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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Znate Trumana Capoteho?
    Je to prvni clovek, ktery kdy beletrizoval kriminalni spisy, vicemene prepsal kazuistiku vrazdy az masove vrazdy .... od vzniku vraha az po elektricke kreslo. Mam treba naprosto moc rad Chladnokrevne. Fakt doporucuju. Tuhle povidku neznam, ale Capoteh FAKT hodne doporucuju. Neni to zadne fiction, vicmene kazda udalost v nikze se opravdu stala.

    Pokud milujete lidi, pripadne nenavidite lidi, tak Truman Capote je neco, co fakt chcete cist:

    Truman Capote: V Mohavské poušti. Působivá psychologická povídka o poušti skutečné i citové | Vltava
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    predpokladam, ze tyhle nasledovniky Jefferson Airplane znate, ze?

    The Black Angels - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
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    FINGERS Mitchell Cullen Freedom Rides Denmark Markets 2012 Australian Tour Steam Roller
    SPECZ --- ---
    Noční můra nemocnic se poprvé našla i v přírodě. Houba je smrtelně nebezpečná - Deník.cz
    MINERWA --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: je bezrouškač nebo bezrouškař?
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    To je nazor do pranice!

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Jinak reCHtal je nechtena kombinace rezal a chechtal.
    Party hrad!
    Brou moc.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Tak a ted jsem se fakt asi 5min nahlas rechtal, asi bych mel jit spat

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Uzitecny den, pristi rok rozhodne budu slavit (pokud se toho doziju)

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Kdybychom drželi minutu ticha za každou dosavadní oběť na životě, mlčeli bychom 17 dní.


    Pondělí 22.3. ve 12:00 se v celé zemi rozezní zvony. Za každou obětí pandemie je konkrétní osud, tragédie zasahující celou rodinu, přátele, kolegy... je to ztráta nevyčíslitelné hodnoty, bezprecedentní od 2. světové války. #minutatichazaobetipandemie
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Jdu si koupit jeste jedno triko

    Ale je tady krásně - Czech-Art

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Ten pocit, kdy devceti prejete, ze se po maturite dobre vda.
    A myslite to uprime, pac je tak blba, ze pokud se vda spatne, tak ji nekdo bude bud desne milovat, nebo desne mlatit.

    Ona vam oponuje, ze se nevda minimalne do triceti, a deti nechce a nikdy chtit nebude (kdo nekdy v zivote spal aspon s jednou holkou, nebo ji byl, ktere je pod 25, tak vi, ze je to nejcastejsi nepravdivy vyrok, obdobny s “jdu na jedno s kamosem” ci “uz nikdy nebudu pit”.)

    No a o tyden pozdej zjistite, ze divka ma sveho prvniho milence a prave objevila, jaka je sex hrozna sranda.

    Tak si rikate, ze tohle neni sexismus, ze to je proste zkusenost. Nic vic, nic min.
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    Z infa jednoho uctu:

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    Cellar Sessions: Ben Caplan - Truth Doesn't Live In A Book June 19th, 2018 City Winery New York

    Truth Doesn’t Live in a Book
    Ben Caplan

    Everybody knows that the Bible is full of wisdom
    The Good Book is great; but, a few thousand years of disputes and debates have shown that the text was written in such a way that it inherently requires intensive rigorous and constant...Interpretation!
    Did you know that when the Bible was given it was delivered along with an oral tradition, which, at the time, was expressly forbidden ...to be written down. Now, the reason why I submit must be is that this was to prevent undue rigidity. You see, the Bible is a living work that needs to breathe in order to stay alive. Now, I hope my approach won't be seen as hammer-fisted
    And we all know that words get distorted and twisted
    But, it is my contention that some of the best bits were not written down...

    [Verse 1]
    Always have a little bit of salt with your tequila
    Don't smoke your stash if you're gonna be a deala'
    Try to drink at least eight cups of water everyday
    Always keep your hockey stick on the ice
    If you wanna cut once ya better measure it twice
    There's no such thing as a lunch that's really free

    [Verse 2]
    An eye for an eye means fair compensation
    It doesn't mean take up arms with another nation
    Anything written down can be twisted of course
    Don't be ashamed to talk about your mental health
    Try to love your neighbor like ya love yourself
    That one's in there, but it always gets the work gotten

    Truth doesn't live in a book
    Ya find it in the little surprises
    The Good Book is only a lens to focus a view
    'Justice for all' is composed of the ugliest compromises
    Ya can't only look at the lens, you gotta look through
    [Verse 3]
    There's no such thing as a virgin conception
    Every good rule has a notable exemption
    Don't surround yourself with friends who only agree
    Don't count your eggs before they're chicken
    Ask for consent before ya put your dick in
    Ain't nothing wrong with homosexuality

    [Verse 4]
    Don't get caught with your pants around your ankle
    If you wanna hide your money stick it in a Swiss bank-le
    Every banking system needs a lot of regulation
    Never draw a picture of the prophet Mohammed
    Unless you're a cartoonist and ya really, really wanna
    Illustrate cultural insensitivity

    Truth doesn't live in a book
    Ya find it in the little surprises
    The Good Book is only a lens to focus a view
    'Justice for all' is composed of the ugliest compromises
    Ya can't only look at the lens, you gotta look through

    Truth doesn't live in a book
    Ya find it in the little surprises
    The Good Book is only a lens to focus a view
    'Justice for all' is composed of the ugliest compromises
    Ya can't only look at the lens, you gotta look through
    Truth does not live in a book
    You find it in the little surprises, woah
    Ya gotta focus a view, for all
    Is the power! The soul! Money! Ugly
    Compromises! Ya gotta look through

    You have to live in the world to get to the truth
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Jsem ted nedavno vydel nejaky "zvedatori" nebo "proc to resime" a bylo to na tema: Blbec na vasi strane.

    Je to takove to, ze si prectete par desitek knizek o ateismu, mate k tomu stovky veci, co chcete rict, sedite s teologem, kterej ja skolenej v tom, aby si svou viru obhajil na 100 a jeden zpusob, a pribehne blbec/blbka, a zacne kricet, ze Buh neexistuje, pac nejde dokazat, pak se sbali a vypadne.

    A oba puvodne poklidne diskutujici to proste zabali, pac blbce na sve strane nechces, at je kterakoliv.

    Veskera podobnost s osobami zijicimi, je ciste nahodna.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Todle je tak NADHERNE expresivni, ten chlap ma proste zlato v hrdle a uplne presne zna jeho cenu

    Ben Caplan-Down to the River Subtitulado
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    MINERWA: Delej jak uznas za vhodne, ale prijde mi lepsi "zit a nechat zit".

    Todle neustale eskalovani my vs oni imho nikomu nepomaha.

    Pani ma jiny nazor, to se stava...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam