AXTHEB: filmař tvoří konkrétní koncové dílo a jeho chyba se promítá do podoby tohoto díla.
Já jsem tady dal ukázku toho, jaké kokotiny se tam tvoří, s tím, že sám neznám konkrétní hodnoty a nechce se mi je hledat - a už se mi fakt nechce stahovat film a prohlížet si ho kvůli jedné konkrétní cítaci - zaprvé z kontextu sdělení je čitelné, o co jde, zadruhé předpokládám, že v tomto klubu jsou čtenáři dost inteligentní na to, aby pochopili, že když napíšu "řekne něco jako: ..." tak pochopí, že tím sděluju jen pointu, aniž bych konkrétní citát nebo hodnoty znal z hlavy.
Jinými slovy nejde o konkrétní hodnoty a jejich znalost z patra - jde o přístup k věci - jestli na to srát nebo jestli si to dohledat - nebo vůbec vědět že tam je co k tomu dohledat.
5 Jobs That Hollywood Apparently Doesn't Realize It Needs |
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#5: Basic Googlers
This is not the same thing as a researcher. Some films do their due diligence and study their subject matter thoroughly before release, but that's not always enough. Trust me, I speak from experience: You can spend 40 hours exhaustively investigating the plausibility of various jump-kicks in different action movies, but if you accidentally use the word "dearth" wrong while talking about it, that's all anybody's going to focus on. It's the little things that bring you down.
An example: In Prometheus, Charlize Theron's character, to emphasize how isolated and alone they were, stated, "We're a half billion miles away from Earth."
Neil deGrasse Tyson immediately pointed out that was a little past Jupiter. To put that into perspective, Voyager 1, launched in the '70s, has traveled 11.5 billion miles. So now Prometheus, this epic sci-fi adventure, is being outpaced by a primitive probe launched by a dude in bell bottoms.
But that's an easy fix: It takes no skill and 10 seconds to Google something. There's just no need to not know what the fuck you're talking about anymore. The great thing about a basic Googling position is that literally anybody is qualified for the job. In fact, the stupider and more ignorant you are, the better you are for the task -- every time you don't understand something, you just type it into Google and write down what shows up there. That capitalizes on two things we have in abundance in modern society: laziness and ignorance.
I know literal distance in space is not technically important to Prometheus' story -- I get that they're only using this throwaway dialogue to establish isolation within the narrative, and I understand what they meant. But anybody that had even a loose grasp of space (read: people who might be coming to see your space movie!) was just yanked right out of the film, and now they have enough ammo to make fun of the screenwriters until the day they die. Isn't paying some jackwad a measly 10 bucks an hour worth it to avoid mockery until death?