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    ztracené heslo?
    KAILASHMahájána a vadžrajána
    Odborný klub o studiu a praxi mahájánového a vadžrajánového buddhismu.

    Vstup do diskuse předpokládá základní znalost teorie buddhismu a aktivní zkušenost s jeho praxí podle některé z tradičních linií. Zájemci, kteří se s buddhismem neztotožňují, zde můžou získat pouze odpovědi na své upřímně míněné dotazy.

    Tento klub není určen pro srovnávací diskuse s jinými duchovními směry, pro spory o pravosti základních bodů mahájánového/vadžrajánového buddhismu, ani pro útoky na diskutující či zástupce jednotlivých směrů buddhismu, nebo emoční výlevy...

    K tomu mohou použít tyto diskuse:

    [ Tibetsky BUDDHISMUS ]
    [ buddhisticky pokec - chat u smejiciho se buddhy ;) ]
    [ DHARMA - buddhismus - filosofie a praxe, pradžná a upája ]
    [ Zen buddhismus ]
    rozbalit záhlaví
    DARUMA --- ---

    Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche Ngawang Chökyi Lodrö (Wyl. ‘khrul zhig ngag dbang chos kyi blo gros), was born at Yardrok Taklung in Central Tibet in 1923/4.

    He was recognized in early childhood as the immediate re-embodiment of Tertön Dongak Lingpa (Kunzang Thongdrol Dorje) a famous discoverer of spiritual treasures and is also considered as being the manifestaion of Lord Buddha’s disciple Ananda, as well as of Aryadeva, Thönmi Sambhota, the abbot Shantarakshita, the translator Vairotsana and Rechung Dorje Trakpa.

    He received his early education from his predecessor's foremost disciple, Ngawang Tendzin Norbu (1867-1942), who was known as the Buddha of Dza Rongphuk after his place of retreat and the monastery that he established on the northern slopes of Mount Everest. After Ngawang Tendzin Norbu passed away, Trulshik Rinpoche became the abbot of the monastic community, and following the tragic events of 1959 moved with his followers to safe haven in the valleys to the south of the Mount Everest area, among the Sherpa people of northeastern Nepal. Thupten Chöling, the monastery that he founded there, is today renowned as a foremost centre for the monastic traditions of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism. Since he came out of Tibet, Rinpoche has ordained nearly ten thousand monks and nuns.

    Besides his root-guru, Trulshik Rinpoche's teachers have included Minling Chung Rinpoche and Dordzin Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche, Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö and especially Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche of whom he was like a heart-son. Altogether he had some fifty masters representing all of the major lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. Over the years, he has also been offering many rare Nyingma teachings to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

    Trulshik Rinpoche is also the unique heir to some of Tibet's rarer traditions, for instance that of the "Pacification of Suffering" (Tib. Shyijé), first introduced in Tibet during the 11th century by the Indian yogin Padampa Sangye. As the present embodiment of a line of treasure-discoverers, he continues his predecessor's teachings, especially those in relations to the great master Padmasambhava and the meditational teachings of the Great Perfection or Dzogchen. Trulshik Rinpoche's unusually clear and spontaneous style of teaching is reflected in his accomplishments as a poet and master of all aspects of the monastic arts. His direction of the annual Mani Rimdu festival of masked dance-drama is documented in Richard Kohn's film Lord of the Dance, Destroyer of Illusion (1986), the title of which is in part derived from his name, Trulshik Rinpoche, "the Precious Destroyer of Illusion."
    KAILASH --- ---
    Kyabje Trulshig Rinpoche Accepts Position As Head of the Nyingma School
    JUNIPETRUS --- ---
    verici a neverici.. zajimave
    KAILASH --- ---
    he Dalai Lama admitted that there is a difference between the views of believers and unbelievers: "From a Buddhist point of view, men-to-men and women-to-women is generally considered sexual misconduct. From society's point of view, mutually agreeable homosexual relations can be of mutual benefit, enjoyable and harmless." [33] He cited the Indian Buddhist texts of Vasubandhu, Asanga, and Ashvaghosha as his source concerning what constitutes inappropriate sexual behavior.
    KAILASH --- ---

    Zajímavé texty nejen od shambalistických učitelů...
    KAILASH --- ---
    Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche je pravidelným přispěvatelem na Twitteru:

    KAILASH --- ---
    V nedeli je jeden z velkych buddhistických svátků Chotrul Duchen
    KAILASH --- ---
    Přidáno základní info o fóru + pravidla, a na nástěnce doplněny první odkazy....
    KOCOURR --- ---
    mahájána vadžrajána...nejlepší je THÉRAVÁDA...
    KOCOURR --- ---
    není náhodou vadžrajána pouze jiným názvem pro mahájánu? tzn. mahájánu v tibetském provedení?
    KEIKIN --- ---
    KAILASH: co chceš promazávat, vždyŤ tu jsou jenom dva příspěvky..
    KAILASH --- ---
    Zdravím - ted jsem v práci, ale až budu večer doma tak to tu promažu a nastavím nějaká pravidla. :-)
    KLUSI0 --- ---
    IJACZEK --- ---
    že je tu těch klubů o buddhismu ale málo .DDD

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