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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“
    RAV --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: O.O ty budes mat na ramene macicku?
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    logo tyhle kapely asi pude v kerce na rameno

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    ADAMBERNAU --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: A toto znáš?

    Drift DVD clip (Lee Ranaldo and Leah Singer) - YouTube

    Kdysi někdo linkoval na Nyx - stáhl jsem si to; už to ale bohužel nemám.

    Mimochodem, podíval jsem letmo po "Dandy" s NC a BB - bohužel ani vidu, ani slechu.
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    Mate radi Fallouta? Tak tadyhle je jedna krysa z Bronxu, co vam jej mozna pripomene... [ik Truce]

    Three-Foot Rat Found In New York City Shoe Store | Disinformation
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    via SANCHA

    Nikomu jsem neublížil
    Hodnocení pořadu:
    Počet hlasů: 52
    Sdílet | Poslat odkaz

    O fenoménu udavačství za komunistického režimu s někdejšími důstojníky StB i s těmi, které řídili. Režie P. Křemen.

    Nikomu jsem neublížil — Česká televize
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    Illustration | DesignDosage | Page 3
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    jo a tadyhle je trailer na novy vetrelce [aka Prometeus]

    Prometheus - Official Trailer [TRUE HD] - YouTube
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    mmchodem ten co delal mys na efektu [Kenneth Taylor], delal treba i tohle

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    a vubec nechci Tech plakatu hromadu, ze?

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    a tenhle plakat bych hodne chtel [smolik]

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    a tuhle faninku Sonic Youth uplne chapu

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    Corporate Ghost

    The videos 1990-2002

    This DVD is really good! I know that I am a big Sonic Youth fan, but still. Every video the New York alternative quartet ever made (plus live performances) is on here, and each one has at least 2 commentaries to accompany it. Whether it’s the memorable live performance of ‘the Diamond Sea” with Thurston’s wild guitar solos, Kim Gordon’s sultry voice and heart touching lyrics in ‘tunic”, or Guy Mariano, Jason Lee and Spike Jonze skating through the streets of LA in “100%”. It’s all good. I don’t think you can deny how creative Sonic Youth are when it comes to music. Each song is different and every composition touches a different mood. No wonder how these guys have got such longetivity and influence in the game. This DVD is like a historical document tracing the group’s artistic states as they put images to their music. Oh, and let’s not forget the extras! Over 3 hours of interviews, commentary, live shows and more. There’s even the entirety of a young fans video message, filmed on the old camcorder back when Sonic Youth had just released “Daydream Nation”, a seminal album that rocked the youth. Great. Anyway, I”m bought on this DVD and super stoked to own a copy. So should you, now go get it!

    Ralph Lloyd-Davis
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    pá / fri 13. 01. 20:00 / 8 PM (repríza 15. 01. 20:00) -Meet Factory

    divadlo / theatre
    Volně podle románu Chlípnice Michala Witkowského / Loosely based on the novel called Lubiewo by Michal Witkowski.

    Premiéra / Premiere
    Režie / Directed by: Miroslav Bambušek
    Scénář / Script: Miroslav Bambušek a Jan Horák
    Dramaturgie / Dramaturgy: Jan Horák
    Scéna / Stage: Tomáš Bambušek
    Masky a kostýmy / Masks and costumes: Zuzana Krejzková
    Hudba / Music: Vladimír Franz, Petr Kofroň, Jakub Kudláč
    Hrají / Cast: Tomáš Jeřábek, Karel Dobrý, Roman Zach

    Zpověď vykrouceného homosexuálního páru, reliktu osmdesátých let polské normalizace. Patricie a Lukrécie jsou narkomanky sexu, jejich život je bytostně oddán jediné touze, která je motorem jejich života: sexu s vošoustem. Ve stylizovaném rozhovoru ožívá zaniklý svět Wroclawské homosexuální scény osmdesátých let, svět plný neukojitelné touhy po prchavých okamžicích rozkoše na smradlavých veřejných záchodcích v lázních a kasárnách, svět rozkladu, smrti a štěstí.

    Confessions of a twisted homosexual couple, a relic of Polish normalisation in the 80s. Patricia and Lucretia are addicted to sex. They are essentially devoted to a single desire which is the driving force in their lives: sex with Vošoust. In the stylised interview, the once lost world of the Wroclaw homosexual scene of the 80s is brought back to life; a world full of insatiable desire for fleeting moments of pleasure in smelly, public toilets, baths, barracks; a world of decay, death and happiness.

    Česky bez titulků / In Czech with no subtitles.

    Vstup / Entry 150 / 100 Kč / CZK
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    Sonic Youth Lyrics

    " Beauty Lies In The Eye "

    There's something in the air there
    Makes you go insane
    Brings you back to me
    It's been so long
    All that I have to do
    Is live along
    It's coming coming down
    Over me
    Do you want to see
    The explosions in my eye
    Do you want to see
    The reflection of
    How we used to be
    Beauty lies
    In the eyes of anothers dreams
    Beauty lies
    Lost in anothers dream
    It's coming coming down
    Over me
    Do you want to see
    The explosions in my eye
    Do you want to see
    The reflection of
    How it used to be

    Hey baby
    Hey sweetheart
    Hey fox come here
    Hey beautiful
    Come here sugar
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