SPECTACULAR PROMINENCE, GONE: For the past few days, astronomers around the world have been monitoring
a bushy filament of magnetism dancing along the sun's western limb. Sergio Castillo of Inglewood CA
photographed the structure on May 9th just before it collapsed:
"RING OF FIRE" SOLAR ECLIPSE: As the sun rose over Australia on Friday morning, May 10th,
the solar disk turned into a ring of fire. The day began with an annular solar eclipse:
ICE HALO AROUND THE SUN: On May 6th, Daryl Pederson went to Point Woronzof in Anchorage, Alaska,
to see the USS Anchorage depart. "But," says Pederson, "the sun refused to be outshone." Instead
of photographing the amphibious warship, he recorded this complex ice halo in the sky overhead: