CYBERWOLF: Spamvertising Checks
Check if this website is being “Spamvertised”
Spam Check
Check if this website IP is generating spam
Blacklist Check
Check if this website is on a domain blacklist
Server State
Scan for unauthorized DNS changes (discontinued)
Monitor disk space
Scan for misconfigured How does Wordfence get IPs
PHP Version Check (Can not be disabled)
File Changes
Scan wp-admin and wp-includes for files not bundled with WordPress
Scan plugin files against repository versions for changes
Scan theme files against repository versions for changes
Scan core files against repository versions for changes
Malware Scan
Scan for signatures of known malicious files
Scan file contents for backdoors, trojans and suspicious code
Content Safety
Scan comments for known dangerous URLs and suspicious content
Scan posts for known dangerous URLs and suspicious content
Scan file contents for malicious URLs
Public Files
Scan for publicly accessible quarantined files
Scan for publicly accessible configuration, backup, or log files
Password Strength
Check the strength of passwords
Vulnerability Scan
Scan for out of date, abandoned, and vulnerable plugins, themes, and WordPress versions
User & Option Audit
Scan WordPress core, plugin, and theme options for known dangerous URLs and suspicious content
Scan for admin users created outside of WordPress