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    DRAGONFotografie z vesmíru a kosmonautiky +videa

    Astro Photography

    máte zajímavou fotografii či video z vesmíru? sem s nimi! Můžou být i vesmírná posunovadla a přibližovadla. Zkrátka všemožné i nemožné pro nás vesmírné nadšence :)

    Nějaký obecný pravidla:
    1) pište k fotkám popisky, co na nich je. Případně i link na další obrázky/povídání/etc. (u vesmirných objektů stačí katalogové číslo).
    2) pokud nevíte, co je na obrázku, nedá se nic dělat. Pokud víte, co je na obrázku v něčím nepopsaném obrázku, neváhejte okomentovat.
    3) pokud možno omezte chat na diskuzi kolem fotografií.
    4) kupte si pořádnou konektivitu, tady se to bude hemžit velkoformátem (čím víc, tím líp! ;-)
    5) užijte si to
    rozbalit záhlaví
    323K13L --- ---
    Ovládat dalekohled přes půl zeměkoule z obýváku je nářez. Barevně mi ta fotka ale přijde dost podivná + histogram je zleva uplně uříznutej.
    Zajímavý, že z Austrálie (kde je noční obloha určitě neuvěřitelná) se někdo připojí na severní polokouli, aby vyfotil objekt, který může fotit na jižní polokouli celý léto : )
    Asi v Austrálii nemaj 20 palcový dalekohledy...
    NACITALKA --- ---
    VIRGO: jen doplnim info o fotografii etc. :]

    Running Man Nebula Captured by Online Space Camera

    The Running Man nebula sprints into the spotlight in this spectacular night sky photo.
    Astrophotographer Dave Larkin took this image in November 2012 from his home in Australia using the Slooh Space Camera's robotic 20-inch telescope located on the Canary Islands off the northwest coast of Africa. The Slooh Space Camera is an online night sky observing service that allows users to view the sky using telescopes around the world.
    "What makes images so special from Slooh is the fact that I am in Australia using an online robotic telescope on the other side of the globe live from the Northern Hemisphere, and to also be able to process the data from the camera into an image from the comfort of my living room is just awesome," Larkin said in an email.

    The Running Man nebula, also known as NGC 1977, is located in the Orion constellation and lies roughly 1,500 light years from Earth. A light-year is the distance light travels in one year, or about 6 trillion miles (10 trillion kilometers).
    Larkin produced this image using data called Fits Files, which are the raw data straight from the CCD camera attached to the Canary Islands telescope. Larkin aligned, stacked and processed the Fits Files with imaging software on his computer.
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    Possibly Habitable Super-Earths - Catalog To Date - YouTube

    The Habitable Exoplanets Catalog - Planetary Habitability Laboratory @ UPR Arecibo

    VIRGO --- ---
    The Astronaut Who Captured a Satellite, 1984

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Curiosity: Sol 121, jen pár hodin staré záběry z Marsu.

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    A Russian telecommunications satellite loaded aboard a Proton rocket, flying under the commercial marketing auspicies of International Launch Services, is scheduled for blastoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Saturday.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Stunning Gallery of Previously Unpublished Images from “Hubble’s Universe”

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Mapa kudy vozítko projelo s vyznačenými důležitými místy až do současnosti - sol 111
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Saturn’s northern hexagon

    Captured with wider angle in this image the hexagon structure can be made out as well as the vortex, which sits at the center just over the pole. Saturn’s hexagon is about 25,000 km (15,500 miles) in diameter… large enough to fit almost four Earths inside. This image was also acquired today.

    Incredible Raw Image of Saturn’s Swirling North Pole
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Unbelievable, this photo is REAL. Saturn slips behind the Moon in a sequence of timed photos taken from Earth... The only adjustment to this photo is the brightness.

    APOD: 2007 March 16 - Eclipsing the Rings

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: A towering Atlas 5 rocket flashed to life and vaulted into space, boosting NASA's $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory rover on an eight-and-a-half-month 352-million-mile voyage to the Red Planet.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA's ingenious moon simulator that helped prepare Apollo astronauts to land where no one had gone before | Mail Online
    NACITALKA --- ---
    Martian Dust Storm, Nov. 18, 2012

    This nearly global mosaic of observations made by the Mars Color Imager on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Nov. 18, 2012,
    shows a dust storm in Mars' southern hemisphere. Small white arrows outline the area where dust from the storm is apparent in the atmosphere.

    Locations of NASA's Mars rovers Opportunity and Curiosity are labeled.

    Black areas in the mosaic are the result of data drops or high angle roll maneuvers by the orbiter that limit the camera's view of the planet.
    Equally-spaced blurry areas that run from south-to-north (bottom-to-top) result from the high off-nadir viewing geometry,
    a product of the spacecraft's low-orbit.

    Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, provided and operates the Mars Color Imager. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
    a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for NASA's Science Mission Directorate,
    Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, is the prime contractor for the project and built the spacecraft.

    Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

    NACITALKA --- ---
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    ten pohled z modulu Cupola je spektakulární... jenom jak se tam rozhlídne do stran, mam husí kůži
    Station Tour: Cupola and Leonardo - YouTube
    HWLLFFRDD --- ---
    Tak když animace, tak animace:

    Animation of Curiosity Rover's First 'Touch and Go' - YouTube
    VIRGO --- ---
    DRAGON: je k tomu cela serka vsech planet a nekterych mesicu :)
    DRAGON --- ---
    samozrejme je to fyzikalne nesmysl, ale pohled by to byl uzasnej :)

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Seen from the International Space Station, the Soyuz TMA-05M descent module begins to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, leaving a plasma trail as the Expedition 33 crew streaks toward a pre-dawn landing on the steppe of Kazakhstan.

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