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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“
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    Nemyslis, zaplatis

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    Taktest z nudy: skrtatko i mora nozik - funguji.
    Po 2h se mi nepodarilo zapalit nic, resp treba shorel sacek od seminek, ale nic sucheho se mi nepodarilo rozfoukat, rozhoret tak, abych na tom zalozil ohen.
    Zitra zkusim s poctive pripravenou brezovou kurou, dnes kresadlo, nuz vs cokoliv na zahrade (krom alkoholu, covid-19 style): 20:0 pro “horlaviny”

    Je to pracne jaxsvin, navic bacha, tendenci nuz mit ostrim k sobe (resp neresim - zaplatite)

    A to je sucho a bezvetri. Imho bez troudu v kapse (vata, takove to, co vznika z orobince, kdyz uschne - doutnikovy “rakos”)... defacto bez sance

    SPECZ --- ---
    Soud zrušil opatření omezující obchod a volný pohyb - Novinky.cz
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    Před 5 hodinami
    Podle některých amerických lékařů způsobuje koronavirus v tělech pacientů krevní sraženiny, které jsou odpovědné za významnou část úmrtí. Napsal to list The Washington Post s odvoláním na poznatky několika nemocnic. Mikroskopické sraženiny byly například v univerzitní nemocnici v Atlantě zjištěny až u 40 procent nakažených.

    Koronavirus způsobuje v tělech pacientů krevní sraženiny, pozorují lékaři — ČT24 — Česká televize
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    Typico! 1/3 sveta je v karantene? Jasne, ono co to znamena, taka ta vasa karantena, ale 1/3 sveta!!!

    April 3
    Governments have ordered mass quarantines affecting more than a third of the world’s population.

    Ceny potravin jako komodity padaji podobne jako ropa, to, ze dnes je narust 7% u rajcat a 1,2% u mlika znamena, ze mliko se vylejva a britove jsou ready vybijet kravy, a rajcata jsou na 1/3 sve ceny

    Food Prices - Our World in Data
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    A uz dost, fakt musim makat, ale tohle je i neni vtipny;

    Romanian farm workers arrive in the UK to help pick fruit and vegetables after a campaign to recruit British workers fails to attract sufficient interest. The UK farming industry was left with a shortfall of about 90,000 farm workers after borders were closed to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Although 35,000 British workers responded to an initial call for farm workers – about half of whom had lost their jobs due to the coronavirus – only 5,500 decided to be interviewed for a role.
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    OVERDRIVE: Jinak tohle je normalni, jen min slane, min vody a ne 2 sezony sucha predtim. Dik meteorologum to vedeli dopredu a skody nebyly az tak zasadni. Presto nevyvazi rejzi, resp. zatim s nikym nepodepsali.

    Vsecky potraviny jdou nahoru, jen mliko se vylejva. Nedostatek v “civilizovanych zemich” neni... spis naopak

    The European Milk Board calls for EU-wide measures to protect the dairy industry, including voluntary production cuts across the region. Vice-President of the EMB, Sieta van Keimpema, said steep drops in prices and pouring away milk needed to be immediately addressed at an EU level, warning that if such measures were not implemented, "the collapse across Europe will be brutal".
    Two days later, the UK’s National Farmers Union and dairy industry unite to call for similar measures in the UK, including asking the government to back a national production reduction scheme – and to engage the EU Commission to access market support measures

    UPDATED Timeline: Impacts of COVID-19 on the global food industry

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    Though saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta was predicted to come earlier and with higher level of salinity than that recorded in the 2015-2016 dry season, the damages to farming areas are expected to be less serious as authorities and farmers have taken measures to cope with the situation in the 2019-2020 dry season.

    Salwater intrusion with a salinity rate of four grammes per litre is expected to enter 50-95 kilometres deep into the delta’s main rivers from February 11-15, an increase of 3-11 kilometres against the same period in 2016, according to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorology Forecasting.

    Mekong Delta takes measures to reduce saltwater intrusion - Viet Nam | ReliefWeb

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    Moc pekne, Viet Nam ma zaplavene jizni oblasti, kde se pestovala rejze slanou vodou,... tolik k mojim odhadum o blizici se ekologicke katastrofe ve spojeni s hladomorem, migraci pred morem, narustem chudoby a hladu overall...

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    Zda se, ze chude staty i EU zafixovaly ceny potravit zakonem, zmrazily vyvoz, Rusko uvolnuje zrni z hmotnych rezerv...

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    Ceny potravin uz ted rostou:

    FAO Big Data tool on food chains under the COVID-19 pandemic - Daily prices

    Home | Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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    Tady je primo FAO faq, koukam, ze v tech euro-novinkach tmeli dost jasny prehled, alespon z pocatku vicemene stejne odpovedi, jako tady pisu. Ctu jen rychloctenim, na vic nemam cas, ale dulezity zdroj (manu bych rozhodne koupik, sadil bych, dyz bych moh, sel bych po par ivec a koz.)

    Impact On food and agriculture | FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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    Hadal jsem se se zenou, kolik ma ostrava obyvatel, tak k 1.1. 2020 (a to jsme meli i 334tis, v roce 2014).

    Proste je tu krasne... na to, ze je to tu cele urbex

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    The meat sector is also facing multiple coronavirus-linked challenge and insists that consumption has “dramatically decreased” due to foodservice closures, such as hotels, restaurants and catering.

    Although the dairy market has remained relatively calm, COPA-COGECA detected several signs of potential disturbance, as processors have lost some of the processing channels and are forced to find alternative markets outlets, which has been increasingly difficult.

    The slowing down of exports together with concerns over access to labour are creating an excess of both wine and olive oil in the run-up to the next harvest marketing year.

    For wine this may imply a significant drop in price and/or reduction in grape purchases in the next marketing year, the report warns.

    Furthermore, demand for processed products for the supermarket is high, while consumers are buying fewer higher value cuts or seasonal products such as lamb.

    Farmers warn of far-reaching COVID-19 effects on EU agriculture – EURACTIV.com

    A tohle treba:

    The pandemic is also slowing efforts to deal with the historic locust plague that has been ravaging the East and Horn of Africa. The outbreak is the worst the region has seen in decades and comes on the heels of a year marked by extreme droughts and floods. But the arrival of billions of new swarms could further deepen food insecurity, said Cyril Ferrand, head of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s resilience team in eastern Africa.
    Travel bans and airport closures, Mr. Ferrand said, are interrupting the supply of pesticides that could help limit the locust population and save pastureland and crops

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    LAUNCHER: Jop, prave, nejsou lidi, a je problem, ze chybi odber, takze lidi kupuji jen zakladni potraviny, restaurace neodebiraj nic, hotely taky ne, neni turismus... tudiz chybi obrovsky odber, coz kurvi vyrobu, tudiz se vybiji zivocisna, coz vede k tomu, ze se nevyplati krmna agrokultura... tudiz se kurvi cely retezec.

    V tech clancich v tom covid-19 jsem vytah tyhle body. Spotreba a distribuce zemedelskych vyrobku a vyroby je kdyz dobre, tak na 1/3...

    Fakt makam, projdi si ten audit, ja a JVMlok. Klicove slovo prave kaskada - nevratne poruseni systemu... kdyz vybijes zvirata ted, kvuli roku, nenastartujes to pak za 2mesice....
    Pokud letos nezasadis, tak treba uz letos nevypestujes. To taky nenahradis, i kdyz by v lete bylo dobre...
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Diky. Aha, on bude asi zakopany pes v tomhle, coz:

    "EU farmers are increasingly dependent on seasonal workers who provide valuable assistance during peak planting, pruning and harvesting periods or for other farm-related work. Recent restrictions on intra-EU movement of skilled workers have already had a major impact on seasonal planning.”

    Dobre vedet, dekuji.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: S dovolenim nope, pockam na vysledky, do roka je budu vedet :-))

    Ale jako jo, objednam teda dalsi zasilku z Many, kdyz myslis...
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    LAUNCHER: tady, a okolo, cely ten web

    Farmers warn of far-reaching COVID-19 effects on EU agriculture – EURACTIV.com
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    LAUNCHER: jsem busy, ale kdyz kouknes do auditu Covid-19 ted a potom, a vyfiltrujes si me prispevky, tak je tam nejaky velky web o agro v eu, a to je extreme kvalitni... vede to az na statni politiky, narizeni eu... pokud najdes, klidne to relinkni sem. Kdyz ne, rekni... v ramci hodin stihnu
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Zdroj?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam