RESCAPE: themeforest je zvlastni pripad. po koupi si muzes ten produkt stahovat do aleluja, coz treba u fotobank nefunguje, tam je zakoupena fotka u tvyho uctu ke stazeni omezenej pocet dni/tydnu.
to ale nemeni nic na tom, ze sablonu
lze opravdu pouzit jen jednou at uz pro sebe nebo pro klienta.
2. You are licensed to use the Item to create one single End Product for yourself or for one client (a “single application”), and the End Product can be distributed for Free.
3.An End Product is one of the following things, both requiring an application of skill and effort.
(a)For an Item that is a template, the End Product is a customised implementation of the Item.
For example: the item is a website theme and the end product is the final website customised with your content.
(b) For other types of Item, an End Product is a work that incorporates the Item as well as other things, so that it is larger in scope and different in nature than the Item.
For example: the item is a button graphic and the end product is a website. See the FAQs for examples and information about End Products and the single application requirement.
RESCAPE: takze pokud potrebujes sablonu pouzit znova, na themeforestu si ji najdes a normalne koupis znova tlacitkem „Purchase“.
souhrn vsech licenci je tady