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    ztracené heslo?
    DRAGONFotografie z vesmíru a kosmonautiky +videa
    DRAGON --- ---
    When the Hubble Telescope snapped this true-color image in April, NASA scientists found Jupiter staring right back at them. That black dot is Ganymede's shadow, crossing Jupiter's Great Red Spot, creating an eerily blank-looking eye. It is almost certainly the eye of a large and emotionally stunted monster.

    The shadows of Jupiter's four major moons--Ganymede, Io, Europa, and Callisto--often cross its surface, the Hubble team reports. So this image is actually not so rare, just well-aligned. Ganymede is the solar system's largest moon, so its shadow is especially impressive.

    For another example of unintentionally spooky stuff in space, check out this image of the sun that NASA captured earlier this month.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Usmejte se, foti vas cinsky Chang’e 5T1
    VIRGO --- ---
    NECROMAN --- ---
    WERT: pekne, zadna tezka kapsle, co mel Baumgartner - hezky jen skafandr pridelany na balon :)
    WERT --- ---
    krapet OT :) ale nevim kam to dat...
    Old Rich Google Man Already Beat Felix Baumgartner’s Space Jump Record
    VIRGO --- ---
    Snímek Siding Spring a Marsu z Hubbleova teleskopu:

    VIRGO --- ---
    Comet 67P | Oct. 18, 2014: Color Image 1 | European Space Agency
    Four-image montage comprising images taken by Rosetta's navigation camera on October 18 from a distance
    of 9.9 km from the center of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (about 7.9 km from the surface). The image
    scale is 66.5 cm/pixel, so each 1024 x 1024 pixel frame making up the montage is about 680 meters across
    Credit: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM
    Processing: 2di7 & titanio44

    Comet 67P | Oct. 18, 2014: Color Image 2 | European Space Agency
    Credit: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM
    Processing: 2di7 & titanio44

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: NavCam z 18/10 a vzdal. 9.9km od stredu (7.9 km od povrchu)
    CometWatch – Cheops’ neighbours | Rosetta - ESA's comet chaser

    DRAGON --- ---
    THERIDANE: ale notak.. ;)
    HWLLFFRDD --- ---
    THERIDANE: Wilhelm Gliese
    THERIDANE --- ---
    DRAGON: protipříklad... podle jakýho boha je pojmenovaná Gliese 581 c? :-)
    DRAGON --- ---
    interesting fact :)

    VIRGO --- ---
    DRAGON: ja bych se obratil na Gersta. Ma to jako soucast PR
    FESTER --- ---
    DRAGON: myslim si ze tyto informace asi bude hodne tezke ziskat kdyz neni pristup k originalnim fotkam ale aspon te to nekam nasmeruje :) furt lepsi neco nez nic....
    DRAGON --- ---
    FESTER: dik, aspon neco. zajima me spis nocni fotky Zeme, jak jsou focene z ISS, kolik maji shutter speed atd. Ale tohle taky pomuze.
    FESTER --- ---
    DRAGON: http://www.robgalbraith.com/content_pagef36e.html?cid=7-10053-10774

    a uplne dole na exif viewer

    snd ti to k necemu pomuze...
    DRAGON --- ---
    Prosimvas, netusite nekdo, kde sehnat informace o tom, jaky jsou zhruba parametry fotografii (exif) kterou jsou porizovany z ISS? Jde mi hlavne o cas, zaverku a iso.
    dik moc
    VIRGO --- ---
    vcerejsi sekvence skupiny skvrn AR 2192, sonda SDO, filtr AIA 1600

    LUDO --- ---

    This excellent view of Mars seen together with Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring was captured by Scott Ferguson, Florida, USA, on 19 October 2014 on the morning that the enigmatic object made the closest-known planetary flyby by a comet.

    It was taken just 17 hours before the closest approach at 18:27 GMT (20:27 CEST), when the 700 m-diameter comet came within 140 000 km of the Red Planet.
    VIRGO --- ---
    DRAGON: ale kdepak pane. To je jen mystifikace, jako když si objednáváš z katalogu
    světoznámé oděvní firmy a vidíš v těch hadrech tu luxusní modelku, a pak si tu mikinu oblečeš, a jsi zklamán až dopr*ele...:)
    Omlouvám se, já byl nedočkavej jak prvnička před velkým randetem, tak už jsem to sem emotivně sypal,
    navíc si na takových simulacích fakt ulítávám...:))
    Realita bude daleko prozaičtější, ale spíše z hlediska vědeckých dat to bude ultrazajímavé.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam