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    DRAGONFotografie z vesmíru a kosmonautiky +videa
    VIRGO --- ---
    vdB 141 South | Kitt Peak National Observatory
    This image was obtained with the wide-field view of the Mosaic Camera on the Mayall 4-meter telescope
    at Kitt Peak National Observatory. This globule is located just south of vdB 141, a reflection nebula
    located in the constellation Cepheus. This very faint nebula looks like a bird about to take flight.
    North is down and East is to the right. Imaged August 28, 2009.

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    Total Solar Eclipse - 11/3/2013 - YouTube
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    Iris Nebula NGC 7023 | Kitt Peak National Observatory
    This image was obtained with the wide-field view of the Mosaic Camera on the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory
    on August 29th, 2009. NGC 7023, also known as the Iris Nebula because of its flower-like shape, is a bright reflection nebula. The bluish
    glow of the nebula comes from a hot, massive star at the center of the nebula, named HD 200775. Blue light from the star is scattered off
    dust grains in the nebula, giving it its distinctive color. The dust can also be seen on the outer portions of the nebula, where it has a
    faint brownish color and blocks out stars behind it. It was observed in the filters B (blue), V (green), R (orange) and Hydrogen-Alpha (
    red). The image is rotated 30 degrees CCW from North is up, East is to the left.

    VIRGO --- ---
    The Hockey Stick Galaxy
    This image was obtained with the wide-field view of the Mosaic camera on the Mayall 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory.
    NGC 4656, also known informally as the "hockey stick galaxy," is a distorted edge-on spiral galaxy. Its distinctive shape is due to a recent
    gravitational interaction with the galaxy NGC 4631. It is not yet certain, but these two galaxies may be in the early stages of merging. The
    faint object in the upper-left corner may not be part of the galaxy, but instead be a dwarf galaxy in the process of merging with NGC 4656.
    The image was generated with observations in the B (blue), V (green), I (orange) and Hydrogen-Alpha (red) filters. In this image, North
    is up, East is to the left.

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    Reflection Nebula IC426 | Kitt Peak National Observatory
    IC 426 is a reflection nebula in the constellation of Orion. Reflection nebulae often look a ghostly bluish color
    because they reflect scattered light from bright stars nearby (the red light is absorbed by dust in the nebula).
    Mintaka, the westernmost star in the belt of Orion, is thought to be the star illuminating IC 426.

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    Night Visions: Astro La Palma (2 min trailer)
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    C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp, on March 14, 1997

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    The Ghost Nebula
    This image was obtained with the wide-field view of the Mosaic Camera on the Mayall 4-meter telescope
    at Kitt Peak National Observatory. vdB 141 is a reflection nebula located in the constellation Cepheus.
    Sometimes referred to as the ghost nebula, its awkward name is its catalog number in Sidney van den
    Bergh's catalog of reflection nebulae, published in 1966. Several stars are embedded in the nebula. Their
    light gives it a ghoulish brown color. North is down and East is to the right. Imaged August 28, 2009.

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    NGC 7841: The Smoke Nebula

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    Part of the constellation Scorpius centred on NGC 6357 which has star cluster Pismis 24 in its centre.
    This image is a colour composite taken by the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS), the field of view is 3.8x3.3 degrees.

    GREGI --- ---
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    a proč je to škoda? :)
    TURBO --- ---
    VIRGO: škoda, že to neni fotka, ale kompozice, slepenec z povícero zdrojů - http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/LivingEarth/
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    Úžasná fotka hranice dne a noci, jak ji při posledním letu zachytila Columbia:

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    Carina Nebula Landscapes | Hubble Space Telescope
    [Top]: An approximately one-light-year tall "pillar" of cold hydrogen towers above the wall of the molecular cloud.
    The 2.5-million-year-old star cluster called Trumpler 14 appears at the right side of the image. A small nugget of
    cold molecular hydrogen, called a Bok globule, is silhouetted against the star cluster.
    [Middle]: Detailed view of the central portion of the Carina Nebula near the so-called Keyhole Nebula.
    [Bottom]: These great clouds of cold hydrogen resemble summer afternoon thunderheads. They tower above the surface
    of a molecular cloud on the edge of the nebula. So-called "elephant trunk" pillars resist being heated and eaten
    away by blistering ultraviolet radiation from the nebula's brightest stars.

    ADMIX --- ---
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