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    DRAGONFotografie z vesmíru a kosmonautiky +videa
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    James Webb Telescope Model at South by Southwest
    As big as a tennis court and as tall as a four-story building, a full-scale model
    of the James Webb Space Telescope model was on display from March 8-10 at the South
    by Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Comet PAN STARRS over Canmore, AB - YouTube

    Panstarrs over Fuji
    VIRGO --- ---

    mesicni terminator
    VIRGO --- ---
    PanSTARRS z jineho uhlu:
    Animation of comet 2011 L4 PanSTARRS entering STEREO-B’s HI camera,
    note the twin ion/dust tail reminiscent of Hale-Bopp!

    STEREO-B SEES COMET PAN-STARRS: On March 10th, Comet Pan-STARRS passed by the sun
    just inside the orbit of Mercury. The close encounter brought it into the field of view of NASA's
    STEREO-B spacecraft. The sun, Earth, and comet are labeled in this low-resolution beacon
    image from STEREO-B's Heliospheric Imager:

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: JUPI! :)
    Přímý přenos z inaugurace dalekohledu ALMA
    Přímý přenos z inaugurace dalekohledu ALMA | astro.cz

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    (dalsi famozni astrofotograf) John Chumack www.galacticimages.com
    The Sun in Hydrogen Alpha Light - The Full Solar Disk on 03-08-2013
    Lunt Solar LS60Scope/LS50 F, B1200, Hydrogen Alpha Solar filter
    DMK31 fire-wire camera, 1/408 sec exposure, 724 frames
    I captured these Shots during my Lunch break...I was expecting to see a bit more Activity on the Sun
    with Solar Maximum being only a month away, and yes, there are a few Sunspots & some prominences visible!
    I've been hearing that this has been a weaker Solar Maximum. Despite this lower activity, The Sun is always
    Beautiful to see in Hydrogen Alpha Light, and just Maybe it will surprise us with some crazy activity sometime soon!
    I included the blue image to help you see the finer surface detail. North is up in both images!

    VIRGO --- ---
    The Boogie Man Nebula (Hubble/Heritage)
    The Boogie Man Nebula (also known as Lynds’ Dark Nebula (LDN) 1622) is a dark molecular cloud of less than 10 light-years across that lies only 500
    light-years away in the constellation of Orion, close on the sky to Barnard’s Loop and just north of Orion’s belt, near the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy.
    The Boogie Man Nebula appears against a faint background of glowing hydrogen gas. The interstellar dust of this dark nebula is so thick that it obscures
    light from nearby stars or other nebulas. This nebula demonstrates the evolution of stars. Star formation results from the collapse of giant clouds of
    molecular gas and dust. The stars eventually emerge into visibility with their blue light scattering and reflecting off dust particles present in the gas.

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    DRAGON: ne, tvoje rozlišení to není, ale jestliže má google zaindexované maximum 1825px × 1190px, tak ti těžko někdo najde větší :)
    DRAGON --- ---
    TOXICMAN: no moment, to sem udelal predtim nez sem se zeptal a moje rozliseni to nevyplivlo (ted sem na mobilu tak nevim jake rozliseni mi nabizis), tak to se omlouvam, ale fakt sem nenasel..
    VIRGO --- ---
    TOXICMAN: no vidis, to jsem presne udelal, ale hodilo mi to nejvyssi res tech 1000neco.. )
    VIRGO --- ---
    DRAGON --- ---
    VIRGO: pekny, bych bral tenhle obrazek skvrny na plochu, ale bohuzel nikde to nevidim, nemas? :) (mam 2560x1440 desktop)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Modeling Jupiter and Saturn’s possible origins | Carnegie Institution for Science

    VIRGO --- ---
    NACITALKA: vyborna otazka, pani, bohuzel spis mirena pro opravdovyho Curio experta.
    Coz ja nejsem, ale sleduji misi a myslim, ze posledni eso v rukavu byl nedavny program:
    Na tohle se z technickych duvodu cekalo asi nejdyl, ale pokud nekdo vi jeste o necem,
    plz, napiste sem. Taky by me to zajimalo. :)

    NACITALKA --- ---
    VIRGO: a už Curi vyzkoušela všechny své dovednosti, nebo ještě má něco připraveného?
    VIRGO --- ---
    ...a dalsi dobra zprava: slunecni boure neni tak silna, jak se predpokladalo,
    takze Curiosity bude moct (po predchozich nemalych tech. problemech, kdy
    byla obsluha nucena prepnout na "zalozni" kompjutr - no, on je to vlastne
    rovnocenny CPU - B) brzy prepnout do "full working" rezimu...

    NASA SDO - A Quiet Interlude in Solar Max - YouTube

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