρίτικη Ζυγιά) - Ormenion album teaser
    SUBHAM --- ---
    tohle je dost boží:
    Complete archive of folk music for all countries
    FLU --- ---
    Nostalgique Arménie: Chants d’amour, d’espoir, d’exil et improvisations 1942-1952

    Popular Western Armenian music uses instruments such as oud, qanun, keman, darbouka, clarinet, mandolin, tambourine, dumbeg and the duduk which is its characteristic. The songs are in several languages: Armenian, Turkish, Greek, Kurdish or other, often a mixture of these languages ​​such as spoken in the streets. The first recordings of Ottoman-Anatolian music played and sung by Armenians, Greeks, Arabs of the Empire, between 1909-1929, were thus made in the United States, then in Europe by companies like Colombia Records, Odeon, Archalouys or other. This precious collection brings together the songs and performances of the great Armenian artists of the Sayat Nova era in the heyday of a cultural and musical reconstruction in the diaspora. It testifies respectfully to the Armenian identity, from Anatolia to the New World.

    Nostalgique Arménie, Chants d’amour, d’espoir, d’exil & improvisations 1942 - 1952 - Buda Musique

    VA_NostalgiqueArme?nieChant…rar (282,70 MB) - uploaded.net
    FLU --- ---
    Na Sublime Frequencies vysla reprezentativni kompilace mapujici dilo indickeho etnomuzikologa a folkloristy Debena Bhattacharyi. Vrele doporucuji.
    Deben Bhattacharya - Wikipedia

    Deben Bhattacharya - Paris to Calcutta: Men and Music on The Desert Road

    Paris to Calcutta: Men and Music on the Desert Road | Sublime Frequencies

    1: http://uploaded.net/file/509olao1
    2: http://uploaded.net/file/yi5pwbpk
    3: http://uploaded.net/file/eh6nel5f
    4: http://uploaded.net/file/yl942y6p

    Kdysi tady probehl odkaz na skvely (zelbohu jiz nekolik let jen hibernujici) blog "Anthems for the Nation of Luobaniya", na kterem jsem poprve na pana Debena narazil. Kdyz tak zde:
    Anthems for the Nation of Luobaniya • 罗巴尼亚国歌: Deben Bhattacharya
    (desitky ci stovky hodin zaznamu a tisice fotek, zkratka uctyhodne dilo)
    SUBHAM --- ---

    The Orient of the Greeks

    Η Ανατολή των Ελλήνων - The Orient of the Greeks - L' Orient des Grecs

    22 rebetika songs of the Greeks of Asia Minor recorded in the United States.

    01.Tsiftétéli: Roza Eskenazi - Τσιφτετέλι (1935) – Ρόζα Εσκενάζυ 03:07
    02. Diplochordo: Katina Homatianou - Διπλόχορδο (1935) – Κατίνα Χωματιανού 03:08
    03. Taximi rast - Charalambos Savaidis, Salonikios, Agapios Tomboulis - Ταξίμι ράστ (1933) – Λάμπος Σαββαϊδης, Σαλονικιός, Αγάπιος Τομπούλης 03:11
    04. Taximi piraiotiko kiourdi: Lambros Leondaridis - Ταξίμι πειραιώτικο κιουρντί (1930) – Λάμπρος Λεονταρίδης 03:10
    05. Min orkizessé vre pséftra: Roza Eskenazi - Μην ορκίζεσαι βρε ψεύτρα (1934) – Ρόζα Εσκενάζυ 03:17
    06. Patrinia: Roza Eskenazi - Πατρινιά (1935) – Ρόζα Εσκενάζυ 03:03
    07. Pséfti dounia kié apisté: Marika Kanaropoulou - Ψεύτη ντουνιά και άπιστε (1934) – Μαρίκα Καναροπούλου 03:24
    08. San fillo maraméno: Marika Kanaropoulou - Σαν φύλλο μαραμένο (1934) – Μαρίκα Καναροπούλου 03:15
    09. Tin ora tou thanatou: Rita Abdazi - Η ώρα του θανάτου (1935) – Ρίτα Αμπατζή 03:09
    10. Diplopenia: Rita Abdazi - Διπλοπενιά (1936) – Ρίτα Αμπατζή 03:17
    11. Tis ksenitias o ponos: Andonios Hatzidiamandidis - Της ξενιτιάς ο πόνος (1935) – Αντώνης Χατζηδιαμαντίδης 03:11
    12. Amanés Béyoglou Manessi: Andonis Dalgas - Αμανές Μπιογιόγλου Μανέσση (1929) – Αντώνης Νταλκάς 03:22
    13. Osoi mé vlépoun ké glento: Angeliki Papazoglou - 'Οσοι με βλέπουν και γλεντώ (1935) – Αγγελική Παπάζογλου 03:07
    14. Amanés piraiotikos: Stratos Payioumdzis - Aμανές πειραιώτικος (1935) – Στράτος Παγιουμτζής 03:20
    15. Choris krassi: Dimitris Atraidis- Χωρίς κρασί (1934) – Δημήτρης Ατραΐδης 03:18
    16. Taximi zeibékiko: Stratos Pagioumitzis - Ταξίμι ζεϊμπέκικο (1937) – Στράτος Παγιουμτζής 03:13
    17. Yia mou: Roza Eskenazi - Γειά μου (1935) – Ρόζα Εσκενάζυ 03:14
    18. Tserkésa: Roza Eskenazi - Τσερκέσα (1934) – Ρόζα Εσκενάζυ 03:07
    19. Aidiniotopoula: Amalia Vaka - Αδανιατοπούλα (1943) – Αμαλία Βάκα 03:06
    20. Den mou (e) miné zoi: Charalambos Panayis - Δεν μου 'μείνε πλέον ζωή (1934) – Χαράλαμπός Παναγής 02:58
    21. Pés mou vré charé: Marika Kanaropoulou- Πες μου βρε χάρε (1935) – Μαρίκα Καναροπούλου 02:57
    22. Pérassan ta chronia mou: Marika Kanaropulou - Περασαν τα χρόνια μου (1934) – Μαρίκα Καναροπούλου 03:14
    SUBHAM --- ---
    The Global Jukebox

    Global Jukebox je projekt folkloristy Alana Lomaxe. Vytyčil si úkol, který měl později obrovský vliv na muzikologickou metodiku a s ní spojené antropologické zkoumání: zjistit, jaké podoby může mít ve světě folklorní hudba. Terénnímu výzkumu zasvětil takřka celý svůj život (jedna z prvních nahrávek pochází už z roku 1941). Jeho archiv, čítající data o více než tisíci světových kulturách, se teď konečně dočkal digitalizace. Asociace pro kulturní rovnost (ACE) patnáct let po smrti svého zakladatele zveřejnila interaktivní mapu s více než šesti tisíci písněmi z celého světa. Tím však kulturní osvěta nekončí – Anna Lomax Wood, dcera slavného folkloristy, se nechala slyšet, že v archivech ACE leží další tisíce hudebních svědectví, která čekají na zveřejnění.
    FLU --- ---
    Inuit: 55 Historical Recordings of Traditional Greenlandic Music 1905-1987

    VA_Inuit55HistoricalRecordi…rar (175,33 MB) - uploaded.net

    Sub Rosa - inuit

    Recorded in several places in Greenland and Canada from 1905 to 1987. Compiled by the Danish ethnomusicologist Michael Hauser for his book 'Traditional Greenlandic Music' published by ULO in 1992, edited by Karsten Sommer. This record, published a few years ago only in Greenland by Ulo, released on Sub Rosa in 2000.
    FLU --- ---
    VA - The Sacred Drones of West Kalimantan

    TheSacredDronesOfWestKalima…rar (103,72 MB) - uploaded.net

    The Sacred Drones of West Kalimantan – Tresno Records

    The Sacred Drones of West Kalimantan is a sound documentary, a record in which every nuance of Kayan’s and Taman’s daily life and rituals is present, not to mention unexpected moments of nature’s manifestations. You’ll hear ancient chants, bronze percussions sending people into a state of trance, smokey dances that smell like swamp and somehow remind what Tom Waits was creating in his first years, the traditional lutes of Borneo (both the sape’/sapek/sapeq Kenyah and the Kayan ones are present, alongside Taman’s belikan, which makes this record the very first source where it is listenable) and magic rituals: these are some of the aspects you’ll fall in love with, because this is simply a marvellous, meaningful sonic experience. A deep glance cast over a wild portion of Indonesia which is still unknown even to the Indonesians themselves, let alone western world; an extremely detailed survey of one of the oldest drone musics of Asia.

    The download of the album comes with a twenty-five pages booklet (including a photographic appendix) in which every aspect of Dayak’s life and music is investigated, thus making the listener able to dive into this astonishing sonic universe.

    Close your eyes and brace yourselves: this is a journey into sound dimensions we barely know, but which are close to our hearts in ways we could ever imagine. Mastered by Colossius at QuasiStudio, Florence; cover by Serena Doe.

    The sales of this album will be allocated to the village of Datah Diaan.
    FLU --- ---
    jeste prihodim jednu starsi kompilacku mapujici hudbu z filipinskych Kordiler ze severu ostrova Luzon...

    VA - Music from the Mountain Provinces

    VA - Music from the Mountain Provinces (2014).rar | Ulož.to
    FLU --- ---
    Ragnar Johnson – Sacred Flute Music from New Guinea: Madang Windim / Mambu (2016)

    Madang2016.rar (208,31 MB) - uploaded.net

    Recorded in 1976 by Ragnar Johnson and assisted by Jessica Mayer, the two discs were originally released as separate albums in 1979 and then as separate CDs in 1999, but now you can get your New Guinea sacred flute fix in one handy location.

    If you come to this party expecting audacious rhymes about the woes of being a celebrity, you’re at the wrong party, because Sacred Flute Music from New Guinea: Madang / Windim Mabu is straight-up “recordings of men in the Madang region of Papua New Guinea blowing sacred flutes to make the cries of spirits, pairs of long bamboo male and female flutes played for ceremonies in the coastal villages near the Ramu river, Ravoi flutes from Bak accompanied by two garamut (carved wooden slit gongs), Jarvan flutes from Awar accompanied by a shell rattle, Mo-mo resonating tubes recorded in the Finisterre Range, and more.”
    FLU --- ---
    VA – Music of Morocco: Recorded by Paul Bowles, 1959 (2016)

    Music of 320

    Since 1999, Atlanta’s Dust-To-Digital has stayed true to their mission “to produce high-quality, cultural artifacts.” This four-disc set of field recordings by expatriate writer, composer, and translator Paul Bowles is no exception.

    In 1972, the Library of Congress issued a double LP from Bowles’ landmark 1959 journey across most regions of Morocco, recording professional and amateur musicians alike. Financed by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, the trip was made in five different jaunts and in 22 villages and towns. It netted 250 performances on some 65 hours of tape. It is a legendary document. It was the only one of its kind until 2002 when the Moroccan Ministry of Culture issued a limited edition of the Anthologie de la Musique Marocaine, a 31-CD set eventually expanded to 66 discs).

    Bowles recorded performances public and private, some captured by happenstance, others formally organized, and still others arranged by the Moroccan government. Some were done merely for the sake of capturing the sound of certain instruments, many were for the purpose of providing evidence of an unfathomably large musical landscape and diverse culture Bowles believed to be in the process of being destroyed by modernity. Sound itself was paramount in his world and informed all of his work no matter the discipline. That, along with the “hypnotic” character he loved so dearly in Moroccan music, is what is best represented. Evidence of the latter is more prevalent here than it was on the original albums. (To present as much of what he recorded as possible in the LP format, performances — many 10-15 minutes in length — had to be edited greatly.)
    This is not the work of an ethnomusicologist. Notes are not as detailed as they should be, and Bowles reveals his own preferences and prejudices. None of that diminishes the importance of this music because Bowles was the first to document these sounds for general release.

    Philip D. Schuyler compiled and produced this greatly expanded collection with complete approval of the author, who died in 1999. It contains 31 tracks instead of 26. It does not follow the original running order, but does adhere to the broad classifications of Berber and non-Berber music on the album. It contains complete performances, not edits. Bowles also made one addition: “El Fjer (Tangier): Early Morning Calls to Prayer” on disc four sums up his M.O. nicely. Recorded at night, it contains the sounds of people, roosters, dogs, and a passing truck. The expanded performances of the music provide listeners with a sense of what Bowles heard in them: A vehicle for hypnosis by sound. Raw, immediate, sometimes jarring, they contain small timbral differences in their cyclic nature, serving to draw listeners almost inescapably into their world.

    Schuyler offers a detailed, lengthy, historical and musicological essay, and Bowles’ original notes are included with annotations from the producer. Maps and diagrams are provided from the journey, as are photographs. Music of Morocco: Recorded by Paul Bowles, 1959 is kinetic, vibrant, problematic, and artfully presented for the ages — just as it should be.
    YARRDESH --- ---
    pomerne vyzivnej blog kavkazsky hudby
    Kafkas Müzikleri-Kavkaz Music: Zikir
    YARRDESH --- ---
    sufijskej zikr v cecensku.
    Chechen female zikr : opening
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