LAKSYMO: uz nekolik dni je to vyreseno, i kdyz neni uplne znam
presny proces vzniku (coz plati u spousty dalsich jevu) Jde o specificke protuberance o
nizsi teplote, nez okoli, v podstate se stejnyho duvodu se nam jevi slunecni skvrny jako cerne (tmave)
Dnes ve hlavnim vecernim zpravodajstvi to cele hrde oznamovali, pritom jde o
cca tyden starou vec..
according to NASA scientists, the feature is actually a little-understood, but frequently observed,
type of solar activity called a "prominence," and the way it is situated beneath another solar feature
gives it its otherworldy appearance.The thread extending from the lower left edge of the sun in the
video is known as a "prominence," a feature containing cooler, denser plasma than the surrounding 3.5
-million-degree Fahrenheit corona, said Joseph Gurman, project scientist in the Solar Physics Laboratory
at NASA Goddard. It isn't yet known exactly how prominences develop, but these dense plasma loops
can extend from the sun's surface thousands of miles into space.
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