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    ztracené heslo?
    PAULMUADDIBStrana svobodných občanů 1.56% v parlamentních volbách.
    NJAL --- ---
    Sargon rules :-)

    This Week in Stupid (26/06/2016)
    WANTON --- ---
    Although geographical factors played a role, the key to western development is to be found in the fact that, while Europe constituted a single civilization — Latin Christendom — it was at the same time radically decentralized. In contrast to other cultures — especially China, India, and the Islamic world — Europe comprised a system of divided and, hence, competing powers and jurisdictions.

    In other words, over the centuries, a long evolution of the institutions gave birth to personal liberty. Although the European aristocracies and states were restricting freedom, they were forced to grant more autonomy to their subjects, for, if they did not, people were opting out by migrating or using black markets.

    The European Union Is Anti-European | Mises Institute
    WANTON --- ---
    Nevolený, nelegální spolek loupežníků. Benjamin Kuras radí Čechům, jak teď nesmyslům z Bruselu nejlépe čelit | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran
    WANTON --- ---
    JIMIQ: Tak ona i ta ropa klesá, jak klesají jejich zásoby. :-)
    JIMIQ --- ---
    to vypadá že ten článek nebere v potaz nedávný pokles cen ropy, poslední statistika tam je z 2013
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    JIMIQ: no hlavně v tom nejsou příjmy z ropy, co se teďka dělej proporčně podle počtu obyvatel, i když je jich naprostá většina ze skotskýho území.

    Tax and spending in Scotland - Full Fact
    JIMIQ --- ---
    WANTON: a v tom jsou ještě započítány subvence, které Skotsko bere z UK rozpočtu, o které by taky přišli
    WANTON --- ---
    Jak by kleslo HDP UK, když by Skoti vystoupili:

    First the UK, then Scotland ... then Texas? | Mises Wire
    WANTON --- ---
    Were you a Remain campaigner? Are you sore about the referendum result? Check out these 10 top self-comforting strategies.
    1.) Call every white person who voted Leave a "racist", ignoring the fact that Europeans are also white. Make sure you ignore and marginalise ethnic minority leave voters.
    2.) Claim that the (huge) turnout wasn't high enough. 72%? It should have been at least 75%! 80%? It should have been 85%! Make sure to keep moving the goalposts.
    3.) Make a stupid e-petition demanding another referendum, just like the socialists did when Labour lost last year. We need to keep having referendums until we get the "right" result.
    4.) Get over-excited about the economy, even if the impact has been pretty boring and mundane. Pretend that your 2:2 in English Literature makes you an expert on currency markets.
    5.) Attack the very idea of Democracy, because it's only a good thing when it goes the way you want it to. Working class voters don't know what's good for them, but middle class liberals definitely do.
    6.) Share memes bashing Brexit, ignoring the unwelcome and uncomfortable realisation that you are in the minority of public opinion.
    7.) Boldly claim that Scotland will leave the UK, forgetting that A) they can't afford to B) the EU can't afford to take them C) 1.6m remain votes don't cancel out 2m NO votes.
    8.) Make fun of Boris Johnson while sweating slightly and really hoping he doesn't become Prime Minister.
    9.) Learn absolutely nothing from the campaign, blaming the result on everyone but yourself. Scaremongering and bullying are clearly the best tactics to use, there's no way they could possibly backfire.
    10.) Curl up in a ball and cry yourself to sleep while listening to "Ode to Joy".
    BONGI --- ---
    DANCHEZ: Souhlasim s tebou, nicmene urcite stoji za zamysleni, jaky vnitrostranicky proces umoznil, ze se takovy clovek dostal do vedeni a jak to muze ovlivnovat i dalsi chovani teto strany. Aby z toho pak nevysla strana jen s demokratickym naterem.
    COOLER --- ---
    WANTON: neřekne. moc dobře ví, jak to je. jen prudí :)
    COOLER --- ---
    ADAMIRA: a ty jsi roztomilí :)
    WANTON --- ---
    ADAMIRA: Je to dobře populistický argument, líbí se mi. Cílí na mladé lidi. To však není důvod, proč volím Svobodné, populismus používají všechny strany. Takových nesmyslů je, řekni, kterou stranu volíš, najdu ti nějaké. ;)

    KEMAL --- ---
    Tady je prej dneska hrozná prča, můžu nakouknout?
    ADAMIRA --- ---
    Dobrý stačí, prostě důkaz toho, že dotyčná partaj splňuje 2 - 3 základní požadavky a pak můžou třeba tvrdit, že země je placka na hřbetu 4 slonů.

    Jste roztomilý :)))
    THETAN --- ---
    JUNIPETRUS: Geert má dobrý háro.
    JUNIPETRUS --- ---
    Politici v dalších zemích EU žádají referenda o vystoupení  – Novinky.cz
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: buď v klidu, o mě zase fester léta rozhlašuje, že dělám zprávy na nově...
    DANCHEZ --- ---

    ja nevolim podle toho kdo kde co placne, ale podle celkoveho pristupu a nazoru na to jak by mela spolecnost fungovat...

    modelovy priklad:
    existuji jenom dve strany: komunisti a demokrati..
    blizi se volby, a sef demokratu rekne nejakou ale opravdovou hovadinu, jeste se ukaze ze kupuje sve podrizene drahe kabelky a necha se od ni mrskat bicikem, sef komunistu se zachova velmi rozumne, nebude si na tom prihrivat polivcicku, zachova se jako profesional, celkove z toho vyjde velmi sympaticky..
    klidne mu za to zatleskam, ale hlas porad hodim demokratum!

    pro me jsou strany vic nez jen souhrn osob ktere stoji v jejim vedeni, jde mi primarne o principy
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam