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    DRAGONFotografie z vesmíru a kosmonautiky +videa

    Astro Photography

    máte zajímavou fotografii či video z vesmíru? sem s nimi! Můžou být i vesmírná posunovadla a přibližovadla. Zkrátka všemožné i nemožné pro nás vesmírné nadšence :)

    Nějaký obecný pravidla:
    1) pište k fotkám popisky, co na nich je. Případně i link na další obrázky/povídání/etc. (u vesmirných objektů stačí katalogové číslo).
    2) pokud nevíte, co je na obrázku, nedá se nic dělat. Pokud víte, co je na obrázku v něčím nepopsaném obrázku, neváhejte okomentovat.
    3) pokud možno omezte chat na diskuzi kolem fotografií.
    4) kupte si pořádnou konektivitu, tady se to bude hemžit velkoformátem (čím víc, tím líp! ;-)
    5) užijte si to
    rozbalit záhlaví
    VIRGO --- ---
    uff, pruda, kdyz uhanis do prace a na svetlech ti naskoci tahle cervena... :D
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    You don't see this every day!
    WINSTON_SMITH --- ---
    Curiosity's Location During First Scooping
    This 360-degree scene shows the surroundings of the location where NASA Mars rover Curiosity arrived on the 59th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's mission on Mars (Oct. 5, 2012). It is a mosaic of images taken by Curiosity's Navigation Camera (Navcam) on sols 59 and 60.
    NASA - Curiosity's Location During First Scooping

    VIRGO --- ---
    High resolution pics of 'The Thing' found on Mars
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: tak tomu rikam synchron rovnou kosmicky!
    Po tejdnech, kdy se objevily clanky o "570 megapixel Dark Energy Camera"
    ti to nahodou poslu a par desitek minut na to novy info.. :-))
    (opravdu jsem to uvidel az ted :D)
    Can a New Camera Unravel the Nature of Dark Energy?

    FESTER --- ---
    WINSTON_SMITH: tu znack chci :)
    WINSTON_SMITH --- ---
    NECROMAN --- ---
    Endeavour jede do muzea:
    FESTER --- ---
    zkus si kliknout sam a nedoklikas se nikam...
    FESTER --- ---
    FESTER: jenom 95 mega :)

    The focal plane of the spacecraft's camera is made up of 42 CCDs at 2200 × 1024 pixels, which made it at the time the largest camera yet launched into space, possessing a total resolution of 95 megapixels. The array is cooled by heat pipes connected to an external radiator. The CCDs are read out every six seconds (to limit saturation) and co-added on board for 30 minutes. However, even though at launch Kepler had the highest data rate of any NASA mission, the 30 minute sums of all 95 million pixels constitute more data than can be stored and sent back to Earth. Therefore the science team has pre-selected the relevant pixels associated with each star of interest, amounting to about 5 percent of the pixels. The data from these pixels is then requantized, compressed and stored, along with other auxiliary data, in the on-board 16 gigabyte solid-state recorder. Data that is stored and downlinked includes science stars, p-mode stars, smear, black level, background and full field-of-view images
    MACHALIK --- ---
    FESTER: Zkoušels kliknout?
    FESTER --- ---
    THERIDANE: kolik to ma proboha pixels ???
    VIRGO --- ---
    THERIDANE: nadherna masina! CCD heaven :)
    to mi pripomnelo:
    The Dark Energy Survey - Survey

    THERIDANE --- ---
    CCD snímač v plavidle Kepler :-)

    FESTER --- ---
    Curiosity Rover Finds Rock Type That's Never Been Seen on Mars | Wired Science | Wired.com

    FESTER --- ---
    koupil jsem planetu :)

    Diamond Planet Found—Part of a "Whole New Class?"
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Sir, your spaceship has arrived...

    VIRGO --- ---
    The unique spiral in space spotted by the world's most expensive ground telescope
    (which has astonished scientists with one of its first images)

    A unique spiral structure encircling a dying star has been captured by scientists for the first time.
    The spectacular picture is one of the first to come from the world most expensive ground-based telescope
    which produces images ten times sharper than Hubble. It was built to study molecular clouds like the one
    around the red giant R Sculptoris which is 780 light years from Earth. At 16,000ft up in the Chilean Andes
    the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is also the highest such machine on Earth.

    GIBON_FIODOR --- ---
    Star cluster IC 1396, vytvoril J-P Metsävainio

    neco malo textu a hlavne zdroj io9.com
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