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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“
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    LIBRIUM: ano
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    Abba Kovner
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    OVERDRIVE: "Posledny Zid z Vinice".
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    Download Détroit Bertrand Cantat Pascal Humbert Horizons 2013 Torrent - KickassTorrents
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    Détroit (Bertrand Cantat, Pascal Humbert) - Horizon

    jo a Detroit ma desku, jasny, asi poznate zpevaka z Desir Noir... kdo mi sezene celou desku, bude nenaviden konkretne, ne jako jeden z davu.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    uz sem vam nekdy rekl, ze vas nenavidim? jo? tak jsem to tak asi myslel.
    drepim v koute, kourim furt dokola tu samou cigaretu a muj nejvetsi problem je ten, ze mi nic neni.
    nic. nevim jestli si to umite predstavit, protoze ja xakru ne a je mi to jedno.
    neumim popsat nic a stejne neni komu.
    tenhle text nema zadnej smysl. dokourim dalsi cigaro, pudu uvarit kafe, umejt nadobi, jakoby ne tom zalezelo nekomu jinymu nez mojemu debilnimu svedomi, ktery jediny me pali, kdyz nedelam nic, ktery bych delal.
    proc tohle vsechno.
    to neni existencialni nejistota, to je zasrana existencialni jistota.
    jistota stonasobku tehhle blitek, co pisu a mam v hlave.
    sednes si ke klavesnici, do ktery ti bude padat popel s ty cigarety a ktery tak rad pises a budes mlatit slova, ktery se k sobe aspon trochu hodej a ono ti to pomuze, bude to znit uprime a vlastne jen napises nic, ktery zanikne po prvnim precteni.
    jo, tohle delas, porad dokola nic. malej zivot, hrdinou nikoho, L jako Love na zapalovaci.
    rekla ti L jako looser a ty jsi se smal a zapalil si dalsi.
    delal bys to vsechno kvuli ni? delal jsi vsechno kvuli ni?
    hloupost, spokojenost tu prece je, nadosah.
    zit vecne je snadny, staci neumrit.
    nemyslet na stovku hrebik a kladivo, ktery ti jej prozene levou rukou a prispendli ji k opadane cihlove zdi.
    pust si muziku, prestan kourit a lejt do sebe vodku, ktere flasky mas na okne tak jako ostatni tam maj lahvace.
    delej neco, vstan, pohni se... umej nadobi kvuliva svedomi.
    bodni se do zily, pokud ji najdes, vem basu a hraj, pust to vic nahlas.
    tak jo, tak jo, vzdyt uz du...
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Murder By Death - Lost River
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    Slinging (slings, ammo, and throws)
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    Easy DIY Projectile Sling

    napadlo vas nekdy, jak funguji praky, ktery se treba pouzivaj na demoskach v Izraeli? Je to jedna z nejstarsich zbrani vubec, starsi nez ostep asi...
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    HTML5 Introduction
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    How to run your own e-mail server with your own domain, part 1 | Ars Technica
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    iLiteratura - Nakladatelství Host – ediční plán (jaro 2014)
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    Search WikiLeaks

    Search operators can help narrow your search. Many of these can be used by selecting options on the Advanced Search page, but using the operators directly in the search box may give you additional flexibility. Some operators allow you to be more precise in your search parameters - for instance, you may specify that results do not contain certain words. Some operators can also allow you to be more vague in your search parameters - for instance by specifying that all matching documents must contain a certain number of some given words.

    The operators must be typed into the usual search box (the simple search box or top search box in the advanced search), and most of them can be combined with other search operators.

    Search WikiLeaks
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    Večer pod lampou v divadle - Karol Efraim Sidon (HD)

    smutny temata, ale mam toho pana rad a mluvi ne nejak nove, ale uzitecne...

    [ted zas budem chvili premyslet, po vsem tom mysleni curakem]
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    uff, zda se, ze jsem se konecne dostal ke svemu beagle bone...

    Immediately, I know I’m going to enjoy this embeded Linux machine. Of coure, the next thing I attempt is to SSH over USB to my new toy:

    ssh -l root
    ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer


    The .ssh/known_hosts file isn’t happy, on the BBB. Luckily, we have a way of getting there and cleaning things up. This is provided through the (SUPER SLICK) on board Cloud9 IDE. Access it here: By running the following script in the browser, we can clean up the known_hosts file, and give ourselves SSH access to the hardware.

    var fs = require('fs');
    var destroyed_key_file = '/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key';
    fs.readFile(destroyed_key_file, function (err, data) {
    if (err) throw err;
    if( data===null || data.length===0 )
    console.log("we have a corrupted host key file... try do delete it");
    fs.unlink(destroyed_key_file, function (err) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log('successfully deleted ' + destroyed_key_file);
    console.log('you should now reboot your beaglebone.');
    console.log('the /etc/init.d/dropbear script will create a new rsa host key file for you.');
    console.log('after the reboot you should be able to login over ssh');
    } else {
    console.log("it seems that you have another problem, sorry");

    SSH over USB to BeagleBone Black | Fever Labs
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    wow,ozval se mi v poste tater,co je ochotny mi pokerovat penis,cool... dal bych hlasovat,ale nejde omezit jen na buchty a buzny a nejde vypsat z mobilu,takze buchty a buzny,zajima me: hadi-zmiji klikatice,nebo rovna cara? od korene po zalud,zalud zustane cisty... laka me obkrouzut prstinky,ale ty by nebyly videt,kdyz pero mizi v nejakem z telnich otvoru (no mezi kozy a podpazi jo,ale ;)... tesiiim,to bude cool kera+bolistka. beeeeee myy valentineee overdrive! mmchodem,posle mi nektera z faninek svoje ism aspon nahore bez,kdyz uz je ten svatek? zarucuju nesireni,pokud to bude podminkou.pokud to nejaka udelate,mate u me tisic kladnych bodu a modre z nebe (pripadne zasukat do bezvedomi ;)
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    zajimavy comix, tedy recenze na nej:
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