OTAVA: Ne-e:-) Spíš třeba tohle: "Last week, however, his government announced to widespread surprise that it would give companies €20 billion of tax breaks to compensate for the heavy burden of payroll charges, following the publication of a report by Louis Gallois, a respected left-leaning industrialist, which stressed the problem of high French labour costs. To pay for these, Mr Hollande plans unspecified spending cuts and green taxes as well as an increase in VAT, precisely the policy he had campaigned against."
François Hollande: Battling French decline | The Economist
Samozřejmě, pořád to je socialistický prezident, takže od něj nemůžeme očekávat bůhvíco, nicméně začíná to vypadat, že ten karikovaný obrázek socialstického prezidenta úplně naplnit nechce...