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    ztracené heslo?
    DRAGONFotografie z vesmíru a kosmonautiky +videa
    KOZZINA --- ---
    VIRGO: Diky ;)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Uzasna kratka video sekvence zakrytu Deimosu Phobosem (slozena ze 41 snimku MastCam)
    Martansky sol trva 24h + 40 min, Phobos ma delku obezne periody asi 7.5h, takze se pohybuje
    rychle ve smeru zapad-vychod, Deimosova doba orbity cini 30 hodin, takze se zdanlive pohybuje
    retrogradne. To je dobre viditelne na videu, ale ted mi poprve doklaplo, proc nektere zdroje
    uvadeli retrogradni pohyb Deimosu!!!! (resilo se to i nekde tu...)

    Two Moons Passing in the Martian Night - YouTube
    VIRGO --- ---
    KOZZINA: Paradni!!
    KOZZINA --- ---
    NGC281 - Pacman Nebula - HST palette
    vice informaci o pouzite technice: http://astrofotky.cz/gallery.php?show=ogami/1376568996.jpg

    DRAGON --- ---

    Thomas O'Brien sent SPACE.com this image of the Milky Way over Machu Picchu on July 4, 2013. He captured the photo from Putucusi Mountain, which is located across the Urubamba River Valley from the historic sanctuary of Machu Picchu, Peru. Machu Picchu is the dark, saddle-shaped area between mountains on right side of the image where the arc of the Milky Way intersects with the horizon.
    DRAGON --- ---
    a jeste jedna:

    Astrophotographer Cody Limber sent in a photo of some early Perseid meteors that he caught from his deck on Orcas Island in Washington. The shot combines images taken over the course of four days in August 2013.
    DRAGON --- ---

    Galaxies NGC 799 (below) and NGC 800 (above) lie about 300 million light-years from Earth, in the constellation of Cetus (The Whale). These objects are spiral galaxies, with long arms winding towards bright bulges at their centers. NGC 799 possesses a bar structure, extending from its central bulge, and the spiral arms wind out from the ends of the bar. The small NGC 800 claims three bright spiral arms, whilst NGC 799 only owns two relatively dim, but broad spiral arms. As with all situations when two galaxies sit close enough together, possibly these two galaxies will interact over hundreds of millions of years through gravitational disturbances. Image released August 12, 2013.
    DRAGON --- ---
    a kdyz nam tu (alespon v Praze) branily mraky v pozorovani, tak aspon jeden obrazek z lonska:

    Night sky watcher David Kingham took this photo of the Perseid meteor shower from Snowy Range in Wyoming on August 12, 2012.
    DRAGON --- ---

    The SKYLON concept vehicle consists of a slender fuselage containing propellant tankage and payload bay, with delta wings attached midway along the fuselage carrying the SABRE engines in axisymmetric nacelles on the wingtips. The vehicle takes off and lands horizontally on its own undercarriage.

    Futuristic British Space Plane Engine Set for 2020 Test | Space.com
    DRAGON --- ---

    In this image, two spiral galaxies collide, however they lie millions of light-years away, far beyond the cloud of blue and red stars near the merging spiral. This sprinkling of stars is actually an isolated, irregular dwarf galaxy named ESO 489-056. This galaxy floats 16 million light-years from Earth in the constellation of Canis Major (The Greater Dog). It contains a few billion red and blue stars — a very small number when compared to galaxies like the Milky Way, estimated to contain around 200 to 400 billion stars, or the Andromeda Galaxy, which contains one trillion. Image released August 12, 2013.
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    The Moon, Venus and Jupiter aligned to form a smiley face on May 16, 2010. :)

    VIRGO --- ---
    Takto vyfotil Mars Express jizni marsovsky pol, snimek je kompozitem infracervenho, zeleneho a modreho svetla.
    A Turn of the Kaleidoscope | The Planetary Society

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    KOZZINA --- ---
    STRYX: Ahoj, jedna se o pocet a delku expozic pres jednotlive uzkopasmove filtry.
    STRYX --- ---
    KOZZINA: Ahoj. Moc se v tehlech vecech nevyznam a tak bych se chtel zeptat co znamena v tom technickem infu u expozic to: 22x10min Ha, 23x10min OIII, 51x10min SII?
    HWLLFFRDD --- ---
    Měné známý východ Země, Zond 7, 1969

    KOZZINA --- ---
    Par svesticek z vlastni zahradky ;)

    NGC7000 - Cygnus Wall and Mexican Gulf - Hubble palette
    vice informaci o pouzite technice zde: http://astrofotky.cz/gallery.php?show=ogami/1374934857.jpg

    NGC6992 - Veil Nebula - Hubble palette
    vice informaci o pouzite technice zde: http://astrofotky.cz/gallery.php?show=ogami/1373525244.jpg
    Bicolor verze zde: http://astrofotky.cz/gallery.php?show=ogami/1373350893.jpg

    DRAGON --- ---
    Good morning! Perspective - our Earth & Moon, to scale in size and distance. So near, and yet ...

    Narozdil od Chrise to spis vnimam jako docela dalku, takhle kdyz se nad nama vznasi, tak mi prijde ze bude tak nejak opticky bliz a ona je to takova dalava ;)

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