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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
    TADEAS --- ---
    2018 Manuel Echeverría - WikiLeaks’ Unforgivable Liberalism

    This book shows that journalism on the Assange case in the Swedish nation-wide press is propaganda.
    The common view that Swedish journalism is leftist, left-wing feminist or scrutinizes power has no
    grounds in observed journalistic behaviour in this study. The results are instead consistent with
    the predictions of the propaganda model (Chomsky & Herman, 2001). Journalistic docility resulted in
    a homogeneous set of opinions, implying that the thousands of articles' written by independent
    professionals on the payroll of the largest newspapers, could just as well have been written by a
    handful officials instructed to advocate the elite opinion2 on how the Assange case should be

    dl: http://media3.libertarianbooks.se/...ism-%E2%80%93M.Echeverri%CC%81a%E2%80%93LibertarianBooksSwe.pdf
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Art of Revolt: Snowden, Assange, Manning | Geoffroy de Lagasnerie

    Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Manning are key figures in the struggles playing out in our democracies over internet use, state secrets, and mass surveillance in the age of terror. When not decried as traitors, they are seen as whistle-blowers whose crucial revelations are meant to denounce a problem or correct an injustice. Yet, for Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, they are much more than that. Snowden, Assange, and Manning are exemplars who have reinvented an art of revolt. Consciously or not, they have inaugurated a new form of political action and a new identity for the political subject.

    Anonymity as practiced by WikiLeaks and the flight and requests for asylum of Snowden and Assange break with traditional forms of democratic protest. Yet we can hardly dismiss them as acts of cowardice. Rather, as Lagasnerie suggests, such solitary choices challenge us to question classic modes of collective action, calling old conceptions of the state and citizenship into question and inviting us to reformulate the language of critical philosophy. In the process, he pays homage to the actions and lives of these three figures.

    About the author: Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Paris-Cergy, is a French philosopher and sociologist who has been called one of the most influential thinkers in contemporary French culture.

    dl: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=0B8DFF35987C2301F61714FE780C60F3
    TADEAS --- ---
    HANT: oni wikileaks.

    "Claims made by Ecuador's public affairs office that @wikileaks editor @julianassange, arguably the world's best known free speech avtivist, is under a gag agreement, are, perhaps unsurpringly, entirely false." https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/979124333091196928
    HANT --- ---
    TADEAS: Kdo oni? V oficialnim vyjadreni ambasady je, ze porusil dohodu, kterou spolu podepsali ke konci 2017:

    Comunicación Ecuador on Twitter: "COMUNICADO OFICIAL | El Gobierno de Ecuador suspende las comunicaciones de @JulianAssange.… "
    ADM --- ---
    jo tak to dava smysl - nevmesovat se do zalezitosti jinych statu = UK, ve kterym se nachazi ambasada na ktery pobyva
    TADEAS --- ---
    HANT: no oni tvrdi ze zadnou dohodu nemeli. "nevmesovat se do zalezitosti jinych statu", by v tomhle pripade znamenalo drzet hubu a ukoncit svou cinnost :)
    HANT --- ---
    ADM: Konkretne nejspis proto, ze zpochybnoval celou kauzu kolem novicoku. Meli pry psanou dohodu, ze se nebude michat do zalezitosti jinych statu, protoze nedelal Ekvadoru dobre PR:)
    ADM --- ---
    btw. proc Assange vlastne odrizli od netu?
    TADEAS --- ---
    From Pentagon to Paradise - 40+ Years of Whistleblowing >> Elevate Festival 2018 #e18whistleblower
    BLOOD_ELF --- ---
    Prosim podepiste. Diky

    Petition · The government of Ecuador: End Julian Assange's isolation · Change.org
    TADEAS --- ---
    (2005) Representatives of the Czech External Intelligence Service, or UZSI, met with NSA counterintelligence and human intelligence support analysts at NSA headquarters. They traded information and software, and discussed collection of Russian communications. The Czech Republic is now an “official Third Party partner.”

    The NSA, as previously reported, was essentially let inside UZSI’s “SIGINT vault” in early 2005. By late 2005, the U.S. and Czech Republic appeared to have officially solidified their “Third Party” signals intelligence-sharing partnership and UZSI, over the course of at least three visits in six months, presented their American counterparts with a slew of information, largely about Russian government and business interests according to two articles in SIDtoday. These files included information about the communications of Russian and Belarusian arms dealers, banking networks, and counterintelligence targets. They also gave the Americans a program designed to identify Russian words in voice communications. “Our ability to jointly produce valuable SIGINT while enjoying each other’s company and learning about our cultural differences may indeed make this the start of a beautiful friendship,” wrote a staffer from the central European branch of the NSA’s foreign affairs directorate.

    Snowden Archive - Czech Mates?

    Snowden Archive - US, Czech and Japanese -- All at the Same Table
    TADEAS --- ---
    MTO --- ---
    This Weekend: Celebrate the Life and Work of Aaron Swartz at the Internet Archive | Electronic Frontier Foundation
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    BLOOD_ELF: ozeni se s Pamelou?
    BLOOD_ELF --- ---
    Vime kde je ted Assange?
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    C3TV -3 Years After Snowden: Is Germany fighting State Surveillance?

    Snowden: Surveillance is about control - EDRi

    As Snowden pointed out, we’ve repeatedly seen evidence that mass surveillance is actually not effective in stopping terrorism. And yet despite that, we see more and more political support, not only to continue these programmes, but to expand them, and to fund them to even greater levels. As we see in many of EU countries, there is a trend of giving more power to the intelligence agencies, without the reflection of how their activities affect citizens’ rights.


    Democracy is supposed to be the informed consent of the governed. However, if we are not informed, we cannot really consent to what is happening. Snowden revelations and the inquiry committee in Germany have shown that “spy agencies” function in a way that contradicts the principle of democracy, since they are operating in secret and there’s often no control over whether they are breaking laws.

    Snowden pointed out the new harsh surveillance legislation in China and Russia passed with the argument of “just keeping up with the Western world”. He expressed his concern about our society no longer being worried about human rights – we are only barely concerned with the rights of our co-citizens. However, Snowden reminded the audience, human rights are universal, and regulated by several international rights agreements and treaties.

    The fact is that no country is immune to the trend of increasing mass surveillance. Rights are being violated indiscriminately by intelligence agencies, not only in China and Russia, but in the US, Germany, in the UK, in Canada. And as Snowden put it, secret government is necessarily a bad government. In order not to have bad governments, we have to take action. It might seem that Snowden is preaching to the choir, but his appeal to stand for our privacy and the privacy of others still generates much-needed inspiration.

    TOM --- ---
    Hledal jsem nějaký článek, který by vyvracel rumours, že jsou wikileaks pobočkou FSB, ale nacházím jenom potvrzující spekulace. Nevíte o něčem?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Inside The Strange, Paranoid World Of Julian Assange - BuzzFeed News
    GIOMIKY --- ---
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