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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“

    Kurvu a intelektualku uz jsem nasel: ja jsem kurva a ona je intelektualka. Ja mam rad takovy, ona zas makovy. Oba mame radi lidi, kytky a zvirata. Ovsem v ruznych pomerech. Ja se jmenuju Tomas ona Adela. A k tomu nam dobomahej -uh.Arrakis učí filozofii nože - uřízneš to, co není dokončené, a řekneš: "A teď už je to dokončené, protože to konči zde." ~ Princezna Irulán : Sebraná rčení Muad´Diba Neávist k duševnímu sebepozorování. Dušespytné analýzy, jako: Včera jsem byl takový, a proto jsem dnes takový, a to proto. Není to pravda, vůbec ne proto, anebo proto, a nebo takový ani makový. Klidně snášet sám sebe a neukvapovat se, žít tak jak je třeba, neobýhat se jako pes. ~ Franz Kafka : Aforismy
    "Není škoda ničeho, co už je pryč. Škoda je nynějška a dneška, všech těch nesčíslných hodin a dní, které jsem ztratil, které jsem jen strpěl, které mi nic nedarovaly, ani mnou neotřásly."
    ~ Hesse: Stepni Vlk
    Proste blazen co si zo sveta aj sam seba robi legraci, zabava ostatnych a neriesi problemy. a par krat to uz bol taky hundrajuci zobrak, mumlajuci si svoje pravdy, sediaci s flaskou jabcaku
    ~ Hiena
    [[CyberPunk]] -- [[ Overdrive’s HomePage ]]

    [[Book Depository Bookstore]] -- [[I-Ting]]

    [[ TagZ: ToDo, GoTo, HowTo, Linux, Comix, sex, punk, cyberpunk, politics, human rights, woman rights [specific], violence against woman, rape, doxx dox, haxx, musick, tech, text, blog, book, ostrava, urbex, IRL, IRC, hackerspace, POMOC, BTC suxx, propaganda war, dezinformation, alternative facts, guns, knives, survival, [everithing is] INTERESTING ]]

    Internetová jazyková příručka

    http://prirucka.ujc.cas.cz/ - 62 tisic slov!!
    rozbalit záhlaví
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    LIBRIUM: jj, ono to neni zas az tak moc pro "silne" zalutky, to je pravda, ale jinak je to sexi... me se libi Hosewife's Hangman, kterou vidim jako jednoznacne erotickou i s vrazdou ;]

    jinak vcerejsi jeden twitterovskej statut :)

    APACKA: starej, ale furt dobrej a zase aktualni: to whom it may concern, i'm not pregnant.
    LIBRIUM --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: porno na zaciatku zapletky moc pekne, autor by si ale mohol nastudovat kam/ako sa podavaju injekcie; kanibalizmus sam o sebe dost nezazivny, nudny, neeroticky...
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    bacha,tenhle BDSM comix je vhodny jen pro lidi se silnym zaludkem,uz proto ze se tam ji maso,lidske maso. podotknu,ze je to moc moc eroticke. no posidte...rad bych znal vase reakce,pokud se rozhodnete se podivat....
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    Následující informace kombinuje rovněž IT a bezpečnost, ovšem značně nečekaným způsobem. Otázka zní: dají se na 3D tiskárnách vyrábět třeba střelné zbraně?

    Prvnímu nadšenci (vystupujícímu pod přezdívkou HaveBlue) se to již údajně podařilo. Těžkou hlavu to dělá především policii, která se snaží oběh zbraní monitorovat. Dočkáme se snad doby, kdy bude výroba zbraně na 3D tiskárně tak rychlá a snadná, že je budou zločinci používat k tomu, aby prošli kontrolou a zbraň si vytiskli až na místě? To je asi sci-fi, nicméně další vývoj v této oblasti lze obtížně odhadnout.

    Zdrojové soubory pro zbraně je možné stahovat zde: http://www.cncguns.com/downloads.html

    Zdroj: Thingverse
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    Jsem rad, ze se zas aspon nekomu obcas libi, co sem pastuju, dekuju za vsechny +1 [tedy K!]...
    Posledni dobou jsem byl nejaky spis osamely, trosku smutny, trosku moc rozlitany po meste i po svete, malo v kontaktu skymkoliv... snad uz ted bude trosku lip.
    Nemivam uprostred leta zrovna nejlepsi nalady, takze pokud jsem nekoho poslal do prdele, tak dobre mu tak, ma se me ptat jinak nebo jindy.
    Kazdopadne jsem rad, ze tady porad jeste nekdo je i kdyz hodne veci linkuju spis na twitter ted [je to rychlejsi a na linky pohodlnejsi]... na facebook nelezu temer vubec, cimz padem asi skomira moje internetova socializace [za posledni tal rok se mi nepodarilo presvedcit nikoho, kdo ma facebook, aby se prisel podivat na nyx, ale je mozne, ze mam proste pravdu, a stejne by me lidi, kteri maji jen fb zkusenost s internetama, by me tady srali]...
    tak uvazuju jestli starnu a uz se drzim jen veci, co jsem znal a pomalej se ucim, min pristupuju na novinky... nebo jestli mi proste pripada, ze ne vsechno nove a masove rozsirene je zaroven t co chci...

    no kazdopadne budu-li mit naladu, tak konecne sednu doma k pocitaci, preberu fotky, napisu nebo prepisu par textu a tak... posledni dobou proste prijdu domu a spim [pac jsem prisel domu zlitej jak pes] nebo si lehnu a ctu knihy....

    Za posledni 3 tydny jsem precet kolem 2500 stran knih, takze holt nemam moc cas a chut psat. asi vstrebavam. vicemene se tesim na podzim, jako vzdy se mi pak bude asi chtit vypsat svou psychiku a vubec vsechny ty napady... no tak jeste dik za +K!, dik ze to tady porad ctete a dik, ze mi obcas nekdo neco i napise, jen se omlouvam, ze odpovidam pozdej nez by bylo potreba, to je zpusobeno tim, ze na socialn isite lezu ted tak kazde 2 dny, ne kazdy den... pokud je neco hodne aktualni, treba chcete jit na pivo, piste a volejte primo na telefon, to je ted [spolecne s emailem] jedina kazdodenne pouzivana komunikacni metoda.

    Howg, jdu neco delat.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Tuesday, October 4, 2011

    Q: Why are quantum physicists so poor at sex?
    A: Because when they find the position, they can’t find the momentum, and when they have the momentum, they can’t find the position.

    Heisenberg went for a drive and got stopped by a traffic cop. The cop asked, “Do you know how fast you were going?” Heisenberg replied, “No, but I know where I am.”

    Q: How many theoretical physicists specializing in general relativity does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Two. One to hold the bulb and one to rotate the universe.

    There is this farmer who is having problems with his chickens. All of the sudden, they are all getting very sick and he doesn’t know what is wrong with them. After trying all conventional means, he calls a biologist, a chemist, and a physicist to see if they can figure out what is wrong. So the biologist looks at the chickens, examines them a bit, and says he has no clue what could be wrong with them. Then the chemist takes some tests and makes some measurements, but he can’t come to any conclusions either. So the physicist tries. He stands there and looks at the chickens for a long time without touching them or anything. Then all of the sudden he starts scribbling away in a notebook. Finally, after several gruesome calculations, he exclaims, ‘I’ve got it! But it only works for spherical chickens in a vacuum.’

    A student recognizes Einstein in a train and asks: Excuse me, professor, but does New York stop at this train?

    Researchers in Fairbanks Alaska announced last week that they have discovered a superconductor which will operate at room temperature.

    Psychopathic Physics Test:

    Q: A shotgun shooting 12 pellets of 00 Buckshot weighing 4g leave the barrel at 1125 fps. Assuming the average infant will absorb 127.3 f/lbs before disintegrating, how many babies will the average blast cut through (rounding off to the nearest whole number)?
    A: eight.

    Q: A 100 kg man is being swung by his entrails in a circle 16′in radius at the rate of 1600 radians/sec. Find the tension in the man’s entrails (ignoring the effects of gravity).
    A: 65,024 Newtons.

    Q: A pagan priest attempts to vaporize a young virgin by placing her in a flaming pit. Assuming the woman, weighing 120 lbs, is completely composed of water, how much energy will he have to use to completely vaporize her?
    A: 130,000 BTU

    Q: An infant has a tensile strength of 400 psi and has a cross sectional area of 23.4 sq. inches. Assuming it is 23″ long and has an elongation percentage of .0036%/120psi at roomtemperature, how long will the baby be before it is dismembered?
    A: about 26.45 inches.

    Q: A 12 year old blind orphan girl is shot from a cannon at the speed of 1200 fps at a solid brick wall. Calculate the force of impact given that the brick wall is 3 feet away from the barrel.
    A: If she weighs 50 lbs, and all of her sticks to the wall, 3.3 million Newtons.

    Q: A large plane weighing 12.7 M tons carrying 12 tons of nuns and orphans travelling at 724.46 kph and at an altitude of 40,000 meters suffers explosive decompression above the center of a 30km diameter population. Assuming that one passenger is sucked out every second, how many passengers will land within the population center?
    A: about (give or take a torso or leg) 12.

    Q: A 1000 lb car is moving at 130 mph and two poodles whose combined weight is 82 lbs are thrown out the back at 3 mph. Calculate the velocity of the car.
    A: 140.91 happy mph.

    Q: Why do they bury cops six feet under?
    A: Because deep down they’re really good.

    Q: What’s the difference between a porcupine and a cop car?
    A: The porcupine has its pricks on the outside.

    Q: How do you make a cop sound like a dog?
    A: Pour gas and light a match. WOOF.

    Q: How do you make a cop cry?
    A: Throw back the teargas canister.

    Q: What’s the worst thing about a squad car with two cops in it driving off a cliff?
    A: Squad cars seat at least four.

    Q: How many insurrectionist anarchists does it take to change a lightbulb?
    A: The lightbulb cannot be changed, it must be smashed!

    Q: How many crust punks does it take to change a lightbulb?
    A: There’s change in a lightbulb?

    Q: How many tree-sitters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
    A: Tree-sitters don’t screw in lightbulbs, silly; they screw in trees.

    Q: How many individualist anarchists does it take to change a lightbulb?
    A: One.

    Q: How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
    A: Ah, it’s a really obscure number, man…you wouldn’t know.

    Q: How many vegans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
    A: I don’t know, but where do you get your protein?

    Q: Why did the primitivist move to Eugene?
    A: He heard there was no work there.

    ukradeno z tohohle UZASNEHO blogu: http://www.patternsinthevoid.net/blog/2011/10/1027/
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    William S. Burroughs čte svůj román Feťák http://t.co/13wrcvRd
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    The Mindscape of Alan #Moore: http://youtu.be/XojNA0I36wo #documentary via @youtube

    The Mindscape of Alan Moore - YouTube
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    CONTINUITY: no pokud je to takhle, tak Ibogu nemusim brat, defacto mam jasno, ze opiaty chci brat, ale udrzitelne... nekdy se stava, ze je to neudrzitelne, pak je problem se rozhodnout, ze je potreba s tim neco delat...
    IMHO, kdyz zustanes v krozuku fetaku, proste zacnes znova fetovat, to je jasne...

    me by zajimala ta cast, kdy ti to zregeneruje receptory a dopaminovou "pumpu"...

    jinak Conti, ty mas primou zkusenost? Mas moznost Ibogu koupit? Oslovil jsem par holandskych kramku, ale zadny se mi neozval... nechci k tomu ale nejakeho cloveka, kerej jako bude trip guide nebo tak, to mi nikdo nevnuti, tak jako ucitele jogy treba...
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    DVD Savant Blu-ray Review: Love and Anarchy
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    Anarchy Is For Lovers

    They came together-red and black-
    In a revolt like no other,
    And there is no turning back,
    For anarchy is for lovers.

    The truth is greater than the lies
    Of hollow gods and class divisions,
    For loving hearts all rules defy
    With a transcendent common vision.

    No wars, no boundaries, no states,
    No need to subjugate each other,
    No rich, no poor, no one to hate-
    Just peace and love for one another.

    They came together-young and old-
    No hippie freaks, but with a vision-
    They came together in revolt
    Against all wars and all divisions.

    They saw the truth, they saw the light
    In a revolt like no other,
    Standing determined in their fight,
    For anarchy is for lovers.
    Alexander Shaumyan
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    Socialisti v nemecku, vedeni Katjou Kipping, chteji si namluvit Piraty, kteri ale odmitaji sami sebe oznacit za levicaky... https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Linke
    rozhodne prostudovat ideologicke zaklady Die Linke jako nove levice... [byvali reakcni komunisti no...]
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    pisecna zena

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    jinak v Sapkowskeho husitske trilogii je postava Pomurnika, myslel jsem si, ze je to nejaky cerny, temny ptak, a ono hovno hovno

    Tichodroma muraria
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam