GAARQ: hlavne to bylo jako vtip.
Nasleduje offtopic, tak to radeji nikdo nectete: je to o vyzkumu, v ramci European partnership for Metrology, cist to budou lidi kteri se stouraji v kazdem slove, a hlavne v dokumentu jak psat grantovou zadost jsou pro gender kapitolu 2 priklady. Prvni je pripad grantu co se tyka zdravi, kde gender (nebo spis sex) ma logicky vyznam. Ale druhy priklad je pro pripad kdy grant nema zadnou souvislost s genderem, a ten urednik co psal priklad neuvedl pouhe "none", nybrz byl schopen vyplodit 3 odstavce textu o tom ze mereni prutoku nema souvislost s genderem. Coz me docela fascinuje:
"Gender aspects in energy research concern, e.g., the access to and control over energy, perception of risks associated with various technologies, needs for energy, and the small share of women in energy technology-related areas, often resulting in an exclusion of their perspectives in research and development. Access to energy is a primary need independent of gender. Energy needs are however often very dissimilar between men and women as their representation in various sectors of society differs both in general and across countries, and men and women have different perceptions of risks, the consequences of shifting problems to future generations, and the need to preserve resources and the planet. In the ongoing transition of energy sources from fossil origin to renewable energy, the unequal representation can result in financing, technological developments, and infrastructure enabling renewable energy to penetrate much faster in male-dominated areas (e.g., transportation) than in female-dominated areas (e.g., heating of buildings).
Whilst the actual research itself in this project does not have a gender dimension as it primarily concerns the measurement of physical parameters such as leak rates, flow rates, chemical composition etc, this project contributes to the further penetration of (renewable) hydrogen in all areas of society, enabling the adaptation of infrastructure (e.g., energy transportation systems, measuring systems, appliances) to the transition from fossil fuels to renewable hydrogen. The injection of hydrogen into the natural gas grid enhances the accessibility of renewable energy to sectors and appliances predominantly used by women, such as in buildings. It makes these sectors less susceptible to increased prices for and taxes on fossil fuels, whilst enabling these to benefit from measures taken to increase the use of sustainable, clean and renewable energy.
In the impact activities the consortium will actively reach out to all supply chains for hydrogen, from large scale industrial use to domestic use, thereby bearing in mind that the energy transition is a challenge for the whole of society and all genders, and many changes are necessary in all sectors to make the transition work. In the dissemination and publicity activities, the consortium will aim to communicate in a fashion that attracts all genders and highlights the prospects and opportunities in moving towards a future with zero CO2 -emission.