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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“
    SPECZ --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Rusove buduji zakopy na Ua hranicich:

    Ukraine says Russian military buildup threatens its security | Reuters
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: tenhle druh vyjadreni mi popravde posledni dobou dost chybi
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Kdo necet ten vcerejsi Bild, ze bundeswehr ponorky pouzivaji ru navigacni system, tak tady je security analysis clanek. Bild defacto nekeca, a nejsou jedine. Vtipne je, ze to ocividne zpravuje jeden z mojich zakazniku ve finsku

    OVERDRIVE --- ---

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    GILHAD --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: No, já zrestauroval břitvy po dědovi a normálně se s nima holím :)
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    SPECZ --- ---
    LAUNCHER: No, na zemi je nakreslenej krizek za kazdou jednu obet covidu v cr od pocatku ty sracky u nas.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: sorry film, ne serial
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    mmchodem smazenej syr z donasky je stejne hnusnej, jako vsechy ostatni smazeny syry, ale byl uplne muj, a asi budu zvracet
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Jak na serialy moc nejsem, tak za a] mam rado woody harelsona, za b] mam rad zombie, za c] mam rad konec sveta, a to tak, ze se na nej muzes pekne vysrat a delat si co chces, kdyz uz je konecne ten konec sveta...

    taky jste vzdycky chteli ztravit noc v supermarketu, a rano nemuset platit vsechno to, co se stalo?

    zatim jsem videl jen prvni dil, ale musim rict, ze uz jsem se ze spatne nalady tahal horsima zpusobama; avail on Netflix

    Zombieland (2009) - IMDb
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    /// je mi nahovno, ale muzika pomaha

    Oh! Sweet Nuthin’
    The Velvet Underground

    Oh! Sweet Nuthin' (2015 Remastered)

    Say a word for Jimmy Brown
    He ain't got nothing at all
    Not a shirt right of his back
    He ain't got nothing at all
    And say a word for Ginger Brown
    Walks with his head down to the ground
    Took the shoes right of his feet
    To poor boy right out in the street
    And this is what he said
    Oh sweet nuthin'
    She ain't got nothing at all
    Oh sweet nutin'
    She ain't got nothing at all
    Say a word for Polly May
    She can't tell the night from the day
    They threw her out in the street
    But just like a cat she landed on her feet
    And say a word for Joanna Love
    She ain't got nothing at all
    Cause everyday she falls in love
    And every night she falls when she does
    She said
    Oh sweet nuthin'
    You know she ain't got nothing at all
    Oh sweet nutin'
    She ain't got nothing at all
    Oh let me hear you!
    Say a word for Jimmy Brown
    He ain't got nothing at all
    Not a shirt right of his back
    He ain't got nothing at all
    And say a word for Ginger Brown
    Walks with his head down to the ground
    Took the shoes right of his feet
    To poor boy right out in the street
    And this is what he said
    Oh sweet nuthin'
    She ain't got nothing at all
    Oh sweet nutin'
    She ain't got nothing at all
    She ain't got nothing at all
    Oh sweet nutin'
    She ain't got nothing at all
    She ain't got nothing at all
    She ain't got nothing at all
    EVELINA --- ---
    Úplně chápu Tvou zamilovanost .-)
    Co tričko, nechceš?

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Doplnim pokud by nekdo nevedel. Na fotce je zajimave mmj to, ze jde o SA revolver. Tzn po kazem jednom vystrelu nutno natahnout kohoutek. Proto je revolver subtilni v prostoru za valcem, chybi DA clockwork.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    SPECZ: Vysvetleni, pls?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam