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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“
    KAMAR --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: nutno cist novinky http://www.csap-cz.eu/node/508 ... ale zatim se mi neozvali svine ;)
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    uz jsem daval, znova tedy, jen bookmark

    Learn to Pick Locks for Fun and an Increased Understanding of Security
    OVERDRIVE --- ---

    Beaten guards begging for mercy buchenwald 1945

    Elizabeth 'Lee' Miller (23 April 1907 - 21 July 1977) was an American photographer. Born in Poughkeepsie, New York State in 1907, she was a successful fashion model in New York City in the 1920s before going to Paris to become a fashion and fine art photographer. During the Second World War, she became an acclaimed war correspondent and photojournalist.
    With the outbreak of the Second World War, Miller had separated from Bey and was living in Hampstead, London when the bombing of that city began. Ignoring pleas from friends and family that she should return to the US, Miller embarked on a new career in photojournalism as the official photographer for Vogue documenting the Blitz and was accredited to the U.S. Army as a war correspondent for Condé Nast Publications from 1944. She teamed up with David E. Scherman, a Life Magazine correspondent on many assignments. Miller travelled to France less than a month after D-Day and recorded the first use of napalm at the battle of St. Malo, the liberation of Paris, the battle for Alsace, and the horror of the Nazi concentration camps when the victims were liberated. A photograph by Scherman of Miller in the bathtub of Adolf Hitler's house in Munich is particularly well-known.

    During this time, Miller photographed a child in a Vienna Hospital who was suffering after receiving black market pharmaceuticals. Author Graham Greene was influenced by this photo when he wrote the screenplay "The Third Man".

    Copyright; Lee Miller Archive.
    NESERMI --- ---

    prototyp robota pavouka - hydraulicke ovladani nohou, zvladne skakat, ovladany na dalku, vyrabi se 3D tiskem z plastoveho prasku, ma v sobe pisty a nejaky smrstovatelny vaky, bylo o nem clanek v 100+1
    ADAMBERNAU --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Moc hezká kompilace - promyšlený výběr - pěkně to sedí dohromady. Něco z toho jsem znal; drtivou většinu ale ne - zjistil jsem třeba, že existují "In the Nursery", kteří mne včera opravdu potěšili s jejich hitem "Woman".

    Vzdáleně mi to připomnělo toto
    [ TAJAK @ MOC PĚKNÝ HUDBY TEDA down & up ]

    Známější jména; něco je až notoricky známé; kompilaci jde ale myslím stejně tak dobře použít k těm účelům, které jsi uvedl.
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    a jeste jedna

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    bezva na plochu treba

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    podivuhodne opustene misto [vic obrazku na linku]

    ModernSanjhih Space Age Ghost Town
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    takhle nejak se citim, nebo chci citit, nebo chci aby se tak nekdo citil... proste kitchovita fotka kera se mi poranu libi

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Tak tahle kapela si s designem opravdu vyrhala, ale co hraji zatim nevim, nemel jsem cas si pustit [tech obrazku v podobnem duchu je tam hromada]

    Terra Tenebrosa Pictures – Discover music, concerts, stats, & pictures at Last.fm
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    Mmchodem tyhle vysoke me vzdycky zajimaly....

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    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam